“Prevent” Once Again Fails To


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The stupidity of the West, in particular Western leftoids and the stupid cowards who bow to their demands.

Just like the two young girls in Utah killed by a car driven by an illegal.

Just so sad.

Remember the tale of Danyal Hussein, the Iraqi-Kurdish immigrant in Britain who’d been identified by Scotland Yard as a Muslim extremist with a propensity for murderousness? And how, rather than doing the—what’s the word?—intelligent thing and sending his Muhammadan ass back to Iraq, the government enrolled him in what’s known as the “Prevent Programme”?

“Prevent” is an “interactive learning experience” designed to “cure” Muslim lunatics of their lunaticary. Through the use of hand puppets and flash cards, Prevent can take the most hardened jihadist and turn him into the kind of lovable Muzzie you can take home to mum.

In theory.

In reality, Prevent is a laundromat for leopards, and damned if those spots never wash off.

After graduating from Prevent, Hussein brutally murdered two British girls.

And now, Prevent has “triumphed” again. The Somali immigrant who savagely assassinated Conservative MP David Amess last week was also a Prevent graduate.

When asked if this latest failure will lead to England deporting suspected terrorists instead of trying to “cure” them, a government spokesman replied, “Bloody ’ell no, ’cuz we’s morons we is we is.”

Maybe there’s a compromise here: Just ask Muslim immigrants if they believe that there are only two genders and only women can get pregnant.

Any who answer “yes” will, by British law, have to be deported as “hate criminals.”

Muslim problem solved!

Like other US national laws, the immigration laws of this country have not kept up or changed with the current problems and reasons for people coming to this country.

Whereas people coming here now aren't coming here to get away from sadistic governments any longer, they are coming here to get free handouts (or so they have been told by the Dems and Libs). This has increased illegal influx over the past few decades by at least 120% from before 1990.

Laws have not changed to fit the ongoing problem of economic collapse by allowing the influx of millions of illegals in this country without them having to pay a price for invading our country.

Laws have not changed to fit national security needs from the ever ongoing and growing need for safety from the threats of illegals.

Laws have not changed to fortify our southern border with military installations to secure our border, lives, and lands.

Laws have not changed to force other countries to PAY for their crimes against the USA by allowing these illegals to filter through their countries and invade ours.

Nothing will change until the LAWS are updated and changed to fit todays problems and todays needs in order to combat ALL illegal activity in this country!!

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