Once again the Supreme Court fails to block Texas abortion law

Who's killing thier offspring?
Pelosi Thanks Millions Of Babies For Sacrificing Their Lives For Women's Rights

"Thank you 60 million babies, for sacrificing your life for the noble cause of reproductive healthcare," she began. "Because of you, and because of millions of activists around the world who came out to abort their children and fight for abortion rights, the world will remember you."

Sources say that over 60 million unborn children have been brutally killed since the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, which has resulted in the spread of reproductive choice for women as well as rapists all around the world. "They did not die in vain," said Pelosi.
Pelosi Thanks Millions Of Babies For Sacrificing Their Lives For Women's Rights

"Thank you 60 million babies, for sacrificing your life for the noble cause of reproductive healthcare," she began. "Because of you, and because of millions of activists around the world who came out to abort their children and fight for abortion rights, the world will remember you."

Sources say that over 60 million unborn children have been brutally killed since the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, which has resulted in the spread of reproductive choice for women as well as rapists all around the world. "They did not die in vain," said Pelosi.

It's ok, though. We know you conservitards can't tell the difference.
Great news! Killing babies is murder.
That is because genetically a baby is someone else from the time it has two cells (conception.) At that point it is a human being in the first of many stages between conception and a natural death.
Emphasis is that the judicial branch needs to understand when human life really begins IS conception. birth is a stage. Dependency on others doesn't start when a baby pops out with somewhat of a hollar when dependency focuses on learning trust through its mother's kindness. It doesn't know what to expect because breathing air for the first time takes some getting used to. The cry gets sympathy and it comes from other people the baby comes to trust and love.
Pelosi Thanks Millions Of Babies For Sacrificing Their Lives For Women's Rights

"Thank you 60 million babies, for sacrificing your life for the noble cause of reproductive healthcare," she began. "Because of you, and because of millions of activists around the world who came out to abort their children and fight for abortion rights, the world will remember you."

Sources say that over 60 million unborn children have been brutally killed since the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, which has resulted in the spread of reproductive choice for women as well as rapists all around the world. "They did not die in vain," said Pelosi.
yes they did die in vain. Pelosi lives in freedom to speak whatever vomitus comes to her mind. She doesn't give a damn about the babies she is thanking for the diabolical goal of getting respect for criminal acts ignored. She should have one of her arms dismembered without pain killers to know how very ridiculous her damn trashy inappropriate talk is. And she should be locked up in the same room with that dismembered arm for the rest of her life to know what only one of those 60 million bloody murdered cherubs went through. Oh, and while she's losing the arm they might as well take out her tongue too. Then she will find out how it was for each of them not to be able to tell someone how much they are hurting. What a hideously beastly soul dwells up in that horrible woman's murder prospering being.
No one is killing babies. Let us know when you have a utirus. Until then, stfu
"stfu" is short for being intolerant of other people's free speech. I sentence you to a 2 year term in Siberia where people are regularly sent because they didn't "stfu". Please think before you deny others their rightful freedom of sspeech. Thank you.
I fully believe in abortion, just not for murdering babies like you love to do, I would not hesitate to abort any human who so much as whispers support for murdering a baby, or babies! Thats right, I would be perfectly content to see sub-human filth such as yourself, aborted out of hand! You have proven yourself unworthy of life, you have proven yourself an enemy of the earth and all who walk upon it, you, and all like you, should be subjected to the exact same methods of murder, you perpetrated upon the most defenseless of creation, you all so richly deserve exactly that! :fu:
I’m pro-choice AND pro-life. Abortion is a bad thing, but sometimes it’s the least bad choice a woman has. There are times in life when all you have are bad choices.

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