President's Trump's D-Day Speech Confirms Him Among The Top 5 Presidents in US History.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.
Life is good...

Okay Mac, you recited the MSM/DNC taking points. That said we are on common ground at this point. Let's continue to find common ground meh neegah!
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So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?
Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.
Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

All the while forgetting that the man you worship is an obese fast food eating dotard
Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

All the while forgetting that the man you worship is an obese fast food eating dotard
We're operating under all new standards & expectations now.
He had a very successful trip to the UK, and Europe. I'd rather he stop the immature tone of his Tweets though, and I am a Trump supporter, and if he stays they course will vote for him in 2020.
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

President Trump, honoring the real combat veteran and soldiers who have served, suffered and lost for this great nation, not the pseudo-faux, weekend-warrior baby stalker type attention seekers like McStalker ButtRocket. President Trump, the most competent, fit, loyal, patriot Commander-In-Chief to serve in the Oval Office in generations, the American ideal of Nation-first, unapologetic, determined, full-steam-ahead, take no prisoners, good-looking, clean-cut, moral, hard working. Has sacrificed an untold amount, personally, financially, to steer the nation back onto track after years of damage by the Democrat-Socialist America-hating Scum.

Donald Trump, the Timex President: can take anything the Left tries to throw at him and still is ticking loud and clear with the hearts and trust of America.

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So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

President Trump, honoring the real combat veteran and soldiers who have served, suffered and lost for this great nation, not the pseudo-faux, weekend-warrior baby stalker type attention seekers like McStalker ButtRocket. President Trump, the most competent, fit, loyal, patriot to serve in the Oval Office in generations, the American ideal of Nation-first, unapologetic, determined, good-looking, clean-cut, moral. Has sacrificed an untold amount, personally, financially, to steer the nation back onto track after years of damage by the Democrat-Socialist America-hating Scum.

Donald Trump, the Timex President: can take anything the Left tries to throw at him and still is ticking loud and clear with the hearts and trust of America.

View attachment 264240

And the worship continues! You are a good and faithful cult member.

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Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

All the while forgetting that the man you worship is an obese fast food eating dotard

Liar. Fool. More fake news from the Lying Left. Obese, you mean like THIS, jerkoff:


I don't see any OBESE HERE:
















Funny that all of the Orange hair and skin, the fast food, big cans and rolling pot bellies only ever show up on the Leftard approved, retouch, photoshoped doctored pictures made for the asshole Trump-bashers on the Left.
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Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.

What a Hoot...

A Tard talking about a President reading a speech after 8 years of obozo...

Well... At least Trump didn’t steal the speech like bite me biden....

You Tards and your Butt Hurt are a never ending source of amusement.....
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Yeah....sure wish Obama could have done the same when he goes overseas on his apology tours...but that's water under the bridge.

Just the other day Obama was in Brazil telling everyone that we Americans buy our AR-15s practically on Amazon.
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

You Tards are no doubt a cancer on America....

We would all be better off without you and your perversions.

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