Presidential candidate Gary Johnson on CNN’s silence: ‘Really disheartening’


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
It has been five days since CNN announced that presidential candidate Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico, will be excluded from next week’s debate in New Hampshire.

In that time, Johnson has garnered a wealth of support, though CNN has remained steadfast in requiring candidates to receive at least two percent in the polls.

In an interview with The Daily Caller, Johnson called it “really disheartening” and “really disappointing.”

“I never contemplated being excluded from the debate table,” he said. At this point, he’s no longer hopeful that CNN and the other debate sponsors will have a change of heart.

Gary Johnson | CNN Presidential Debate | Really Disheartening | The Daily Caller

I'm don't support Gary Johnson for President, but I think keeping a declared candidate out of the debates, especially this early in the race, is ridiculous. This is clearly just another example of the media playing gatekeeper as to who the people can choose for President.
I agree. I for one would like to keep the field as open as possible.

Johnson still has an outside shot at my support.

I'm not a fan of legalizing drugs, but I think he is has integrity, and isn't afraid to be honest about his positions.

That goes a long way with me.
I don't like him much at all but as a Ron Paul supporter I understand what he is going though. There is no doubt in my mind Fox/CNN/MSNBC/whatever would love to kick everyone out but Obama and Mitt... 2 people that would run the country just like Bush, it makes for great news!

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