President Trump’s Immigration Principles and Policies


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

They can’t be clearer. And in accordance with existing laws.

President Donald J. Trumps Letter to House and Senate Leaders:

I am pleased to transmit to you my Administration’s principles for reforming our Nation’s immigration system. In 2012, after the Congress rejected legislation offering legal status and work permits to illegal immigrants, the previous Administration bypassed the Congress and granted those same benefits unilaterally. These actions threatened Congress’s status as a coequal branch of Government and have resulted in a surge of illegal immigration.

As President, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution, which makes clear that all legislative powers are vested in the Congress, not the President.

I, therefore, tasked the relevant executive departments and agencies to conduct a bottom-up review of all immigration policies to determine what legislative reforms are essential for America’s economic and national security. Rather than asking what policies are supported by special interests, we asked America’s law enforcement professionals to identify reforms that are vital to protect the national interest. In response, they identified dangerous loopholes, outdated laws, and easily exploited vulnerabilities in our immigration system current policies that are harming ourcountry and our communities.

I have enclosed the detailed findings of this effort. These findings outline reforms that must be included as part of any legislation addressing the status of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. Without these reforms, illegal immigration and chain migration, which severely and unfairly burden American workers and taxpayers, will continue without end.

Immigration reform must create more jobs, higher wages, and greater security for Americans — now and for future generations. The reforms outlined in the enclosure are necessary to ensure prosperity, opportunity, and safety for every member of our national family.


Donald J. Trump

Very detailed list of goals and efforts follow:

1. Border Security

2. Interior Enforcement

3. Merit-Based Immigration System

I don;’t think anything could ever be clearer. And, reading the details shows it is a fair and equitable policy without racism. It also shows just how astute our president is.

All details @ President Trump Sends Letter To Congress Outlining Immigration Principles and Policies…
Seven of the Many Problems with Trump’s Immigration Principles

Everyone had to know this was coming. Chucky and Nancy have already screamed their opposition to them so why not a Lefty like the Cato Institute?

1) Not a single pro-immigrant plank

2) An expensive ugly border wall

3) Criminalizing nonviolent civil offenses

4) Penalties for visa overstays that will backfire

5) “Merit-based” immigration that doesn’t reward merit and punishes immigrant families and refugees

6) Unnecessarily cruel asylum policies

7) E-Verify’s electronic national ID system

Lots of specifics and more @ Seven of the Many Problems with Trump’s Immigration Principles
Nice touch: Trump's wall will be paid for with fees on immigrant benefits. Yes, America, we're bringing in ppl who IMMEDIATELY GO ON WELFARE

It would be as if the Yankees were required to hire players who immediately go on the injured list. That's our immigration policy!
Hey, Mitch McConnell! You want a win? Have the Senate vote on Trump's 80% popular immigration proposals, point by point.
Trump immigration plan: Prevent gang members from receiving immigration benefits. PLEASE GOD, LET DEMS FIGHT THAT.
Seven of the Many Problems with Trump’s Immigration Principles

Everyone had to know this was coming. Chucky and Nancy have already screamed their opposition to them so why not a Lefty like the Cato Institute?

1) Not a single pro-immigrant plank

2) An expensive ugly border wall

3) Criminalizing nonviolent civil offenses

4) Penalties for visa overstays that will backfire

5) “Merit-based” immigration that doesn’t reward merit and punishes immigrant families and refugees

6) Unnecessarily cruel asylum policies

7) E-Verify’s electronic national ID system

Lots of specifics and more @ Seven of the Many Problems with Trump’s Immigration Principles

Wow. That sounds wonderful when they put it that way.
Among other things, the plan calls for:

Border Security:

-- Complete construction of the southern border wall, to be paid for in part by allowing the Department of Homeland Security to raise fees from the processing of immigration-benefit applications;
-- Prompt removal of minors, including unaccompanied alien children, and relatives crossing the border illegally.
-- Stricter standards for people who claim asylum;
-- Expand the expedited removal process, including hiring an additional 370 Immigration Judges and 1,000 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement attorneys;

Interior Enforcement:

-- Stop sanctuary cities by making them ineligible for certain federal grants;
-- Hire an additional 10,000 ICE officers and 300 Federal prosecutors to handle immigration cases and boost law enforcement;
-- End visa overstays;
-- End catch-and-release;
-- Prevent gang members from receiving immigration benefits.
-- Protect U.S. workers by requiring E-Verify and strengthening laws to stop employment discrimination against U.S. workers.

Merit-Based Reforms:

-- End chain migration by limiting family-based green cards to spouses and minor children of immigrants who are here legally;
-- Establish a point-based system for awarding green cards that protects U.S. workers and taxpayers, encourages assimilation, and ensures the financial self-sufficiency of newcomers;
-- Eliminate the ‘Diversity Visa’ lottery that awards 50,000 green cards at random to foreign nationals, many of whom have absolutely no ties to the United States, no special skills, and limited education;
-- Set the number of refugees at an ‘appropriate level’.

What's not to like?
Trump's immigration plan FINALLY ends insane "Immigration Lottery!" Because that's how a great country should choose immigrants - a lottery!

Isn't that how Kate Upton picks her boyfriends? She has a LOTTERY! Why shouldn't losers have as much of a chance as a professional athlete?
New Trump 2020 campaign slogan: 'Not What You Voted for, But Slightly Tougher on Immigration Than Rubio!'
Isn't it interesting that absolutely no liberals have the balls to take on the Trump immigration plan directly?

Instead, they avoid threads like this, and try to spread emotional guilt about poor little kids.
Isn't it interesting that absolutely no liberals have the balls to take on the Trump immigration plan directly?

Instead, they avoid threads like this, and try to spread emotional guilt about poor little kids.

Issues? Hell no!
If walls don't work then why does the EU want Hungary to take down its border fence?

Well, obviously --- it doesn't work, and costs too much. That money could be used to support all those illegal immigrants pouring thru the fence in your picture.

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