President Trump won all 50 states against Crooked Hillary among white high school students


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
wow...just wow!

If true, that would just be further proof that our educational system has gone to shit.
Above, I posted the following:
President Trump won all 50 states against Crooked Hillary among white high school students

There's a reason, well, several in fact, minors aren't enfranchised.

I posted that based only on seeing the thread title. Having now seen the OP, it's apparent to me that at least one enfranchised adult doesn't deserve to be.

Here is the map the OP-er included in the OP:


Based on that map and the words in the title, it's clear the OP is either colorblind or thinks that CA, AK, DE, VT, NH and UT are not among the 50 states. Maybe the OP-er can't count higher than 40, or perhaps s/he cannot perform the mathematical operation of subtraction?
President Trump won all 50 states against Crooked Hillary among white high school students
That's even before considering that the map presented could well be a complete fabrication produced by the OP-er: the image itself isn't linked to a source webpage and it has no attribution information printed on it. Why might that be?
Fake. Where does this poll even come from?

Here is a legit link & it's among ALL teens not just gringos! Shocking but I love it because liberals want to turn America into a 3rd world HELLHOLE!!

Donald Trump would win by a landslide if American teenagers got to choose the next president, according to a new poll.

A solid 47.1 percent of high school students backed Trump while only 32.6 percent voted for Hillary Clinton in a recent online mock election, according to After School, the country’s largest teen-focused social network. Trump also trounced Clinton in 42 of 50 states, according to the poll, in which 106,608 teens voted from Oct. 14-21 by using an app.

After School organizers told The Post they were surprised by the results but believe it shows the Selfie Generation loves The Donald because he’s a “political outsider” who shares teens’ “anti-establishment” values.

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