The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Syria is Congress’ Problem and The Previous Adminstration’s Problem.

It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing.

Congress stood by with their thumbs up their asses when Obama Unconstitutionally sent troops to Syria for a show.

Again, Congress did nothing just like they did Nothing while Obama personally saw to it to make sure ISIS took over The Middle East.

For Once, Congress should be made to stand up and carry out their Constitutional Duties!

Mr, President:

Force Congress to do their jobs and vote to declare war on Syria and then If they act and actually carry out their duty to act, you then act as The Commander In Chief and Raise Holy Hell then, but only then! Once Authorized, Level Damascus in to a pile of Rubble!

It’s time Congress to take responsibility for their duties for which they were elected and paid for to carry out!
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Syria is Congress’ Problem and The Previous Adminstration’s Problem.

It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing.

Congress stood by with their thumbs up their asses when Obama Unconstitutionally sent troops to Syria for a show.

Again, Congress did nothing just like they did Nothing while Obama personally saw to it to make sure ISIS took over The Middle East.

For Once, Congress should be made to stand up and carry out their Constitutional Duties!

Mr, President:

Force Congress to do their jobs and vote to declare war on Syria and then If they act and actually carry out their duty to act, you then act as The Commander In Chief and Raise Holy Hell then, but only then! Once Authorized, Level Damascus in to a pile of Rubble!

It’s time Congress to take responsibility for their duties for which they were elected and paid for to carry out!
Congress needs to stop Trump, we don't need another failed, illegal war.
Syria is Congress’ Problem and The Previous Adminstration’s Problem.

It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing.

Congress stood by with their thumbs up their asses when Obama Unconstitutionally sent troops to Syria for a show.

Again, Congress did nothing just like they did Nothing while Obama personally saw to it to make sure ISIS took over The Middle East.

For Once, Congress should be made to stand up and carry out their Constitutional Duties!

Mr, President:

Force Congress to do their jobs and vote to declare war on Syria and then If they act and actually carry out their duty to act, you then act as The Commander In Chief and Raise Holy Hell then, but only then! Once Authorized, Level Damascus in to a pile of Rubble!

It’s time Congress to take responsibility for their duties for which they were elected and paid for to carry out!
Congress needs to stop Trump, we don't need another failed, illegal war.

Sure, maybe Trump can draw a red line.
Syria is Congress’ Problem and The Previous Adminstration’s Problem.

It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing.

Congress stood by with their thumbs up their asses when Obama Unconstitutionally sent troops to Syria for a show.

Again, Congress did nothing just like they did Nothing while Obama personally saw to it to make sure ISIS took over The Middle East.

For Once, Congress should be made to stand up and carry out their Constitutional Duties!

Mr, President:

Force Congress to do their jobs and vote to declare war on Syria and then If they act and actually carry out their duty to act, you then act as The Commander In Chief and Raise Holy Hell then, but only then! Once Authorized, Level Damascus in to a pile of Rubble!

It’s time Congress to take responsibility for their duties for which they were elected and paid for to carry out!
Congress needs to stop Trump, we don't need another failed, illegal war.
Obama took us to Syria not Trump.

President Trump Needs To Force Congress To Act On Syria
  • How is he supposed to "force" a co-equal branch of government to do anything it's disinclined to do?
  • Has it not occurred to the OP-er that Congress is the most powerful branch of government? Congress can force a POTUS to do things, not the other way round.
Syria is merely a pawn. Russia's plan is to lead turkey and iran into israel. Damascus is almost done.
Russia's plan is to instigate a Civil War in The US tying us down at home while they recover the satellite states of the Old Soviet Union and establish themselves in The Middle East.
Syria is Congress’ Problem and The Previous Adminstration’s Problem.

It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing.

Congress stood by with their thumbs up their asses when Obama Unconstitutionally sent troops to Syria for a show.

Again, Congress did nothing just like they did Nothing while Obama personally saw to it to make sure ISIS took over The Middle East.

For Once, Congress should be made to stand up and carry out their Constitutional Duties!

Mr, President:

Force Congress to do their jobs and vote to declare war on Syria and then If they act and actually carry out their duty to act, you then act as The Commander In Chief and Raise Holy Hell then, but only then! Once Authorized, Level Damascus in to a pile of Rubble!

It’s time Congress to take responsibility for their duties for which they were elected and paid for to carry out!

Force Congress? So now Trumpservatives want to deconstruct the separation of powers too.
It is Congress' Responsibility to Declare War and Authorize Military Action.

By Force, I mean, put the Ball IN THEIR COURT where only IT SHOULD BE.

If the War Hawks in Congress want us to go and Bomb The Shit out of Syria and Russia, put their name to a Vote and make it a matter of THE PUBLIC RECORD like The Framers of The Constitution Intended!
The question still remains, why won’t Congress carry out their Constituional duties?

If Career Bureacrats and War Hawks want wat, they should go on the record and vote for it.
It is Congress' Responsibility to Declare War and Authorize Military Action.

By Force, I mean, put the Ball IN THEIR COURT where only IT SHOULD BE.

If the War Hawks in Congress want us to go and Bomb The Shit out of Syria and Russia, put their name to a Vote and make it a matter of THE PUBLIC RECORD like The Framers of The Constitution Intended!

They haven't made a formal declaration of war since WW2. Everything after WW2 has been a disastrous quagmire.
Syria is merely a pawn. Russia's plan is to lead turkey and iran into israel. Damascus is almost done.

Actually a better argument is the USA is a pawn of Israel and used to destabilize all the surrounding countries of Israel, meanwhile battle to manipulate the Western world into self destruction by encouraging insane immigration policies, while their own are strictly Jewish only.
Syria is merely a pawn. Russia's plan is to lead turkey and iran into israel. Damascus is almost done.

Actually a better argument is the USA is a pawn of Israel and used to destabilize all the surrounding countries of Israel, meanwhile battle to manipulate the Western world into self destruction by encouraging insane immigration policies, while their own are strictly Jewish only.

No, syria is the pawn. Its just a place where all the powers are meeting with ulterior motives. Iran, turkey, and russia's primary objective is to invade israel and control the natural gas and oil. Syria is just the staging area.
Syria is merely a pawn. Russia's plan is to lead turkey and iran into israel. Damascus is almost done.

Actually a better argument is the USA is a pawn of Israel and used to destabilize all the surrounding countries of Israel, meanwhile battle to manipulate the Western world into self destruction by encouraging insane immigration policies, while their own are strictly Jewish only.

No, syria is the pawn. Its just a place where all the powers are meeting with ulterior motives. Iran, turkey, and russia's primary objective is to invade israel and control the natural gas and oil. Syria is just the staging area.

There’s no oil in Israel.
Syria is merely a pawn. Russia's plan is to lead turkey and iran into israel. Damascus is almost done.

Actually a better argument is the USA is a pawn of Israel and used to destabilize all the surrounding countries of Israel, meanwhile battle to manipulate the Western world into self destruction by encouraging insane immigration policies, while their own are strictly Jewish only.

No, syria is the pawn. Its just a place where all the powers are meeting with ulterior motives. Iran, turkey, and russia's primary objective is to invade israel and control the natural gas and oil. Syria is just the staging area.

There’s no oil in Israel.

Afek made a major oil shale discovery in 2015. Now, they're determining how much is provable. Tamar and leviathan are the natural gas fields, leviathan is the largest natural gas field in the world.
Which is exactly why we need to return to a more Comstitutional Form of Government.

Get rid of all these Bureacrats and thousands of ABC agencies.

Get rid of Continuing Resolutiona amd Force Congress to pass a Balenced budget.

Pass a balanced Bidget amendment.

If you can’t do that, give The President a line item Veto.

Do something.

Something has to change.

Start with term limits maybe.

It is Congress' Responsibility to Declare War and Authorize Military Action.

By Force, I mean, put the Ball IN THEIR COURT where only IT SHOULD BE.

If the War Hawks in Congress want us to go and Bomb The Shit out of Syria and Russia, put their name to a Vote and make it a matter of THE PUBLIC RECORD like The Framers of The Constitution Intended!

They haven't made a formal declaration of war since WW2. Everything after WW2 has been a disastrous quagmire.
I know one thing, Russia in no way or shape or form wanted President Trump.

Clinton and Obama dealt with them and were always willing to make deals with them.

Russia lines Energy of any kind. And it would not surprise me that they were rampaging around in The Middle East for just that purpose now.

Syria is merely a pawn. Russia's plan is to lead turkey and iran into israel. Damascus is almost done.

Actually a better argument is the USA is a pawn of Israel and used to destabilize all the surrounding countries of Israel, meanwhile battle to manipulate the Western world into self destruction by encouraging insane immigration policies, while their own are strictly Jewish only.

No, syria is the pawn. Its just a place where all the powers are meeting with ulterior motives. Iran, turkey, and russia's primary objective is to invade israel and control the natural gas and oil. Syria is just the staging area.

There’s no oil in Israel.

Afek made a major oil shale discovery in 2015. Now, they're determining how much is provable. Tamar and leviathan are the natural gas fields, leviathan is the largest natural gas field in the world.
I know one thing, Russia in no way or shape or form wanted President Trump.

Clinton and Obama dealt with them and were always willing to make deals with them.

Russia lines Energy of any kind. And it would not surprise me that they were rampaging around in The Middle East for just that purpose now.

Syria is merely a pawn. Russia's plan is to lead turkey and iran into israel. Damascus is almost done.

Actually a better argument is the USA is a pawn of Israel and used to destabilize all the surrounding countries of Israel, meanwhile battle to manipulate the Western world into self destruction by encouraging insane immigration policies, while their own are strictly Jewish only.

No, syria is the pawn. Its just a place where all the powers are meeting with ulterior motives. Iran, turkey, and russia's primary objective is to invade israel and control the natural gas and oil. Syria is just the staging area.

There’s no oil in Israel.

Afek made a major oil shale discovery in 2015. Now, they're determining how much is provable. Tamar and leviathan are the natural gas fields, leviathan is the largest natural gas field in the world.

That's exactly whats happening, There are also two major pipelines that go through syria to europe, one US backed and the other russia backed. Hint, hint, hint.
Now Imagine if Clinton became President. Russia would be our best friend.

Remember Obama saying to everyone that there was no way Russia could interfere in our election?

That’s actually completely true.
You cannot hack our voting machines. You can register illegals to vote but you can’t hack them.

And all the while the DNC Clinton and Obama were soliciting Russia’s help to keep President Trump out of The White House. The FBI & DOJ went along with The Insurance Policy and still are to this day.

The only thing that changed is that Clinton Lost and The Globalists And The Leftist Communists in The Democrat Party need him out of the way.

It’s coming no matter what. Trump is just a speed bump in the way of The coming Global Government.

I know one thing, Russia in no way or shape or form wanted President Trump.

Clinton and Obama dealt with them and were always willing to make deals with them.

Russia lines Energy of any kind. And it would not surprise me that they were rampaging around in The Middle East for just that purpose now.

Actually a better argument is the USA is a pawn of Israel and used to destabilize all the surrounding countries of Israel, meanwhile battle to manipulate the Western world into self destruction by encouraging insane immigration policies, while their own are strictly Jewish only.

No, syria is the pawn. Its just a place where all the powers are meeting with ulterior motives. Iran, turkey, and russia's primary objective is to invade israel and control the natural gas and oil. Syria is just the staging area.

There’s no oil in Israel.

Afek made a major oil shale discovery in 2015. Now, they're determining how much is provable. Tamar and leviathan are the natural gas fields, leviathan is the largest natural gas field in the world.

That's exactly whats happening, There are also two major pipelines that go through syria to europe, one US backed and the other russia backed. Hint, hint, hint.
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