President Ronald Reagan In His Own Words

It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

The libs hate Reagan because of what he stood for, no surprise there. They slam the founders as racist, they site the 3/5th clause as evidence of that, which is totally the opposite of the truth. Its the dumbing down of this country by the libs, revisionists history liberals love ignorance The less people know the easier it is for them to step in with big government to "fix" it

Not really.

But rose colored glasses are basically what Conservatives and their ilk excell at.

Revising history and constructing outright fairy tales does not a good outcome make.

And by the way...Washington never chopped down a cherry tree and uttered "I cannot tell a lie". But he did own slaves.
It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

The libs hate Reagan because of what he stood for, no surprise there.

Correct. He stood for corporations over citizens, fundamentalist charlatans over womens' rights, supporting murderers in Nicaragua and Iraq, and violating the Constitution.

You're damn right we hated what he stood for!

:cuckoo: More proof of what I posted. Revisionist stupidity, your post isn't even worth a respond, learn a little then get back to me
It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

The libs hate Reagan because of what he stood for, no surprise there. They slam the founders as racist, they site the 3/5th clause as evidence of that, which is totally the opposite of the truth. Its the dumbing down of this country by the libs, revisionists history liberals love ignorance The less people know the easier it is for them to step in with big government to "fix" it

Not really.

But rose colored glasses are basically what Conservatives and their ilk excell at.

Revising history and constructing outright fairy tales does not a good outcome make.

And by the way...Washington never chopped down a cherry tree and uttered "I cannot tell a lie". But he did own slaves.

Come back at me with some facts, other then that you're post is mindless drivee.
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Reagan was an actor. He had no words of his own.

An actor is a professional liar.

Really? Reagan was a deep thinker a former Dem that realized that was the wrong way to go he wrote his own speeches in his early years. Love this speech...

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It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

get the fuck out of my country!!! :rofl:

I voted for McCain


gawd, what a kneejerk pathetic loser most wingnuts are :eusa_shhh:
The libs hate Reagan because of what he stood for, no surprise there. They slam the founders as racist, they site the 3/5th clause as evidence of that, which is totally the opposite of the truth. Its the dumbing down of this country by the libs, revisionists history liberals love ignorance The less people know the easier it is for them to step in with big government to "fix" it

Not really.

But rose colored glasses are basically what Conservatives and their ilk excell at.

Revising history and constructing outright fairy tales does not a good outcome make.

And by the way...Washington never chopped down a cherry tree and uttered "I cannot tell a lie". But he did own slaves.

Come back at me with some facts, other then that you're post is mindless drivee.


I'd have to come back with mindless drivel to satisfy your standards.

As your world..facts are mindless drivel and mindless drive is fact.

I've posted what Reagan did..and I've posted stuff to back up what I put out there.

What Reagan did in the Iran/Contra "Affair" was serious. Very serious. It wasn't an affair it was a crime.

And it's as simple as that.
Not really.

But rose colored glasses are basically what Conservatives and their ilk excell at.

Revising history and constructing outright fairy tales does not a good outcome make.

And by the way...Washington never chopped down a cherry tree and uttered "I cannot tell a lie". But he did own slaves.

Come back at me with some facts, other then that you're post is mindless drivee.


I'd have to come back with mindless drivel to satisfy your standards.

As your world..facts are mindless drivel and mindless drive is fact.

I've posted what Reagan did..and I've posted stuff to back up what I put out there.

What Reagan did in the Iran/Contra "Affair" was serious. Very serious. It wasn't an affair it was a crime.

And it's as simple as that.

It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

get the fuck out of my country!!! :rofl:

I voted for McCain


gawd, what a kneejerk pathetic loser most wingnuts are :eusa_shhh:

I voted for John Kerry. A real American Hero. Not like John McCain. Who wrecked several planes that he was piloting and was responsible for the worst naval accident in American history.
It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

get the fuck out of my country!!! :rofl:

I voted for McCain


gawd, what a kneejerk pathetic loser most wingnuts are :eusa_shhh:

I voted for John Kerry. A real American Hero. Not like John McCain. Who wrecked several planes that he was piloting and was responsible for the worst naval accident in American history.

I did more than vote for Senator Kerry. But he ran against Bush not McCain.

I consider
It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

get the fuck out of my country!!! :rofl:

I voted for McCain


gawd, what a kneejerk pathetic loser most wingnuts are :eusa_shhh:

I voted for John Kerry. A real American Hero. Not like John McCain. Who wrecked several planes that he was piloting and was responsible for the worst naval accident in American history.

I did more than vote for Senator Kerry. But he ran against Bush not McCain.

I consider both Johns to be war heroes
It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

get the fuck out of my country!!! :rofl:

I voted for McCain


gawd, what a kneejerk pathetic loser most wingnuts are :eusa_shhh:

I voted for John Kerry. A real American Hero. Not like John McCain. Who wrecked several planes that he was piloting and was responsible for the worst naval accident in American history.

President Ronald Reagan In His Own Words :eusa_whistle:

"Government can and must provide opportunity...foster productivity..." - President Ronald Reagan - 1981 - Inaugural Address

"How can we love our county and not love our countrymen, and loving them reach out a hand when they fall, heal them when they're sick, and provide opportunity to make them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory?"
- Reagan reflecting on "the compassion that is so much a part of the make up of America."


Ronald Reagan February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004

This Sunday will be Reagan's 100th birthday. What can we do to show the man in his own words? Plenty.

and we had this type of discussion way back...


can we compare what people are saying, have said against reality?

It's hilarious how these moonbats want to falsely frame Reagan as a traitor when they all voted for a draft dodger in the 90's and an america hating radical over an american hero in 2008....:lol:

get the fuck out of my country!!! :rofl:

I voted for McCain


gawd, what a kneejerk pathetic loser most wingnuts are :eusa_shhh:

Did you seriously vote for McCain?

It wasn't exactly a vote FOR McCain, but yes. Yes I did. :cool:

In late 2006, his top strategist, David Axelrod, laid out an Obama-as-Reagan theory of the race. "I remember talking about the fact that this had the potential to be one of those big-change elections like 1980," Axelrod says now. "The Republican project seemed to have run out of gas." Axelrod believed the political pendulum, which had swung left with the New Deal and had been reversed by Reagan, was once again reaching the end of its arc. (See Patti Davis on her father Ronald Reagan's best qualities.)

Among Obama loyalists, the Reagan theory was received wisdom, and for political reasons it was closely held. In January 2008, Obama broke cover. "I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not," Obama told a newspaper editorial board in Nevada. "He tapped into what people were already feeling, which is, We want clarity, we want optimism." Obama's comments inflamed the Democratic left (not to mention the Clinton operation), but his aides thought little of it at the time. "I basically told headquarters, 'Sorry I didn't call this in,'" remembers Gibbs, who was traveling with Obama at the time. "I had just heard him say this so many times."

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