President Romney: Day One


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
If Mitt Romney is to be believed, his first day as president would be pretty busy. But are his plans realistic?

Romney has made a handful of promises about what he would do on day one of his presidency. He's promised to approve the Keystone pipeline that President Obama stopped, cut taxes and change the tax code, begin the process to end Obama's health care law, lower the deficit, tell China to trade fairly, and remove regulations he says hamper job growth.

But some questions remain — like, how feasible is it that Romney would be able to get everything he wants passed by Congress? Would the Tea Party stand up for its causes early on, and would Democrats work with him? And what can Romney actually do to create jobs, as he's promised?

Beyond that, Romney would still probably face a high unemployment rate, and, like Obama, would have to fight parts of his own party no matter what path he chooses to spur the economy. Fresh off a primary in which he made promises to the far right on cutting spending, ending Obamacare and erasing taxes, the practical path for Romney the Job Creator isn't crystal clear.

And still reeling slightly from a primary in which all of their ad hoc heroes fell by either their own doing or a barrage of super PAC ads, right-wing Republicans are hoping that Romney stands by the promises he made to win their votes.

Even if he lands with a majority in both the House and Senate - if said majority is split between traditional Republicans and Tea Party R's, he's going to have an uphill battle.

President Mitt Romney on Day One: A Survival Guide - ABC News
We owe China a shitload of money. There's no way any president is going to telll them how to conduct their business.
In the unlikely event Romney is elected to the Presidency, his biggest concern in the early days, if not on Day One, will be stemming the "brain drain." Tens of millions of Americans, the best and the brightest, will be emigrating, most to Canada, of course, but some will leave for other countries. Romney will look at the exodus in horror, realizing that, with Progressives, Liberals and other Democrats departing in droves, he will left with his base. What greater nightmare could he face than the prospect of a country filled with those who elected him?
Romney 1st day:

1. "I can't repeal ObamaCare, I don't have the votes". (If SC hadn't already struck it down.
2. "I want more Free Trade Agreements".
3. "The Fed should print more money, no need for an audit". (If the dollar still exists)
4. "We need to continue the wars Bush and Obama started plus we should invade Africa under the UN banner".
The one thing Romeny will do is nothing. Nothing to further destroy the country. Will that be enough to entice our most productive people back to the US? Will it be enough to convince companies that we are again a safe place to do business? We'll have to see.
The one thing Romeny will do is nothing. Nothing to further destroy the country. Will that be enough to entice our most productive people back to the US? Will it be enough to convince companies that we are again a safe place to do business? We'll have to see.

I suppose most would come back. But some, having sampled the life of civilized societies, would stay where they had found shelter.
If Mitt Romney is to be believed, his first day as president would be pretty busy. But are his plans realistic?

Romney has made a handful of promises about what he would do on day one of his presidency. He's promised to approve the Keystone pipeline that President Obama stopped, cut taxes and change the tax code, begin the process to end Obama's health care law, lower the deficit, tell China to trade fairly, and remove regulations he says hamper job growth.

But some questions remain — like, how feasible is it that Romney would be able to get everything he wants passed by Congress? Would the Tea Party stand up for its causes early on, and would Democrats work with him? And what can Romney actually do to create jobs, as he's promised?

Beyond that, Romney would still probably face a high unemployment rate, and, like Obama, would have to fight parts of his own party no matter what path he chooses to spur the economy. Fresh off a primary in which he made promises to the far right on cutting spending, ending Obamacare and erasing taxes, the practical path for Romney the Job Creator isn't crystal clear.

And still reeling slightly from a primary in which all of their ad hoc heroes fell by either their own doing or a barrage of super PAC ads, right-wing Republicans are hoping that Romney stands by the promises he made to win their votes.

Even if he lands with a majority in both the House and Senate - if said majority is split between traditional Republicans and Tea Party R's, he's going to have an uphill battle.

President Mitt Romney on Day One: A Survival Guide - ABC News

So NOW ABC News questions the promises of a presidential candidate?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington? Why didnt ABC news question why he thinks he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to break through the partisan wall of politics? Why didnt ABC news question why he thought he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?
If Mitt Romney is to be believed, his first day as president would be pretty busy. But are his plans realistic?

Romney has made a handful of promises about what he would do on day one of his presidency. He's promised to approve the Keystone pipeline that President Obama stopped, cut taxes and change the tax code, begin the process to end Obama's health care law, lower the deficit, tell China to trade fairly, and remove regulations he says hamper job growth.

But some questions remain — like, how feasible is it that Romney would be able to get everything he wants passed by Congress? Would the Tea Party stand up for its causes early on, and would Democrats work with him? And what can Romney actually do to create jobs, as he's promised?

Beyond that, Romney would still probably face a high unemployment rate, and, like Obama, would have to fight parts of his own party no matter what path he chooses to spur the economy. Fresh off a primary in which he made promises to the far right on cutting spending, ending Obamacare and erasing taxes, the practical path for Romney the Job Creator isn't crystal clear.

And still reeling slightly from a primary in which all of their ad hoc heroes fell by either their own doing or a barrage of super PAC ads, right-wing Republicans are hoping that Romney stands by the promises he made to win their votes.

Even if he lands with a majority in both the House and Senate - if said majority is split between traditional Republicans and Tea Party R's, he's going to have an uphill battle.

President Mitt Romney on Day One: A Survival Guide - ABC News

Well, one thing is for sure; if/when Romney is the President-elect, the debt ceiling will be raised by the House without quarrel. That much is sure. If the situation were reversed and the Dems controlled the House, the same thing would happen with a Democrat entering the Oval.
If Mitt Romney is to be believed, his first day as president would be pretty busy. But are his plans realistic?

Romney has made a handful of promises about what he would do on day one of his presidency. He's promised to approve the Keystone pipeline that President Obama stopped, cut taxes and change the tax code, begin the process to end Obama's health care law, lower the deficit, tell China to trade fairly, and remove regulations he says hamper job growth.

But some questions remain — like, how feasible is it that Romney would be able to get everything he wants passed by Congress? Would the Tea Party stand up for its causes early on, and would Democrats work with him? And what can Romney actually do to create jobs, as he's promised?

Beyond that, Romney would still probably face a high unemployment rate, and, like Obama, would have to fight parts of his own party no matter what path he chooses to spur the economy. Fresh off a primary in which he made promises to the far right on cutting spending, ending Obamacare and erasing taxes, the practical path for Romney the Job Creator isn't crystal clear.

And still reeling slightly from a primary in which all of their ad hoc heroes fell by either their own doing or a barrage of super PAC ads, right-wing Republicans are hoping that Romney stands by the promises he made to win their votes.

Even if he lands with a majority in both the House and Senate - if said majority is split between traditional Republicans and Tea Party R's, he's going to have an uphill battle.

President Mitt Romney on Day One: A Survival Guide - ABC News

So NOW ABC News questions the promises of a presidential candidate?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington? Why didnt ABC news question why he thinks he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to break through the partisan wall of politics? Why didnt ABC news question why he thought he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?

I see. You'd rather die than stay on topic.

I understand. ::pat-pat::
Dems drove the car into the ditch

But..... it was the Repubix that gave them the G. damn wheel.

They are BOTH to blame at this point. Hell, if the Repubix were doing a good job, Obama would've never got a sniff of the White House, and Woodrow Wilson's bust would still be in The Oval Office.

We owe China a shitload of money. There's no way any president is going to telll them how to conduct their business.

Thats true. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either illegally stupid or politically inept.

One who borrows lots of money and makes payments on time has a lot more control over the lender than you realize.

Thus why many big time borrowers, such as Trump, control the banks like pupetteers.
Even if he lands with a majority in both the House and Senate - if said majority is split between traditional Republicans and Tea Party R's, he's going to have an uphill battle.

President Mitt Romney on Day One: A Survival Guide - ABC News

So NOW ABC News questions the promises of a presidential candidate?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington? Why didnt ABC news question why he thinks he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to break through the partisan wall of politics? Why didnt ABC news question why he thought he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?

I see. You'd rather die than stay on topic.

I understand. ::pat-pat::

I did stay on topic.
You quoted and linked to an opinion piece and I responded by showing how such an opinion is worth squat as it is one sided.
Even if he lands with a majority in both the House and Senate - if said majority is split between traditional Republicans and Tea Party R's, he's going to have an uphill battle.

President Mitt Romney on Day One: A Survival Guide - ABC News

So NOW ABC News questions the promises of a presidential candidate?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to change the way things are done in Washington? Why didnt ABC news question why he thinks he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?

Where was ABC News when Obama promised to break through the partisan wall of politics? Why didnt ABC news question why he thought he would be able to do something that many of us knew was impossible?

I see. You'd rather die than stay on topic.

I understand. ::pat-pat::

Maybe, but they are damn good questions.
We owe China a shitload of money. There's no way any president is going to telll them how to conduct their business.

Thats true. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either illegally stupid or politically inept.

One who borrows lots of money and makes payments on time has a lot more control over the lender than you realize.

Thus why many big time borrowers, such as Trump, control the banks like pupetteers.

There is some truth to that but on a global scale, you're post is comical.

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