President Obama on Hillary Clinton email

quite a few people find it impossible to believe Obama's birth certificate is ligit too.

I find RW's are full of shit.

I find leftwingers gullible when it comes to their liberal idols.
I find Right wing nuts fanatical in their use of "denial" mechanisms

On the Hillary story, it's the left wing that's in denial.

the federal regulations went into effect in late November, 2014 when President Obama signed H.R. 1233, modernizing the Federal Records Act of 1950 to include electronic communications. It was signed two years after Clinton stepped down

deny that princess ..
quite a few people find it impossible to believe Obama's birth certificate is ligit too.

I find RW's are full of shit.

I find leftwingers gullible when it comes to their liberal idols.
I find Right wing nuts fanatical in their use of "denial" mechanisms

On the Hillary story, it's the left wing that's in denial.

the federal regulations went into effect in late November, 2014 when President Obama signed H.R. 1233, modernizing the Federal Records Act of 1950 to include electronic communications. It was signed two years after Clinton stepped down

deny that princess ..

Under the regulations in effect at the time, she was to turn over any email on private addresses that was business related contemporaneously. Not two years later and after her staff scrubbed them.

Also, you keep skipping over the national security part. Why is that?
quite a few people find it impossible to believe Obama's birth certificate is ligit too.

I find RW's are full of shit.

I find leftwingers gullible when it comes to their liberal idols.
I find Right wing nuts fanatical in their use of "denial" mechanisms

On the Hillary story, it's the left wing that's in denial.

the federal regulations went into effect in late November, 2014 when President Obama signed H.R. 1233, modernizing the Federal Records Act of 1950 to include electronic communications. It was signed two years after Clinton stepped down

deny that princess ..

Under the regulations in effect at the time, she was to turn over any email on private addresses that was business related contemporaneously. Not two years later and after her staff scrubbed them.

Also, you keep skipping over the national security part. Why is that?

go down the list of National Security events that were directly attributed to those emails ... you know, the ones that had a direct impact on the country.
It doesn't say that she never emailed him.
I know it doesn't say that he claims that she never once emailed him. That is my point, but according to what you stated, he did say that.

Your misleading statement/lie from your original post:

"Really? In the four years she worked for him as Secretary, she never once sent him an email? I find that impossible to believe.
He's lying, again."
Your inability to analyze a situation and rationally come to a realistic conclusion is quite entertaining, albeit frustrating for those of us that hold that common sense skill.
Call me a "fucking retard" again, your ability to fling ad hominen insults is much better than your ability to perform critical thinking.
So, you are sticking with what you wrote below, literally stating that the President is a liar because he is saying that he never once received an email from her? If not, then what is it you are accusing him of lying about?

"Really? In the four years she worked for him as Secretary, she never once sent him an email? I find that impossible to believe.
He's lying, again."
I find leftwingers gullible when it comes to their liberal idols.
I find Right wing nuts fanatical in their use of "denial" mechanisms

On the Hillary story, it's the left wing that's in denial.

the federal regulations went into effect in late November, 2014 when President Obama signed H.R. 1233, modernizing the Federal Records Act of 1950 to include electronic communications. It was signed two years after Clinton stepped down

deny that princess ..

Under the regulations in effect at the time, she was to turn over any email on private addresses that was business related contemporaneously. Not two years later and after her staff scrubbed them.

Also, you keep skipping over the national security part. Why is that?

go down the list of National Security events that were directly attributed to those emails ... you know, the ones that had a direct impact on the country.

You are rather ignorant, here. The Federal government classifies national security information and has a special way of handling that information.

It is beyond belief that a Secretary of State would not have handled classified information. It is illegal to do so outside of government channels, including on a private email server.
Deal !

the federal regulations went into effect in late November, 2014 when President Obama signed H.R. 1233, modernizing the Federal Records Act of 1950 to include electronic communications. It was signed two years after Clinton stepped down

which, btw, I've already addressed.

your turn.
Nice amendment, but not the full bill.
I'm prety sure President Obama couldn't sign anything two years after Mr Clinton vacated the presidency since Mr Clinton left the presidency in 2001 and Mr Obama joined the senate in 2005 then assumed the presidency in 2009.
I find Right wing nuts fanatical in their use of "denial" mechanisms

On the Hillary story, it's the left wing that's in denial.

the federal regulations went into effect in late November, 2014 when President Obama signed H.R. 1233, modernizing the Federal Records Act of 1950 to include electronic communications. It was signed two years after Clinton stepped down

deny that princess ..

Under the regulations in effect at the time, she was to turn over any email on private addresses that was business related contemporaneously. Not two years later and after her staff scrubbed them.

Also, you keep skipping over the national security part. Why is that?

go down the list of National Security events that were directly attributed to those emails ... you know, the ones that had a direct impact on the country.

You are rather ignorant, here. The Federal government classifies national security information and has a special way of handling that information.

It is beyond belief that a Secretary of State would not have handled classified information. It is illegal to do so outside of government channels, including on a private email server.

so you can't, big surprise. Then just make something up, I KNOW you can do that.

so far you've proven nothing, danced with talking points, and deflected away from every significant fact related to the entire email scenario ... ergo; you got NOTHING.

Thanks for playing.
It doesn't say that she never emailed him.
I know it doesn't say that he claims that she never once emailed him. That is my point, but according to what you stated, he did say that.

Your misleading statement/lie from your original post:

"Really? In the four years she worked for him as Secretary, she never once sent him an email? I find that impossible to believe.
He's lying, again."
Your inability to analyze a situation and rationally come to a realistic conclusion is quite entertaining, albeit frustrating for those of us that hold that common sense skill.
Call me a "fucking retard" again, your ability to fling ad hominen insults is much better than your ability to perform critical thinking.
So, you are sticking with what you wrote below, literally stating that the President is a liar because he is saying that he never once received an email from her? If not, then what is it you are accusing him of lying about?

"Really? In the four years she worked for him as Secretary, she never once sent him an email? I find that impossible to believe.
He's lying, again."
Yep, sticking with common sense.
It's all a charade.

This story had to have been leaked from someone who knew the details, i.e., the private server, that all her emails were sent from that server and that she had no government email address.

My bet is someone in the Obama White House. It could not have been someone from outside the Administration and we can assume the career staffers would not have blown the whistle and her loyalist politicals wouldn't have either.

Obama doesn't want her to succeed him. This is one thing to force her out or at least weaken her candidacy.
Interesting point in blue.
It's all a charade.

This story had to have been leaked from someone who knew the details, i.e., the private server, that all her emails were sent from that server and that she had no government email address.

My bet is someone in the Obama White House. It could not have been someone from outside the Administration and we can assume the career staffers would not have blown the whistle and her loyalist politicals wouldn't have either.

Obama doesn't want her to succeed him. This is one thing to force her out or at least weaken her candidacy.
Interesting point in blue.

There have been rumors to that effect for some months now.
Obama weighs in on Hillary Clinton s private emails - CBS News

President Obama only learned of Hillary Clinton's private email address use for official State Department business after a New York Times report, he told CBS News in an interview.

In the four years she worked for him as Secretary, she never once sent him an email? I find that impossible to believe.
He's lying, again.
Oh looky,
President Obama Knew Hillary Clinton s Private Email Address But Not Details of Server - ABC News

“Yes, he was aware of her email address. He traded emails with her,” Obama spokesman Josh Earnest told ABC’s Jonathan Karl.“
All of the sudden he was aware of the non-government issued email, but not the private servers.
Yep, another big fat lie from President Obama about knowing, coupled with a distraction about it being a private server.
First claim, he only learned of the email address from the news (lie0, second claim, he only learned of the private server from the news. The second claim may be true (but I doubt that), the first claim is a flat out lie.

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