President Obama cannot fix the "O"conomy; He tried, and failed; Vote accordingly.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This thread will surely end up littered with "Blame Bush" idiots. And of course, "Blame the Tea Party" morons. But when it comes down to it, neither Bush or the Tea Party are in charge. Barack Obama is. It's his show. His job. His staff. HIS watch.

Now, we'll be told of everyone and everything excpet Obama that "caused" this Oconomy. Regardless of what each of us thinks got us here, we're here. We can talk all we want about who did what and when, but we are HERE now. Economy beginning a second fall. WE've been downgraded for the 1st time in US history. Things are beginning to unravel from the shaky, quasi-stability of the last few months.

And only 1 thing is certain: Obama cannot fix it. It's either too busted, or he just doesn't know how to. He tried, honestly tried, and it didn't work. He didn't know what to do then, and doesnt now. We can talk about Bush not knowing either, but George W. Bush can never be president again. Obama can. And he has failed on the Oconomy.

Now.....would someone else do better if elected in 2012? Don't know. The only fact we know is Obama tried and failed, and we are about to be in a serious hurt as a result. He planted another massive Oconomic bomb in healthcare taxes that will begin in 2013.

Vote accordingly. If you think another 4 years of Obama failing would be less bad than trying a new guy, well, chug the Cool-Aid (Yes, spelled "C"ool on purpose for Obama) and vote for him again.

But he has a track record now, and it's one of economic failure. He'll try to run from it. He'll try to blame everyone but himself. But bottom line is he's in charge, it's his watch, it was his job, and he failed.
President Obama cannot fix the "O"conomy; He tried, and failed; Vote accordingly.
That's what they said, about.....

"Suddenly, it seems everyone in Washington is singing the virtues of retiring the national debt. For two decades, as deficits mounted, it was a nonissue. But the prospect of $urplu$e$ has economists and policymakers thinking the unthinkable: erasing the $3.8 trillion pile of federal IOUs held by the public."

Wait'll those CLINTON TAX-RATES kick-in.

"In 1993 Clinton passed his first budget without a single Republican Vote, in fact in order to pass the Senate Vice President Al Gore had to pass the deciding vote."

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