President Donald Trump- “The Storm Is Coming”. What is he implying?

He made the ambiguous post on Truth Social…(notice the Q lapel)
What do you think he’s asserting with such a post / image?

The orange baby is such an egomaniac, that he will say ANYTHING to get some approval from is KKKult.

He is looking for "likes" and "adorations"

That is what motivates this POS.
And you sheep follow.
Gawd it's embarrassing.
The orange baby is such an egomaniac, that he will say ANYTHING to get some approval from is KKKult.

He is looking for "likes" and "adorations"

That is what motivates this POS.
And you sheep follow.
Gawd it's embarrassing.
Embarrassing for who?
The orange baby is such an egomaniac, that he will say ANYTHING to get some approval from is KKKult.

He is looking for "likes" and "adorations"

That is what motivates this POS.
And you sheep follow.
Gawd it's embarrassing.
Didn’t you take experimental medicine because Father Government told you to?
The DOJ will be committing political suicide if they indict Trump. No different than if the DOJ under President Trump indicted Hillary or Biden.
Trump had all the opportunity in the world to have his handpuppet at the DOJ file charges against Hillary Clinton (memba, he was gonna Lock Her Up!) and Biden.
But you can't just file bullshit charges. But you can talk a lot of bullshit. And apparently, sheep like you will lap it up.

But that Mar-A-Lago search was upping the ante. The DOJ is serious about what Trump did. And he's scared.

Again. He should be. They got him. But will they do anything about it?
Trump had all the opportunity in the world to have his handpuppet at the DOJ file charges against Hillary Clinton (memba, he was gonna Lock Her Up!) and Biden.
But you can't just file bullshit charges. But you can talk a lot of bullshit. And apparently, sheep like you will lap it up.

But that Mar-A-Lago search was upping the ante. The DOJ is serious about what Trump did. And he's scared.

Again. He should be. They got him. But will they do anything about it?
Wrong. It's not cool to use your attorney general to indict your political opponent. That's what third world countries do. Trump knows that and so does dingleberry. This is just political theater to arouse the democrat voters. They have nothing to campaign on. Their policies are shit.
Didn’t you take experimental medicine because Father Government told you to?
Yup, and I didn't get COVID, and I'm NOT suffering any of these claims you right wing idiots are claiming.
LOLLOOL, ass wipe.

Me too.
What are you gonna do tough guy?
I'm gonna make the Molotov cocktails, sharpen the knives, oil the guns, buy the aluminum baseball Bats, store the gasoline and make sandwiches and coffee.

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