President Biden to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11

GWB told all of us in a speech to the country,'' That the war on terror will take years. If we don't face terror around the globe sooner or later we will face it here in the U.S.A. '' . Question: How should we change the strategy to keep Terrorist on the run and defeated. An keep another 911 from happening.

there is no question that Afghanistan is a REFUGE for
terrorists of the islamic persuasion, that does not
necessarily mean that we need troops there----just
"intelligence" to know where the notables are hiding
out. The people over there have ENOUGH troubles

Terrorists began moving to Yemen 20 years ago. The Taliban are war orphans who stay in Afghanistan.

what are you called "terrorists" in Yemen?----(keep in mind---hubby was born there LOTS LONGER than 20 years ago) The Taliban are PAKISTANI "idealists" in the
sunni JIHADI Persuasion. They tend to be OFF THE UNIVERSITIES of PAKISTAN---
from fairly prosperous families..... eager for JIHAD ADVENTURE (keep in mind---I have been working with Pakistani post-graduate boys for----more than 50 years) Getting
back to Yemen----the HOUTHIS are the SHIITEs of Yemen---Shiites are so
ENAMORED of Iran that they learn Farsi as a "holy language" ----(some of those
post graduates from India and Pakistan are muslim shiites too-----In Pakistan they are
so hated that the better educated are subject to DRIVE-BY ASSASINATION

A lot of Afghanis are Pashtun .. supposedly descended from the tribe of Benjamin.

The Houthis are sort of Shia.. they adhere to some Sunni practices. I can believe they would hate the educated in Pakistan.

The CIA recruited a lot of Yemeni to fight in the Soviets in Afghanistan so a lot of them returned to Yemen.. Remember the bombing of the USS Cole?

Since then Yemen has attracted some Boko Haram and Somali pirates. Plus, I'm sure there are still monarchists and communists from the 1960s fighting.

I went back to Asir in 2000... and the Saudis had already moved a lot of villages back from the border by 20 kilometers. There are a million Yemeni refugees in Arabia. I met some nice Yemeni young men who worked in hospitality or as tour guides.. The Saudis opened a college in Yemen to teach the hospitality business years ago.
History of the Taliban: Who They Are, What They Want

Jan 24, 2018 · There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords …


There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords attempted to fill. Afghan mujahideen warlords replaced their war with the Soviets with a civil war.

Thousands of Afghan orphans grew up never knowing Afghanistan or their parents, especially their mothers. They were schooled in Pakistan’s madrassas, religious schools that, in this case, were encouraged and financed by Pakistani and Saudi authorities to develop militantly inclined Islamists. Pakistan nurtured that corps of militants as proxy fighters in Pakistan’s ongoing conflict over Muslim-dominated (and disputed) Kashmir. But Pakistan consciously intended to use the madrassas’ militants as leverage in its attempt to control Afghanistan as well.

As Jeri Laber of Human Rights Watch wrote in the New York Review of Books of the origins of the Taliban in refugee camps (recalling an article he’d written in 1986):

Hundreds of thousands of youths, who knew nothing of life but the bombings that destroyed their homes and drove them to seek refuge over the border, were being raised to hate and to fight, “in the spirit of Jihad,” a “holy war” that would restore Afghanistan to its people. “New kinds of Afghans are being born in the struggle,” I reported. “Caught in the midst of a grownups’ war, the young Afghans are under intense political pressure from one side or another, almost from birth." [...] The children that I interviewed and wrote about in 1986 are now young adults. Many are now with the Taliban.
GWB told all of us in a speech to the country,'' That the war on terror will take years. If we don't face terror around the globe sooner or later we will face it here in the U.S.A. '' . Question: How should we change the strategy to keep Terrorist on the run and defeated. An keep another 911 from happening.

there is no question that Afghanistan is a REFUGE for
terrorists of the islamic persuasion, that does not
necessarily mean that we need troops there----just
"intelligence" to know where the notables are hiding
out. The people over there have ENOUGH troubles

Terrorists began moving to Yemen 20 years ago. The Taliban are war orphans who stay in Afghanistan.

what are you called "terrorists" in Yemen?----(keep in mind---hubby was born there LOTS LONGER than 20 years ago) The Taliban are PAKISTANI "idealists" in the
sunni JIHADI Persuasion. They tend to be OFF THE UNIVERSITIES of PAKISTAN---
from fairly prosperous families..... eager for JIHAD ADVENTURE (keep in mind---I have been working with Pakistani post-graduate boys for----more than 50 years) Getting
back to Yemen----the HOUTHIS are the SHIITEs of Yemen---Shiites are so
ENAMORED of Iran that they learn Farsi as a "holy language" ----(some of those
post graduates from India and Pakistan are muslim shiites too-----In Pakistan they are
so hated that the better educated are subject to DRIVE-BY ASSASINATION

A lot of Afghanis are Pashtun .. supposedly descended from the tribe of Benjamin.

The Houthis are sort of Shia.. they adhere to some Sunni practices. I can believe they would hate the educated in Pakistan.

The CIA recruited a lot of Yemeni to fight in the Soviets in Afghanistan so a lot of them returned to Yemen.. Remember the bombing of the USS Cole?

Since then Yemen has attracted some Boko Haram and Somali pirates. Plus, I'm sure there are still monarchists and communists from the 1960s fighting.

I went back to Asir in 2000... and the Saudis had already moved a lot of villages back from the border by 20 kilometers. There are a million Yemeni refugees in Arabia. I met some nice Yemeni young men who worked in hospitality or as tour guides.. The Saudis opened a college in Yemen to teach the hospitality business years ago.

Pashtun persons are linguistically tied to IRAN. Afghanistan was once part of the
Persian empire. Yemen----lately, has become a place for young ardent muslims to
History of the Taliban: Who They Are, What They Want

Jan 24, 2018 · There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords …


There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords attempted to fill. Afghan mujahideen warlords replaced their war with the Soviets with a civil war.

Thousands of Afghan orphans grew up never knowing Afghanistan or their parents, especially their mothers. They were schooled in Pakistan’s madrassas, religious schools that, in this case, were encouraged and financed by Pakistani and Saudi authorities to develop militantly inclined Islamists. Pakistan nurtured that corps of militants as proxy fighters in Pakistan’s ongoing conflict over Muslim-dominated (and disputed) Kashmir. But Pakistan consciously intended to use the madrassas’ militants as leverage in its attempt to control Afghanistan as well.

As Jeri Laber of Human Rights Watch wrote in the New York Review of Books of the origins of the Taliban in refugee camps (recalling an article he’d written in 1986):

Hundreds of thousands of youths, who knew nothing of life but the bombings that destroyed their homes and drove them to seek refuge over the border, were being raised to hate and to fight, “in the spirit of Jihad,” a “holy war” that would restore Afghanistan to its people. “New kinds of Afghans are being born in the struggle,” I reported. “Caught in the midst of a grownups’ war, the young Afghans are under intense political pressure from one side or another, almost from birth." [...] The children that I interviewed and wrote about in 1986 are now young adults. Many are now with the Taliban.

LED by Pakistani "intellectual adverturers" seeking the SHARIAH UTOPIA
GWB told all of us in a speech to the country,'' That the war on terror will take years. If we don't face terror around the globe sooner or later we will face it here in the U.S.A. '' . Question: How should we change the strategy to keep Terrorist on the run and defeated. An keep another 911 from happening.

there is no question that Afghanistan is a REFUGE for
terrorists of the islamic persuasion, that does not
necessarily mean that we need troops there----just
"intelligence" to know where the notables are hiding
out. The people over there have ENOUGH troubles

Terrorists began moving to Yemen 20 years ago. The Taliban are war orphans who stay in Afghanistan.

what are you called "terrorists" in Yemen?----(keep in mind---hubby was born there LOTS LONGER than 20 years ago) The Taliban are PAKISTANI "idealists" in the
sunni JIHADI Persuasion. They tend to be OFF THE UNIVERSITIES of PAKISTAN---
from fairly prosperous families..... eager for JIHAD ADVENTURE (keep in mind---I have been working with Pakistani post-graduate boys for----more than 50 years) Getting
back to Yemen----the HOUTHIS are the SHIITEs of Yemen---Shiites are so
ENAMORED of Iran that they learn Farsi as a "holy language" ----(some of those
post graduates from India and Pakistan are muslim shiites too-----In Pakistan they are
so hated that the better educated are subject to DRIVE-BY ASSASINATION

A lot of Afghanis are Pashtun .. supposedly descended from the tribe of Benjamin.

The Houthis are sort of Shia.. they adhere to some Sunni practices. I can believe they would hate the educated in Pakistan.

The CIA recruited a lot of Yemeni to fight in the Soviets in Afghanistan so a lot of them returned to Yemen.. Remember the bombing of the USS Cole?

Since then Yemen has attracted some Boko Haram and Somali pirates. Plus, I'm sure there are still monarchists and communists from the 1960s fighting.

I went back to Asir in 2000... and the Saudis had already moved a lot of villages back from the border by 20 kilometers. There are a million Yemeni refugees in Arabia. I met some nice Yemeni young men who worked in hospitality or as tour guides.. The Saudis opened a college in Yemen to teach the hospitality business years ago.

Pashtun persons are linguistically tied to IRAN. Afghanistan was once part of the
Persian empire. Yemen----lately, has become a place for young ardent muslims to
History of the Taliban: Who They Are, What They Want

Jan 24, 2018 · There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords …


There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords attempted to fill. Afghan mujahideen warlords replaced their war with the Soviets with a civil war.

Thousands of Afghan orphans grew up never knowing Afghanistan or their parents, especially their mothers. They were schooled in Pakistan’s madrassas, religious schools that, in this case, were encouraged and financed by Pakistani and Saudi authorities to develop militantly inclined Islamists. Pakistan nurtured that corps of militants as proxy fighters in Pakistan’s ongoing conflict over Muslim-dominated (and disputed) Kashmir. But Pakistan consciously intended to use the madrassas’ militants as leverage in its attempt to control Afghanistan as well.

As Jeri Laber of Human Rights Watch wrote in the New York Review of Books of the origins of the Taliban in refugee camps (recalling an article he’d written in 1986):

Hundreds of thousands of youths, who knew nothing of life but the bombings that destroyed their homes and drove them to seek refuge over the border, were being raised to hate and to fight, “in the spirit of Jihad,” a “holy war” that would restore Afghanistan to its people. “New kinds of Afghans are being born in the struggle,” I reported. “Caught in the midst of a grownups’ war, the young Afghans are under intense political pressure from one side or another, almost from birth." [...] The children that I interviewed and wrote about in 1986 are now young adults. Many are now with the Taliban.

LED by Pakistani "intellectual adverturers" seeking the SHARIAH UTOPIA

Are you familiar with Deobandi?
GWB told all of us in a speech to the country,'' That the war on terror will take years. If we don't face terror around the globe sooner or later we will face it here in the U.S.A. '' . Question: How should we change the strategy to keep Terrorist on the run and defeated. An keep another 911 from happening.

there is no question that Afghanistan is a REFUGE for
terrorists of the islamic persuasion, that does not
necessarily mean that we need troops there----just
"intelligence" to know where the notables are hiding
out. The people over there have ENOUGH troubles

Terrorists began moving to Yemen 20 years ago. The Taliban are war orphans who stay in Afghanistan.

what are you called "terrorists" in Yemen?----(keep in mind---hubby was born there LOTS LONGER than 20 years ago) The Taliban are PAKISTANI "idealists" in the
sunni JIHADI Persuasion. They tend to be OFF THE UNIVERSITIES of PAKISTAN---
from fairly prosperous families..... eager for JIHAD ADVENTURE (keep in mind---I have been working with Pakistani post-graduate boys for----more than 50 years) Getting
back to Yemen----the HOUTHIS are the SHIITEs of Yemen---Shiites are so
ENAMORED of Iran that they learn Farsi as a "holy language" ----(some of those
post graduates from India and Pakistan are muslim shiites too-----In Pakistan they are
so hated that the better educated are subject to DRIVE-BY ASSASINATION

A lot of Afghanis are Pashtun .. supposedly descended from the tribe of Benjamin.

The Houthis are sort of Shia.. they adhere to some Sunni practices. I can believe they would hate the educated in Pakistan.

The CIA recruited a lot of Yemeni to fight in the Soviets in Afghanistan so a lot of them returned to Yemen.. Remember the bombing of the USS Cole?

Since then Yemen has attracted some Boko Haram and Somali pirates. Plus, I'm sure there are still monarchists and communists from the 1960s fighting.

I went back to Asir in 2000... and the Saudis had already moved a lot of villages back from the border by 20 kilometers. There are a million Yemeni refugees in Arabia. I met some nice Yemeni young men who worked in hospitality or as tour guides.. The Saudis opened a college in Yemen to teach the hospitality business years ago.

Pashtun persons are linguistically tied to IRAN. Afghanistan was once part of the
Persian empire. Yemen----lately, has become a place for young ardent muslims to
History of the Taliban: Who They Are, What They Want

Jan 24, 2018 · There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords …


There was no such thing as the Taliban until Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of the Soviet Union's troop withdrawal in 1989 after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February of that year, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and a gaping political vacuum that warlords attempted to fill. Afghan mujahideen warlords replaced their war with the Soviets with a civil war.

Thousands of Afghan orphans grew up never knowing Afghanistan or their parents, especially their mothers. They were schooled in Pakistan’s madrassas, religious schools that, in this case, were encouraged and financed by Pakistani and Saudi authorities to develop militantly inclined Islamists. Pakistan nurtured that corps of militants as proxy fighters in Pakistan’s ongoing conflict over Muslim-dominated (and disputed) Kashmir. But Pakistan consciously intended to use the madrassas’ militants as leverage in its attempt to control Afghanistan as well.

As Jeri Laber of Human Rights Watch wrote in the New York Review of Books of the origins of the Taliban in refugee camps (recalling an article he’d written in 1986):

Hundreds of thousands of youths, who knew nothing of life but the bombings that destroyed their homes and drove them to seek refuge over the border, were being raised to hate and to fight, “in the spirit of Jihad,” a “holy war” that would restore Afghanistan to its people. “New kinds of Afghans are being born in the struggle,” I reported. “Caught in the midst of a grownups’ war, the young Afghans are under intense political pressure from one side or another, almost from birth." [...] The children that I interviewed and wrote about in 1986 are now young adults. Many are now with the Taliban.

LED by Pakistani "intellectual adverturers" seeking the SHARIAH UTOPIA

Are you familiar with Deobandi?

another SAINTLY sect of southeast asian ethos

"President Biden will withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan over the coming months, people familiar with the plans said, completing the military exit by the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that first drew the United States into its longest war. Biden’s decision comes after an administration review of U.S. options in Afghanistan, where U.S.-midwived peace talks have failed to advance as hoped and the Taliban remains a potent force despite two decades of effort by the United States to defeat the militants and establish stable, democratic governance."

They should have been pulled long before September -- Trump already negotiated peace with the Taliban.....why is Biden planning to violate the timeline set by the Taliban?? The Taliban wants us out by May -- why is Biden pushing it to September??
It's past the time to bring an end to Bush's failed, illegal war.
After 20 years it's no longer "cut and run".

This is another example of why you can't trust a Republican. They are dishonest to their core.
Nice deflection. Biden is in charge now. So what is his excuse?

President Trump had pulled out all but 2500 troops in Afghanistan. The warmongers backed Biden, he won’t disappoint them.
Partisan hack.

This is where the Dems and neocons go all John McCain on us and start lecturing us that we need to stay in these places another 75 years and that leaving would be a “gift to Russia”.
I’m equally critical of the McConnell/McCain types that say we need to stay there forever.

You’re the hack that backs those anti-Trumper and pro-war types, not me.
I hope it's true and I will give him credit if he does it but I don't trust him any more than I did Obama or Trump.
Were you aware that officers in the Pentagon actually LIED to Trump about the total number of service members left in the sandbox? Straight-up lied and kept more there than Trump had ordered be drawn down. An American who loves this country and our government of separated powers should cringe to hear that. He wanted ALL OF THEM out and the generals basically told him more had come home than actually did. When bureaucrats, media, and Pentagon powder puffs are allowed to ignore presidential authority, America has serious issues.

It will be interesting to see how the Taliban behave now that their deal with Trump is being unilaterally broken. I think it wouldn't be surprising to see some "blue on blue" or suicide bombing that kills U.S. forces.
The Democrats and their media 5th column can talk as much shite as they like but Xi, Putin, and others KNOW we have a fragmented command structure at the very highest levels. If an enemy of the U.S. has been waiting for an opportunity to strike without U.S. forces retaliating, NOW is the time and they know it.
I'd bet that Putin will roll into eastern Ukraine before June.
I hope it's true and I will give him credit if he does it but I don't trust him any more than I did Obama or Trump.
Were you aware that officers in the Pentagon actually LIED to Trump about the total number of service members left in the sandbox? Straight-up lied and kept more there than Trump had ordered be drawn down. An American who loves this country and our government of separated powers should cringe to hear that. He wanted ALL OF THEM out and the generals basically told him more had come home than actually did. When bureaucrats, media, and Pentagon powder puffs are allowed to ignore presidential authority, America has serious issues.

It will be interesting to see how the Taliban behave now that their deal with Trump is being unilaterally broken. I think it wouldn't be surprising to see some "blue on blue" or suicide bombing that kills U.S. forces.
The Democrats and their media 5th column can talk as much shite as they like but Xi, Putin, and others KNOW we have a fragmented command structure at the very highest levels. If an enemy of the U.S. has been waiting for an opportunity to strike without U.S. forces retaliating, NOW is the time and they know it.
I'd bet that Putin will roll into eastern Ukraine before June.

"Bring all the troops home". There is nothing to lie about.

"President Biden will withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan over the coming months, people familiar with the plans said, completing the military exit by the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that first drew the United States into its longest war. Biden’s decision comes after an administration review of U.S. options in Afghanistan, where U.S.-midwived peace talks have failed to advance as hoped and the Taliban remains a potent force despite two decades of effort by the United States to defeat the militants and establish stable, democratic governance."

They should have been pulled long before September -- Trump already negotiated peace with the Taliban.....why is Biden planning to violate the timeline set by the Taliban?? The Taliban wants us out by May -- why is Biden pushing it to September??

We should have been out of there years ago, I remember Biden giving a timeline when Obama was the President and it didn't happen then. We need to get out of there and everywhere else in the world for that matter. If we are out of there by September, kudos to Biden.
I hope it's true and I will give him credit if he does it but I don't trust him any more than I did Obama or Trump.
Were you aware that officers in the Pentagon actually LIED to Trump about the total number of service members left in the sandbox? Straight-up lied and kept more there than Trump had ordered be drawn down. An American who loves this country and our government of separated powers should cringe to hear that. He wanted ALL OF THEM out and the generals basically told him more had come home than actually did. When bureaucrats, media, and Pentagon powder puffs are allowed to ignore presidential authority, America has serious issues.

It will be interesting to see how the Taliban behave now that their deal with Trump is being unilaterally broken. I think it wouldn't be surprising to see some "blue on blue" or suicide bombing that kills U.S. forces.
The Democrats and their media 5th column can talk as much shite as they like but Xi, Putin, and others KNOW we have a fragmented command structure at the very highest levels. If an enemy of the U.S. has been waiting for an opportunity to strike without U.S. forces retaliating, NOW is the time and they know it.
I'd bet that Putin will roll into eastern Ukraine before June.
So what if Putin rolls into Eastern Ukraine??

Do you think Americans actually want a war with Russia over a part of Ukraine where half of the people already wanted to be part of Russia?
President Biden to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11

What, and just pull them back a few miles to Germany?

Why do we need more troops in Germany? This is not what we need to do. We need to reduce our presence in the world, not increase.
The incestuous relationship between the military industrial complex, American defense contractors (full disclosure: My employer benefits handsomely from the arrangement) and key players in the Pentagon and Defense Department insured this war would continue, with no real objective other than its continuation. The amount of money wasted is mind boggling, and we cry foul when we speak of rebuilding our country because of the high cost.

So you work for someone who wants conflict?

"President Biden will withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan over the coming months, people familiar with the plans said, completing the military exit by the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that first drew the United States into its longest war. Biden’s decision comes after an administration review of U.S. options in Afghanistan, where U.S.-midwived peace talks have failed to advance as hoped and the Taliban remains a potent force despite two decades of effort by the United States to defeat the militants and establish stable, democratic governance."

They should have been pulled long before September -- Trump already negotiated peace with the Taliban.....why is Biden planning to violate the timeline set by the Taliban?? The Taliban wants us out by May -- why is Biden pushing it to September??

On the advice of the military, not on anything the draft dodger faux president who faked bone spurs.
After 20 years it's no longer "cut and run".

This is another example of why you can't trust a Republican. They are dishonest to their core.

Actually,most of the Zionist warmongers are Dems (schumer, Feinstein, Biden, Bloomberg, NYT, WAPo), not that truth has ever mattered to you...
It's one of your fellow Republicans calling this a "cut and run". How about addressing that dishonesty instead of how I addressed that dishonesty?

Are you accusing me of being soft on Zionist traitors?


Your perception of reality is seriously flawed.

The GOP completely changed in 1998. Prior to 1998, the GOP was fiscally conservative and patriotic to America. Since 1998, the GOP has been as bad or worse than the treasonous kleptocrat party you love so much. The GOP since 1998 has been very patriotic - but not to the US, only to Israel.

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