President Biden calls their bluff


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Good for him! See where it gets you in court!

Good for him! See where it gets you in court!

The SCOTUS will strike down Biden's fascist dictates. And if they don't, the people will.

Good for him! See where it gets you in court!
Sorry....but the Traitor In Chief isn't calling their bluff because they aren't bluffing.
This is only the second POTUS who thought our enemies were less of a threat to them than the American People.
The first was Barack H. Obama.
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So Joe had to cancel his 20 year 9-11 anniversary party because he fucked up and got 13 Marines killed....
So he cancelled his speeches for tomorrow and will visit each site for a few minuets and split before the heckling starts.....
Todays threats from him over covid vaccines will drop his poll numbers under 30%.....
So Joe had to cancel his 20 year 9-11 anniversary party because he fucked up and got 13 Marines killed....
So he cancelled his speeches for tomorrow and will visit each site for a few minuets and split before the heckling starts.....
Todays threats from him over covid vaccines will drop his poll numbers under 30%.....
He's been disinvited to the ceremonies.
If he ever shows up....everyone needs to give him the same view he always gives us....that is turning our backs on the lying prick.
I told you this was coming. And you partied on and on. Well, it's here. And it's NOT political and never was. It's going to come to pass that only the Rich can afford to go unvaxxed. Except, the Rich are, for the most part, already vaccinated.

Keep the entertainment going, it's appreciated.
How many times has SCOTUS struck down an OSHA work place rule?

This isn't a rule. It is an emergency standard. The reason OSHA has issued so few ETS rules is because the courts don't like the vagueness of the language authorizing them and Congress didn't spell out what constitutes a grave danger or what is considered necessary to protect employees from that grave danger.
How many times has SCOTUS struck down an OSHA work place rule?
This doesn’t qualify. OSHA didn’t follow guidelines but just shoved this through under orders from the White House. They’ve already admitted this is illegal and they’re trying to circumvent legal process.

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