Pregnant Fight


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
[ame=]Can't Be Serious 2 Pregnant Chicks Going Toe To Toe On The Block! Your Babies Dead.flv - YouTube[/ame]
The wold is full of trashy people. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!~
This ever happen in your hood?
Sure ! I lived in Floridastan for over 20 years.
I now live in the third world ( B stepped up frun duh fofe.)
Here. A drunk stole some chickens from a neighbor a few months ago. The law nabbed him the next morning at the liquor store trying to trade them for beer.
The judge, Sandi, had them returned and told the drunk he has 30 days to buy 6 chicks(with a receipt) and give them to the victim or spend 45 days in the clink.
My world.:eusa_shhh:
I was working as a Security Guard at a Grocery store in California once and these two Black chicks, one who was obviously pregnant, start goin' at it near the checkout lanes, pullin each others braids out and the like.

So I opened up the front automatic sliding doors and just "steered" them outside! I don't think the Cops showed up for that one.
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Sounds like fun, I live in a boring white neigborhood

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