Predictions.What "Angry Mob"Incidents To Expect In Florida If DeSantis/Scott Win After Recount.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:aargh: :CryingCow: :hellno: So does anyone expect peace and quiet in the more blue towns of Florida if nothing changes in the recount? Anyone wanna guess what the loons might do if they don't see Gillium and Ricky Nelson in office?
I vision some in the mob blocking traffic in chosen intersections of at least broward county. to some extreme, will it a mild version of what we have seen in other deep blue areas when a court decision didn't go their way,, like with Rodney King?
:aargh: :CryingCow: :hellno: So does anyone expect peace and quiet in the more blue towns of Florida if nothing changes in the recount? Anyone wanna guess what the loons might do if they don't see Gillium and Ricky Nelson in office?
I vision some in the mob blocking traffic in chosen intersections of at least broward county. to some extreme, will it a mild version of what we have seen in other deep blue areas when a court decision didn't go their way,, like with Rodney King?
When is the last time we had riots after an election is called?
Dream on.
maxine will probably call for sex and violins in the streets
:aargh: :CryingCow: :hellno: So does anyone expect peace and quiet in the more blue towns of Florida if nothing changes in the recount? Anyone wanna guess what the loons might do if they don't see Gillium and Ricky Nelson in office?
I vision some in the mob blocking traffic in chosen intersections of at least broward county. to some extreme, will it a mild version of what we have seen in other deep blue areas when a court decision didn't go their way,, like with Rodney King?

So long as they burn their own stuff, who cares?
I would say time is approaching for whole populace to take to the the streets

I doubt it. Trump detractors know he's a very lame duck and even packing the courts will not save him in 2020. If Trump and McConnell continue their quest to create a single party in power, they should understand the populace is fed up with them and their non feasance, misfeasance and malfeasance.
With concealed carry and stand your ground as FL law I don't expect much violence at all in most of FL.but heavy body counts where it does get bloody.
Boring Joe will declare all of Florida a racist state will over 10 Million members of the KKK living there
With concealed carry and stand your ground as FL law I don't expect much violence at all in most of FL.but heavy body counts where it does get bloody.
if there is a "Angry and Naked White Women" Protest,,,,Im going !!!
I predict that every Florida Democrat will march into the Atlantic and swim to Cuba, where they'll live happily forever after.

It could happen.
I would say time is approaching for whole populace to take to the the streets

I doubt it. Trump detractors know he's a very lame duck and even packing the courts will not save him in 2020. If Trump and McConnell continue their quest to create a single party in power, they should understand the populace is fed up with them and their non feasance, misfeasance and malfeasance.
Preach it after The Don's 3rd SCJ.
I predict that every Florida Democrat will march into the Atlantic and swim to Cuba, where they'll live happily forever after.

It could happen.
what if the 90,000 cupachabras start up? im worried, i dont even have a water gun
Not to worry. Snipes had all week to import new ballots.

The Reps wont win, and they won't riot.
I predict that every Florida Democrat will march into the Atlantic and swim to Cuba, where they'll live happily forever after.

It could happen.
what if the 90,000 cupachabras start up? im worried, i dont even have a water gun

Just throw them a handful of organic soy muffins, that should hold them off until the cavalry arrives.
I predict that every Florida Democrat will march into the Atlantic and swim to Cuba, where they'll live happily forever after.

It could happen.
i can name at least two democrats that will join the vagina hat/naked women protests
I would say time is approaching for whole populace to take to the the streets

I doubt it. Trump detractors know he's a very lame duck and even packing the courts will not save him in 2020. If Trump and McConnell continue their quest to create a single party in power, they should understand the populace is fed up with them and their non feasance, misfeasance and malfeasance.
"A single party in power"....isn't that exactly what the democrats have worked towards ever since FDR with varying results through a variety of means i.e. controlling the media, courts, academia, pop culture, ect.?

And now suddenly you think that's an evil thing? Stuck pigs cry the loudest when it's their turn to go.
I predict that every Florida Democrat will march into the Atlantic and swim to Cuba, where they'll live happily forever after.

It could happen.
what if the 90,000 cupachabras start up? im worried, i dont even have a water gun

Just throw them a handful of organic soy muffins, that should hold them off until the cavalry arrives.
well im safe,,,i dont drive a newer/shiny white car
I predict that every Florida Democrat will march into the Atlantic and swim to Cuba, where they'll live happily forever after.

It could happen.
what if the 90,000 cupachabras start up? im worried, i dont even have a water gun

Just throw them a handful of organic soy muffins, that should hold them off until the cavalry arrives.
well im safe,,,i dont drive a newer/shiny white car

If you're lucky, you'll have a vintage Dodge Challenger. Liberal zombies usually stay out of the way of those.


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