Prediction For 2011


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

Democratic pollster and author, makes the following prediction:

The biggest political surprise of 2011 will be the emergence of a potentially serious third-party candidate for president in 2012. There is simply too much dissatisfaction with Washington and with our political system for this not to happen.

Here is part of the questions he polled prior to the last election:
4) First, Barack Obama
Total favorable 48%
Total unfavorable 50%
Very favorable 32%
Somewhat favorable 17%
Somewhat unfavorable 8%
Very unfavorable 42%
Not sure 2%

8) Okay, the Tea Party movement
Total favorable 45%
Total unfavorable 43%
Very favorable 23%
Somewhat favorable 22%
Somewhat unfavorable 12%
Very unfavorable 30%
Not sure 12%

11) Since the Obama administration has taken office, are you more or less favorable toward
the Democratic Party, or have your feelings not changed?
More favorable 15%
Less favorable 49%
My feelings have not changed 34%
Not sure 2%

18) Now in thinking about the upcoming November Congressional election, if there was a third
party candidate on the ballot, would you vote for the Republican candidate, the Democratic
candidate or the third party candidate?
Democratic candidate 24%
Republican candidate 25%
Third party candidate 11%
Not sure 40%

19) [if Third Party] Please tell me which of the following reasons best describes why you
would vote for a third party candidate for Congress this year.
To send a message that we need a change 26%
They will represent the people not the political parties 26%
Because the two major parties do not represent your point of view 18%
To break the partisan divide in Washington 9%
Because the candidate would not be beholden to either party 14%
Not sure 7%

20)Generally speaking, how likely is it that you would vote for an Independent candidate in the upcoming November Congressional election?
Definitely 5%
Probably 7%
Possibly 28%
Not very likely 51%
Not sure 9%

21) Do you favor or oppose having a major third party in our country?
Favor 51%
Oppose 25%
Not sure 24%

22) How important do you think it is for us to have a major third party in our country?
Total very important 63%
Total not at all important 31%
Very important 27%
Somewhat important 37%
Not very important 14%
Not at all important 17%
Not sure 5%

23) Suppose the Tea Party were to run a candidate for Congress in your district. Would you
prefer a Democrat, Republican, or a Tea Party candidate?
Democrat 39%
Republican 15%
Tea Party 19%
Not sure 27%

24) If President Obama endorses a candidate for Congress or Senate are you more or less
likely to vote for that candidate?
More likely 24%
Less likely 51%
No difference 20%
Not sure 4%

27)Generally speaking, which major political party is closer to your views?
Democratic Party 39%
Republican Party 48%
Neither 9%
Not sure 4%

Topic A - Topic A: What will be 2011's biggest political surprise?

Third party? Yes or no? Win or lose?
I predict these pricks will use every trick in the book to circumvent congress, and likely invent a few new ones before they're done.
Anyone thinking a republican congress will change much is delusional. All it will do is force the obama and his band of merry assholes to get more creative.
Third party? Yes or no? Win or lose?

*sigh*, on one hand I want to see one badly. Things are very much worse than 1992, and 19.7 million votes then, may equal 30 million now...but that doesn't win elections, the electoral college does. It would take the planets aligning and above all the perfect candidate.
Third party? Yes or no? Win or lose?

*sigh*, on one hand I want to see one badly. Things are very much worse than 1992, and 19.7 million votes then, may equal 30 million now...but that doesn't win elections, the electoral college does. It would take the planets aligning and above all the perfect candidate.

Exactly right. The electoral college means that there will always be just two "national parties". The only proviso to that could be the Tea Party. We could easily take over the GOP by throwing the big money fucks out and imposing our will by sheer numbers. We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues, just back to basic politics.
"We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues. . .". That is delusional if you think the social values conservatives will let you pilot the TP ship without them. The social values group are large enough to force you to their issues and small enough to guarantee your defeat at the end of the day.
"We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues. . .". That is delusional if you think the social values conservatives will let you pilot the TP ship without them. The social values group are large enough to force you to their issues and small enough to guarantee your defeat at the end of the day.

I still don't see "social conservatism" as a wedge issue. Most of us are conservatives to begin with, my point is that I don't want the flat-earthers and strict bible-thumpers to rock the boat. We can agree on enough social issues to keep the majority party intact.
"We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues. . .". That is delusional if you think the social values conservatives will let you pilot the TP ship without them. The social values group are large enough to force you to their issues and small enough to guarantee your defeat at the end of the day.

like dadt and the dream act?
"We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues. . .". That is delusional if you think the social values conservatives will let you pilot the TP ship without them. The social values group are large enough to force you to their issues and small enough to guarantee your defeat at the end of the day.

I still don't see "social conservatism" as a wedge issue. Most of us are conservatives to begin with, my point is that I don't want the flat-earthers and strict bible-thumpers to rock the boat. We can agree on enough social issues to keep the majority party intact.

The Liberal Marxist will make it a wedge issue, its already happening here on this message board, any place the Liberal Marxist has a voice they will direct us to answer to them, even telling us there are many types of conservatives.

How many types are there now.

Social conservatives, NeoCons, Log Cabin Conservatives, the Far right wing conservatives, the moderate conservatives.

There is only one conservative, the rest are the labels the liberal marxist will use to divide us.
mdn2000 does not even know what a marxist is. How simply laughable he is.

The point remains. The social values conservatives are both the strength and the weakness in the GOP and the Tea Party. Need them for nomination but then watch them cause defeat in the presidential election.
mdn2000 does not even know what a marxist is. How simply laughable he is.

The point remains. The social values conservatives are both the strength and the weakness in the GOP and the Tea Party. Need them for nomination but then watch them cause defeat in the presidential election.

I know Che was an Augustinian who graduated medical school but never became a doctor, I know Che murdered a boy for stealing some food to eat, no trial, just executed by Che himself. I know Che thought Marxist got to start to revolutions in a life and was stupid enough to get caught without his asthma medicine in Bolivia trying to start his second.

I also own all of Marx's important work. After about ten minutes of Marx's theory its painfully obvious nobody reads Marx's theory on Labor. Talk about a bore and poor writer.

I know I burned Jakey when I wiped my boot of Jakey, it felt like I stepped in dog shit.

Ever since then this is about the only dialogue we have.

Suits me fine, I do not respond the same to an intellect as I respond to a fool.

JakeStarkey is the fool. Thanks for another opportunity to respond, its a lot harder when you ignore me, that makes me believe I am not getting to you. You are weak.
"We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues. . .". That is delusional if you think the social values conservatives will let you pilot the TP ship without them. The social values group are large enough to force you to their issues and small enough to guarantee your defeat at the end of the day.

like dadt and the dream act?

DADT could be re-upped if the gays start suing their DIs for picking on them...I'm waiting for the first lawsuits for discrimination based on sexual orientation.

As for the dream-act, that was a bad idea whose time has past. A better idea for 2012 will be which party will put troops on the border to stop the drug gangs from turning the border areas into a free fire zone?
Didn't we hear some of these rumblings when Perot was running in 92 and 96? Remember Wallace in 68? These third party attempts always end up fizzliing away because the people who vote (the majority) identify with their party and the are robotic in the elections pulling that lever (symbolically speaking) for the party! If the T party does become a major force it will just assimulate the repubs and basically the name will change but it will still be repubs.

The real question is what is their symbol? Is it going to be the snake that seems to be on the flags they fly?
I predict these pricks will use every trick in the book to circumvent congress, and likely invent a few new ones before they're done.
Anyone thinking a republican congress will change much is delusional. All it will do is force the obama and his band of merry assholes to get more creative.

They is so much bureaucracy in place Obama can do what he wants and can any administration. God help the American people.
I predict the Republicans in Congress will
Balance the budget
End abortion
Reduce the national debt
Force N Korea and Iran to give up their nuclear programs
Convince the world global warming is a hoax
Bring god back to our schools
Convince homosexuals they don't need to get married
Turn the government over to the states

That is why they were elected
"We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues. . .". That is delusional if you think the social values conservatives will let you pilot the TP ship without them. The social values group are large enough to force you to their issues and small enough to guarantee your defeat at the end of the day.

like dadt and the dream act?

DADT could be re-upped if the gays start suing their DIs for picking on them...I'm waiting for the first lawsuits for discrimination based on sexual orientation.

As for the dream-act, that was a bad idea whose time has past. A better idea for 2012 will be which party will put troops on the border to stop the drug gangs from turning the border areas into a free fire zone?

yes we'll certainly see if we have created just another venue for protected class litigation bonanza.

My larger point was however that when reps. bring up social issues the media is so very quick off the mark to make hay over it, however when the dems decide, in a lame duck congress to boot to raise social issues and use valuable legislative time to take these issues up, while they have punted on issues with much greater import as to the country as a whole, not a word on 'creating social angst'...or 'division' or 'efforts at polarizing the nation'....
Third party? Yes or no? Win or lose?

*sigh*, on one hand I want to see one badly. Things are very much worse than 1992, and 19.7 million votes then, may equal 30 million now...but that doesn't win elections, the electoral college does. It would take the planets aligning and above all the perfect candidate.

So far in this country the only thing that a 3rd party accomplishes is success for the party they least align with.
People are mistaken when they say that it was the Tea Party that gave Republicans the big win. On the contrary, it was the fact that the Tea Party activist relinquished their votes to the Republican Party...absolving a win for many Democrats that didn't have to deal with split voting.
"We have common ground, fiscal sanity, no evangelical bullshit, no other wedge issues. . .". That is delusional if you think the social values conservatives will let you pilot the TP ship without them. The social values group are large enough to force you to their issues and small enough to guarantee your defeat at the end of the day.

Can anyone name a bonafide social liberal/fiscal conservative who has staunch and legitimate support from the Tea Party?

I can't.
Look at the item in the OP, I think it's #23 - a race between a Democrat, Republican, and Tea Party candidate.

That's what you TP'ers will get if you go third party. Think Doug Hoffman NY23 on a national scale.
Look at the item in the OP, I think it's #23 - a race between a Democrat, Republican, and Tea Party candidate.

That's what you TP'ers will get if you go third party. Think Doug Hoffman NY23 on a national scale.

that analogy really isn't very good, I agree in spirit but...Perot is the optimal choice in that context I think.
OK folks just EXACTLY what is it that dems or repubs are NOT doing which you wish to see done?

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