Precisely what are you mods encouraging here?

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Ah well. Someone finally did just go back and delete the post that contained the threat itself. I still don't know who made the choice to encourage that kind of behavior and though.

So my responses are moot now anyway. But that isn't what plucked me anyway. It was the fact that a choice was made to leave the threat and delete two posts that acknowledged the threat and that were completely within the rules.

No message about my posts being deleted or anything. Just zapped, while the threat remained untouched.

But make no mistake, if I didn't say something it'd still be that way. There's no doubt in my mind about it.

Keep an eye on your posts, people.
I just had some shmuck make a public murder threat to anyone who disagrees with him, which still sits there in the thread btw, but when I responded to his threat and asked him ''badass are ya?" and said ''what a weenie'' my post(s) got deleted.

Better to report it and Moderators everywhere normally delete replies to the death threat post to protect YOU and the forum.
Better to report it and Moderators everywhere normally delete replies to the death threat post to protect YOU and the forum.

They can't be trusted to police each other. On other boards, yes. But not this bunch. You've been around here long enough to have witnessed that phenomenon time and time again, tommy. Come on, man. Have to be realistic about it.
It will never be answered on the open board and let me be clear nor should it…

Oh, it'll be answered. Whether any of them choose to answer it is irrelevant. They're using someone elses product. The TOS are a tad more complex and thorough in that regard. It's a whole different ball game.

I'm just giving the culprit an opportunity to do so, if they have the courage.

I'm not doing that ''pm a mod'' nonsense. That's just their way of covering for each other and keeing things under wraps.

I'm tired of that Romper Room bullshit. As I said, if nothing is done about that kind of nonsense, the culprit is just gonna keep on doing it.
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Oh, it'll be answered. Whether any of them choose to answer it is irrelevant. They;re using someone elses product.
Any death threat made should be reported and then leave the thread because the person is not worth engaging at all.

You know this and you know what will happen if you push this, so please calm down and go into PM with three mods you feel comfortable with…
They can't be trusted to police each other. On other boards, yes. But not this bunch. You've been around here long enough to have witnessed that phenomenon time and time again, tommy. Come on, man. Have to be realistic about it.

I have talked about some of it in the PM system with Mods the not going to do it in public and certainly not doing it anymore as the problem is beyond the Mod team who are being let down.

You should understand that the Moderators here are not getting adequete support being too few in number lacking an Administrator chief to run the place with owners who are mostly hands off absentee people.

I have moderated forums before and currently Moderator on two science blogs one is Watts Up With That?

Moderator team works best with an active Administrator/Owner who tries to keep the rules simple and the moderation decisions consistent with the stated rules.
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Talk about missing the point. 👎


We're gonna use lethal force if you don't agree with us because we say so - oh, that's okay, no problemo, good post, we'll leave that in place.

Oh, badass are ya....what a weenie... - oh, hell no, we can't have any of that, delete that shit....
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