Preach To The Lions


Sep 23, 2010
The Middle East is approaching a nuclear a war between Iran and Israel. My hope is that America standing by Israel will avoid that war. There is one caveat. America should defend Israel because Israel is our ally not because it is the only democracy in the Middle East. No American should lift a finger to defend democracy in the Middle East or anywhere else.

Aside from the Israel-Iran conflict the Middle East appears to be falling into the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. The transformation began with the democracy-driven Arab Spring. The attack in Benghazi hit closer to home. I think Americans are more concerned over Benghazi than the big picture in the Middle East. In one sense Americans must feel the government cannot punish anyone for killing Americans even when they give interviews; so how the hell can the government solve anything else in the Middle East.

The coverup grinds on

The Ben Rhodes Benghazi e-mail is an embarrassment to those engaged in the coverup, but nothing much will come of it here at home, while Muslims in the Middle East will be emboldened when they see stuff like this:

You have to laugh at those press room briefings. Press secretaries are hired because they know how to make lies sound plausible. The Benghazi lies are ridiculous but oh so plausible.

Press secretaries are shit-stoppers; i.e. the press secretary is lying not the president. The joke is “Does this go all the way to the White House as it did in Watergate.” Nobody ever mentions that it already goes to the White House when press secretaries repeat the lies presidents tell.


Everybody already knows Suzy Five Shows lied; Hillary Clinton lied, everybody in the Administration lied. The lies continue to this day. So why the hell is the press asking questions Congress should be asking? Apparently journalists never heard this one:

Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies. Oliver Goldsmith

Incidentally, the liars always point out that in the first few days after the attack in Benghazi the press was reporting that the attack was the result of an insulting homemade video. Here’s my RHETORICAL question. Where did the press get that information if not from the White House?

Muslim fundamentalism may have roots in the Middle East, but the violence seen in Benghazi has spread worldwide. Assuming there is an ounce of truth in the offensive video story I can only agree with Hillary Clinton:

[ame=]Clinton Benghazi Testimony - What does it matter? - YouTube[/ame]​

If the goal is to prevent it from ever happening again the entire non-Muslim world should bury Islam with insulting videos, movies, books, cartoons, articles and novels —— not cave-in to their political orientation. Allowing Muslim fanatics to pick off stragglers legitimizes religious murder.

Dutch Filmmaker, an Islam Critic, Is Killed
Published: November 3, 2004

Parenthetically, if Muslims worldwide are so damned offended by freedom of speech it should be protected by practicing it —— the very thing Muslims object to. My emphasis in the following excerpt:

While you were out scavenging the Wal-Mart super sales or trying on trinkets at Tiffany and Cartier, your government has been quietly wrapping up a Christmas gift of its own: adoption of UN resolution 16/18. An initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of Islamic Conferences), the confederacy of 56 Islamic states, Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as “discriminatory” or which involves the “defamation of religion” – specifically that which can be viewed as “incitement to imminent violence.”

Whatever that means.

Initially proposed in response to alleged discrimination against Muslims in the aftermath of 9/11 and in an effort to clamp down on anti-Muslim attacks in non-Muslim countries, Resolution 16/18 has been through a number of revisions over the years in order to make it palatable to American representatives concerned about U.S. Constitutional guarantees of free speech. Previous versions of the Resolution, which sought to criminalize blasphemous speech and the “defamation of religion,” were regularly rejected by the American delegation and by the US State Department, which insisted that limitations on speech – even speech deemed to be racist or blasphemous – were at odds with the Constitution. But this latest version, which includes the “incitement to imminent violence” phrase – that is, which criminalizes speech which incites violence against others on the basis of religion, race, or national origin – has succeeded in winning US approval –despite the fact that it (indirectly) places limitations as well on speech considered “blasphemous.”

Op/Ed 12/30/2011 @ 12:41PM
Could You Be A Criminal? US Supports UN Anti-Free Speech Measure
Abigail R. Esman

Could You Be A Criminal? US Supports UN Anti-Free Speech Measure - Forbes

Testimony by retired a Air Force General, Robert Lovell, is far more significant than the Ben Rhodes e-mail. When asked about why the military did not respond while Americans were under attack General Lovell seemed to be walking a tightrope over dangerous waters. This video is a small part of Lovell’s testimony:

[ame=]Lovell's testimony contradicts Obama administration - YouTube[/ame]​

General Lovell’s comments near the end of the video say the military did not respond. I think he was carefully avoiding the only question of importance: Was the military told to stand down?

To be clear on this, General Lovell was in Europe at the time; so he would have no firsthand knowledge of what was said in the White House about a rescue mission. The “stand down order” is the only issue that matters. It is the only part of the Benghazi coverup the president cannot lie his way out of.

Notice that Rep. Issa is not giving up on finding out although I have not heard that any witnesses were ever nailed down about a possible stand down order.

Also notice that Congress concluded the military was never ordered to stand down. That, in itself, reeks of a coverup on par with the Administration’s video story because nobody knew how long those men under attack could hold out. Indeed, it is more of a coverup because Congress had ample time to analyze the flaw in the reason given for not sending help. Put it this way. Suppose the men under attack held out for 24 hours, or longer. What would the excuse be for not sending help?

Asked whether the military was allowed to adequately respond, Lovell said it was not. "The military could have made a response of some sort," he said.

McKeon's statement disputed Lovell's assertions based on his committee's interviews with more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command and its review of thousands of pages of transcripts, emails and other documents.

"We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources the Defense Department had available to respond," McKeon said. "Lovell did not further the investigation or reveal anything new, he was another painful reminder of the agony our military felt that night: wanting to respond but unable to do so."

The unusual rebuke also pitted McKeon, who has said he was satisfied that the military did all it could, against Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a House committee chairman who has doggedly pursued the question of whether the military was told to "stand down" on the night of the attacks.

Congress has concluded that the military was never told to "stand down" and that assets such as fighter jets in Italy or other help weren't ready to respond in time for the two attacks that occurred eight hours apart.

General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke
May 1st 2014 2:19PM Article - General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke

Finally, The Left will never shed a tear for any American killed defending this country. Their hatred of the military goes back to the Vietnam War when they defended Communist expansion by claiming it was an unjust war. Socialists/Communists at the time were the organizers, while anti-war moralists are more anti-self-defense than they are anti-war. They always talk at the wrong people. They are so diseased with turn-the-other-cheekitis they would preach peace to the Christians instead of the lions.

Dennis Prager covers everything pretty well:

[ame=]Dennis Prager brilliantly articulates what is wrong with America today. - YouTube[/ame]​

p.s. Mr. Prager was talking about the 2010 midterms. That battle is ongoing. This year it is the Senate. It was too late to stop the ACA in November 2010. The Middle East would still be an ongoing train wreck because the president has near-absolute control. But think how much better off the country would be domestically had the Democrats lost the Senate as well as the House in the 2010 midterm.
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Here’s a terrific twofer on Benghazi. You get Jonah Goldberg along with a bit of Steve Hayes; one of the good ones on Special Report panels.

I love Jonah’s bit about Jay Carney:

On Wednesday, Jay Carney explained — as if he was talking to a room full of children — that the Benghazi e-mail the White House refused to release until the White House was forced to release its Benghazi e-mails wasn’t in fact about Benghazi, even though the e-mail talks about Benghazi. This is Monty Pythonesque of “Dead Parrot” proportions. That’s not a Benghazi e-mail, it’s just an e-mail about Benghazi, in a folder marked “Benghazi” e-mails, idiot.

As I said on Fox yesterday, Jay Carney is a very strange creature for Washington. He’s an extremely confident liar — we’ve got a lot of those! — but he’s not very convincing. Usually, confidence = convincing. As George Costanza (and in his own way Bill Clinton) liked to say, it’s not a lie if you believe it when you tell it. But with Carney, he lies in a way that makes it seem not so much like he believes it but that you’re an idiot for not believing it. There’s a kind of the-joke’s-on-you feel to the way he talks that reminds me of that (X-rated and not safe for work) Onion article, “Why Do These Homosexuals Keep [Fellating Me]?”

Carney actually seems shocked and, well, disappointed to the point of contemptuousness, when reporters won’t believe him. It’s like no one told him he doesn’t have Jedi mind tricks at his disposal.

May 3, 2014 4:00 AM Benghazi Made Simple
The White House’s political and ideological instincts overpowered everything else.
By Jonah Goldberg

Benghazi Made Simple | National Review Online
. . . nobody knew how long those men under attack could hold out. Indeed, it is more of a coverup because Congress had ample time to analyze the flaw in the reason given for not sending help. Put it this way. Suppose the men under attack held out for 24 hours, or longer. What would the excuse be for not sending help?

At long last who issued the order to stand down is resurfacing after being ignored for so long. Charles Krauthammer’s analyses stops short of asking who gave the order but it’s a start.

Move the cursor to 3:05 and listen to Krauthammer say “The length of the attack was not known.”

[ame=]Fox News Reporting - Benghazi White House Cover-Up Revealed? - Part 5 of 5 - What We Now Know - YouTube[/ame]​
The Middle East is approaching a nuclear a war between Iran and Israel. My hope is that America standing by Israel will avoid that war. There is one caveat. America should defend Israel because Israel is our ally not because it is the only democracy in the Middle East. No American should lift a finger to defend democracy in the Middle East or anywhere else.

Aside from the Israel-Iran conflict the Middle East appears to be falling into the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. The transformation began with the democracy-driven Arab Spring. The attack in Benghazi hit closer to home. I think Americans are more concerned over Benghazi than the big picture in the Middle East. In one sense Americans must feel the government cannot punish anyone for killing Americans even when they give interviews; so how the hell can the government solve anything else in the Middle East.

The coverup grinds on

The Ben Rhodes Benghazi e-mail is an embarrassment to those engaged in the coverup, but nothing much will come of it here at home, while Muslims in the Middle East will be emboldened when they see stuff like this:

You have to laugh at those press room briefings. Press secretaries are hired because they know how to make lies sound plausible. The Benghazi lies are ridiculous but oh so plausible.

Press secretaries are shit-stoppers; i.e. the press secretary is lying not the president. The joke is “Does this go all the way to the White House as it did in Watergate.” Nobody ever mentions that it already goes to the White House when press secretaries repeat the lies presidents tell.


Everybody already knows Suzy Five Shows lied; Hillary Clinton lied, everybody in the Administration lied. The lies continue to this day. So why the hell is the press asking questions Congress should be asking? Apparently journalists never heard this one:

Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies. Oliver Goldsmith

Incidentally, the liars always point out that in the first few days after the attack in Benghazi the press was reporting that the attack was the result of an insulting homemade video. Here’s my RHETORICAL question. Where did the press get that information if not from the White House?

Muslim fundamentalism may have roots in the Middle East, but the violence seen in Benghazi has spread worldwide. Assuming there is an ounce of truth in the offensive video story I can only agree with Hillary Clinton:

[ame=]Clinton Benghazi Testimony - What does it matter? - YouTube[/ame]​

If the goal is to prevent it from ever happening again the entire non-Muslim world should bury Islam with insulting videos, movies, books, cartoons, articles and novels —— not cave-in to their political orientation. Allowing Muslim fanatics to pick off stragglers legitimizes religious murder.

Parenthetically, if Muslims worldwide are so damned offended by freedom of speech it should be protected by practicing it —— the very thing Muslims object to. My emphasis in the following excerpt:

While you were out scavenging the Wal-Mart super sales or trying on trinkets at Tiffany and Cartier, your government has been quietly wrapping up a Christmas gift of its own: adoption of UN resolution 16/18. An initiative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of Islamic Conferences), the confederacy of 56 Islamic states, Resolution 16/18 seeks to limit speech that is viewed as “discriminatory” or which involves the “defamation of religion” – specifically that which can be viewed as “incitement to imminent violence.”

Whatever that means.

Initially proposed in response to alleged discrimination against Muslims in the aftermath of 9/11 and in an effort to clamp down on anti-Muslim attacks in non-Muslim countries, Resolution 16/18 has been through a number of revisions over the years in order to make it palatable to American representatives concerned about U.S. Constitutional guarantees of free speech. Previous versions of the Resolution, which sought to criminalize blasphemous speech and the “defamation of religion,” were regularly rejected by the American delegation and by the US State Department, which insisted that limitations on speech – even speech deemed to be racist or blasphemous – were at odds with the Constitution. But this latest version, which includes the “incitement to imminent violence” phrase – that is, which criminalizes speech which incites violence against others on the basis of religion, race, or national origin – has succeeded in winning US approval –despite the fact that it (indirectly) places limitations as well on speech considered “blasphemous.”

Op/Ed 12/30/2011 @ 12:41PM
Could You Be A Criminal? US Supports UN Anti-Free Speech Measure
Abigail R. Esman

Could You Be A Criminal? US Supports UN Anti-Free Speech Measure - Forbes

Testimony by retired a Air Force General, Robert Lovell, is far more significant than the Ben Rhodes e-mail. When asked about why the military did not respond while Americans were under attack General Lovell seemed to be walking a tightrope over dangerous waters. This video is a small part of Lovell’s testimony:

[ame=]Lovell's testimony contradicts Obama administration - YouTube[/ame]​

General Lovell’s comments near the end of the video say the military did not respond. I think he was carefully avoiding the only question of importance: Was the military told to stand down?

To be clear on this, General Lovell was in Europe at the time; so he would have no firsthand knowledge of what was said in the White House about a rescue mission. The “stand down order” is the only issue that matters. It is the only part of the Benghazi coverup the president cannot lie his way out of.

Notice that Rep. Issa is not giving up on finding out although I have not heard that any witnesses were ever nailed down about a possible stand down order.

Also notice that Congress concluded the military was never ordered to stand down. That, in itself, reeks of a coverup on par with the Administration’s video story because nobody knew how long those men under attack could hold out. Indeed, it is more of a coverup because Congress had ample time to analyze the flaw in the reason given for not sending help. Put it this way. Suppose the men under attack held out for 24 hours, or longer. What would the excuse be for not sending help?

Asked whether the military was allowed to adequately respond, Lovell said it was not. "The military could have made a response of some sort," he said.

McKeon's statement disputed Lovell's assertions based on his committee's interviews with more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command and its review of thousands of pages of transcripts, emails and other documents.

"We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources the Defense Department had available to respond," McKeon said. "Lovell did not further the investigation or reveal anything new, he was another painful reminder of the agony our military felt that night: wanting to respond but unable to do so."

The unusual rebuke also pitted McKeon, who has said he was satisfied that the military did all it could, against Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a House committee chairman who has doggedly pursued the question of whether the military was told to "stand down" on the night of the attacks.

Congress has concluded that the military was never told to "stand down" and that assets such as fighter jets in Italy or other help weren't ready to respond in time for the two attacks that occurred eight hours apart.

General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke
May 1st 2014 2:19PM Article - General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke

Finally, The Left will never shed a tear for any American killed defending this country. Their hatred of the military goes back to the Vietnam War when they defended Communist expansion by claiming it was an unjust war. Socialists/Communists at the time were the organizers, while anti-war moralists are more anti-self-defense than they are anti-war. They always talk at the wrong people. They are so diseased with turn-the-other-cheekitis they would preach peace to the Christians instead of the lions.

Dennis Prager covers everything pretty well:

[ame=]Dennis Prager brilliantly articulates what is wrong with America today. - YouTube[/ame]​

p.s. Mr. Prager was talking about the 2010 midterms. That battle is ongoing. This year it is the Senate. It was too late to stop the ACA in November 2010. The Middle East would still be an ongoing train wreck because the president has near-absolute control. But think how much better off the country would be domestically had the Democrats lost the Senate as well as the House in the 2010 midterm.

Really I am part of the Left and served (Volunteered) 68 to 72 an in Nam two tours 69 an 71 so your premise is bullshit

I served and was on the gun line, we also supported the river patrol boats an ourselves patrolled the Saigon river.The picture is my first ship.

So your ignorant bull shit doesn't fly

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The Middle East is approaching a nuclear a war between Iran and Israel. My hope is that America standing by Israel will avoid that war. There is one caveat. America should defend Israel because Israel is our ally not because it is the only democracy in the Middle East. No American should lift a finger to defend democracy in the Middle East or anywhere else.

Aside from the Israel-Iran conflict the Middle East appears to be falling into the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. The transformation began with the democracy-driven Arab Spring. The attack in Benghazi hit closer to home. I think Americans are more concerned over Benghazi than the big picture in the Middle East. In one sense Americans must feel the government cannot punish anyone for killing Americans even when they give interviews; so how the hell can the government solve anything else in the Middle East.

The coverup grinds on

The Ben Rhodes Benghazi e-mail is an embarrassment to those engaged in the coverup, but nothing much will come of it here at home, while Muslims in the Middle East will be emboldened when they see stuff like this:

You have to laugh at those press room briefings. Press secretaries are hired because they know how to make lies sound plausible. The Benghazi lies are ridiculous but oh so plausible.

Press secretaries are shit-stoppers; i.e. the press secretary is lying not the president. The joke is “Does this go all the way to the White House as it did in Watergate.” Nobody ever mentions that it already goes to the White House when press secretaries repeat the lies presidents tell.


Everybody already knows Suzy Five Shows lied; Hillary Clinton lied, everybody in the Administration lied. The lies continue to this day. So why the hell is the press asking questions Congress should be asking? Apparently journalists never heard this one:

Incidentally, the liars always point out that in the first few days after the attack in Benghazi the press was reporting that the attack was the result of an insulting homemade video. Here’s my RHETORICAL question. Where did the press get that information if not from the White House?

Muslim fundamentalism may have roots in the Middle East, but the violence seen in Benghazi has spread worldwide. Assuming there is an ounce of truth in the offensive video story I can only agree with Hillary Clinton:

[ame=]Clinton Benghazi Testimony - What does it matter? - YouTube[/ame]​

If the goal is to prevent it from ever happening again the entire non-Muslim world should bury Islam with insulting videos, movies, books, cartoons, articles and novels —— not cave-in to their political orientation. Allowing Muslim fanatics to pick off stragglers legitimizes religious murder.

Parenthetically, if Muslims worldwide are so damned offended by freedom of speech it should be protected by practicing it —— the very thing Muslims object to. My emphasis in the following excerpt:

Testimony by retired a Air Force General, Robert Lovell, is far more significant than the Ben Rhodes e-mail. When asked about why the military did not respond while Americans were under attack General Lovell seemed to be walking a tightrope over dangerous waters. This video is a small part of Lovell’s testimony:

[ame=]Lovell's testimony contradicts Obama administration - YouTube[/ame]​

General Lovell’s comments near the end of the video say the military did not respond. I think he was carefully avoiding the only question of importance: Was the military told to stand down?

To be clear on this, General Lovell was in Europe at the time; so he would have no firsthand knowledge of what was said in the White House about a rescue mission. The “stand down order” is the only issue that matters. It is the only part of the Benghazi coverup the president cannot lie his way out of.

Notice that Rep. Issa is not giving up on finding out although I have not heard that any witnesses were ever nailed down about a possible stand down order.

Also notice that Congress concluded the military was never ordered to stand down. That, in itself, reeks of a coverup on par with the Administration’s video story because nobody knew how long those men under attack could hold out. Indeed, it is more of a coverup because Congress had ample time to analyze the flaw in the reason given for not sending help. Put it this way. Suppose the men under attack held out for 24 hours, or longer. What would the excuse be for not sending help?

Asked whether the military was allowed to adequately respond, Lovell said it was not. "The military could have made a response of some sort," he said.

McKeon's statement disputed Lovell's assertions based on his committee's interviews with more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command and its review of thousands of pages of transcripts, emails and other documents.

"We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources the Defense Department had available to respond," McKeon said. "Lovell did not further the investigation or reveal anything new, he was another painful reminder of the agony our military felt that night: wanting to respond but unable to do so."

The unusual rebuke also pitted McKeon, who has said he was satisfied that the military did all it could, against Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a House committee chairman who has doggedly pursued the question of whether the military was told to "stand down" on the night of the attacks.

Congress has concluded that the military was never told to "stand down" and that assets such as fighter jets in Italy or other help weren't ready to respond in time for the two attacks that occurred eight hours apart.

General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke
May 1st 2014 2:19PM Article - General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke

Finally, The Left will never shed a tear for any American killed defending this country. Their hatred of the military goes back to the Vietnam War when they defended Communist expansion by claiming it was an unjust war. Socialists/Communists at the time were the organizers, while anti-war moralists are more anti-self-defense than they are anti-war. They always talk at the wrong people. They are so diseased with turn-the-other-cheekitis they would preach peace to the Christians instead of the lions.

Dennis Prager covers everything pretty well:

[ame=]Dennis Prager brilliantly articulates what is wrong with America today. - YouTube[/ame]​

p.s. Mr. Prager was talking about the 2010 midterms. That battle is ongoing. This year it is the Senate. It was too late to stop the ACA in November 2010. The Middle East would still be an ongoing train wreck because the president has near-absolute control. But think how much better off the country would be domestically had the Democrats lost the Senate as well as the House in the 2010 midterm.

Really I am part of the Left and served (Volunteered) 68 to 72 an in Nam two tours 69 an 71 so your premise is bullshit

I served and was on the gun line, we also supported the river patrol boats an ourselves patrolled the Saigon river.The picture is my first ship.

So your ignorant bull shit doesn't fly

USS Mullinnix DD-944 - VA Information for Muxmen


My first tour

At 1600 PM, 16 January 1969, the last lines connecting the Mullinnix to home port were taken in, the course for the Western Pacific was now set. On February 20, 1969, MUX was off the coast of Vietnam providing naval gunfire support to U.S. ground forces in the Republic of South Vietnam. Campaigns Mux participated in:
1. Vietnamese Counter-offensive Phase VI (02 Nov 1968 - 22 Feb 1969)
2. Tet 69/Counteroffensive (23 February 1969 - 08 June 1969)
3. Vietnam Summer-Fall 1969 (09 June 1969 - 31 October 1969)
4. Vietnam Winter-Spring 1970 (01 November 1969 - 30 April 1970)

MULLINNIX returned to combat for her second gunline patrol on May 1st. Spending most of her time on station just south of the DMZ, the Mighty MUX fired in support of the Third Marine Division. The MUX completed her third and final gunline patrol during this WestPac cruise on July 15, 1969. During the 83 days on three gunline patrols in the I and II Corps areas, MULLINNIX provided naval gunfire support to Allied forces south of the DMZ, Da Nang, and in the vicinities of Cam Rahn Bay, Nha Trang, and Qui Nhen. For her naval gunfire support performance for fiscal year 1969, MULLINNIX was named "TOP GUN" among the gunline destroyers. A proud crew returned to Norfolk on 3 September

Mullinnix fired 20,849 5-inch rounds and 83 3-inch rounds. Total missions 1,627; 229 structures destroyed, 156 structures damaged. She received credit for about 200 KIA.

Now when did you serve?
Really I am part of the Left and served (Volunteered) 68 to 72 an in Nam two tours 69 an 71 so your premise is bullshit

I served and was on the gun line, we also supported the river patrol boats an ourselves patrolled the Saigon river.The picture is my first ship.

So your ignorant bull shit doesn't fly

To guno: Serving on the battlefield does not give anyone understanding of the politics involved. Instead of blowing your own horn and attacking me explain your political views.

Incidentally, I assume you are a big supporter of John Kerry’s bullshit.

Now when did you serve?

To guno: My service is none of your goddamned business.
Really I am part of the Left and served (Volunteered) 68 to 72 an in Nam two tours 69 an 71 so your premise is bullshit

I served and was on the gun line, we also supported the river patrol boats an ourselves patrolled the Saigon river.The picture is my first ship.

So your ignorant bull shit doesn't fly

To guno: Serving on the battlefield does not give anyone understanding of the politics involved. Instead of blowing your own horn and attacking me explain your political views.

Incidentally, I assume you are a big supporter of John Kerry’s bullshit.

Now when did you serve?

To guno: My service is none of your goddamned business.

My husband is retired military and served three tours in Vietnam. He along with other retired military who also served in Vietnam have no use for Kerry, but like they always say -- to each his own as we can see from Guno's post.
. . . nobody knew how long those men under attack could hold out. Indeed, it is more of a coverup because Congress had ample time to analyze the flaw in the reason given for not sending help. Put it this way. Suppose the men under attack held out for 24 hours, or longer. What would the excuse be for not sending help?

At long last who issued the order to stand down is resurfacing after being ignored for so long. Charles Krauthammer’s analyses stops short of asking who gave the order but it’s a start.

Move the cursor to 3:05 and listen to Krauthammer say “The length of the attack was not known.”

[ame=]Fox News Reporting - Benghazi White House Cover-Up Revealed? - Part 5 of 5 - What We Now Know - YouTube[/ame]​

>>Remember What Happened Here: Gaza is freed, yet Gaza wages war...
Time Magazine ^ | July 10, 2006 | Charles krauthammer

Posted on Monday, July 3, 2006 8:12:02 PM by Ooh-Ah

Gaza is freed, yet Gaza wages war. That reveals the Palestinians' true agenda

Israel Invades Gaza. That is in response to an attack from Gaza that killed two Israelis and wounded another, who was kidnapped and brought back to Gaza ...which, in turn, was in response to Israel's targeted killing of terrorist leaders in Gaza...which, in turn, was in response to the indiscriminate shelling of Israeli towns by rockets launched from Gaza.

Of all the conflicts in the world, the one that seems the most tediously and hopelessly endless is the Arab-Israeli dispute, which has been going on in much the same way, it seems, for 60 years. Just about every story you'll see will characterize Israel's invasion of Gaza as a continuation of the cycle of violence.

Cycles are circular. They have no end. They have no beginning. That is why, as tempting as that figure of speech is to use, in this case it is false. It is as false as calling American attacks on Taliban remnants in Afghanistan part of a cycle of violence between the U.S. and al-Qaeda or, as Osama bin Laden would have it, between Islam and the Crusaders going back to 1099. Every party has its grievances--even Hitler had his list when he invaded Poland in 1939--but every conflict has its origin.

What is so remarkable about the current wave of violence in Gaza is that the event at the origin of the "cycle" is not at all historical, but very contemporary. The event is not buried in the mists of history. It occurred less than one year ago. Before the eyes of the whole world, Israel left Gaza. Every Jew, every soldier, every military installation, every remnant of Israeli occupation was uprooted and taken away.

How do the Palestinians respond? What have they done with Gaza, the first Palestinian territory in history to be independent, something neither the Ottomans nor the British nor the Egyptians nor the Jordanians, all of whom ruled Palestinians before the Israelis, ever permitted? On the very day of Israel's final pullout, the Palestinians began firing rockets out of Gaza into Israeli towns on the other side of the border. And remember: those are attacks not on settlers but on civilians in Israel proper, the pre-1967 Israel that the international community recognizes as legitimately part of sovereign Israel, a member state of the U.N. A thousand rockets have fallen since.

For what possible reason? Before the withdrawal, attacks across the border could have been rationalized with the usual Palestinian mantra of occupation, settlements and so on. But what can one say after the withdrawal?

The logic for those continued attacks is to be found in the so-called phase plan adopted in 1974 by the Palestine National Council in Cairo. Realizing that they would never be able to destroy Israel in one fell swoop, the Palestinians adopted a graduated plan to wipe out Israel. First, accept any territory given to them in any part of historic Palestine. Then, use that sanctuary to wage war until Israel is destroyed.

So in 2005 the Palestinians are given Gaza, free of any Jews. Do they begin building the state they say they want, constructing schools and roads and hospitals? No. They launch rockets at civilians and dig a 300-yard tunnel under the border to attack Israeli soldiers and bring back a hostage.

And this time the terrorism is carried out not by some shadowy group that the Palestinian leader can disavow, however disingenuously. This is Hamas in action--the group that was recently elected to lead the Palestinians. At least there is now truth in advertising: a Palestinian government openly committed to terrorism and to the destruction of a member state of the U.N. openly uses terrorism to carry on its war.

That is no cycle. That is an arrow. That is action with a purpose. The action began 59 years ago when the U.N. voted to solve the Palestine conundrum then ruled by Britain by creating a Jewish state and a Palestinian state side by side. The Jews accepted the compromise; the Palestinians rejected it and joined five outside Arab countries in a war to destroy the Jewish state and take all the territory for themselves.

They failed, and Israel survived. That remains, in the Palestinian view, Israel's original sin, the foundational crime for the cycle: Israel's survival. That's the reason for the rockets, for the tunneling, for the kidnapping--and for Israel's current response.

If that history is too ancient, consider the history of the past 12 months. Gaza is free of occupation, yet Gaza wages war. Why? Because this war is not about occupation, but about Israel's very existence. The so-called cycle will continue until the arrow is abandoned and the Palestinians accept a compromise--or until the arrow finds its mark and Israel dies.<<

Palestinians speak of unity but will this unity just enable hamas to wage war on Israel from the west bank? Will ceding land make it easier to reach Tel Aviv? Will it drag the arab countries into war against Israel.
Recognizing Israel as a jewish state, renouncing violence and turning in their weapons are not likely to happen.
Hamas and Fatah are so compatible that I don't see this working, except if hamas somehow take control and ousts the PLO, which would be a worst case.
The Middle East is approaching a nuclear a war between Iran and Israel. My hope is that America standing by Israel will avoid that war. There is one caveat. America should defend Israel because Israel is our ally not because it is the only democracy in the Middle East. No American should lift a finger to defend democracy in the Middle East or anywhere else.

Aside from the Israel-Iran conflict the Middle East appears to be falling into the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. The transformation began with the democracy-driven Arab Spring. The attack in Benghazi hit closer to home. I think Americans are more concerned over Benghazi than the big picture in the Middle East. In one sense Americans must feel the government cannot punish anyone for killing Americans even when they give interviews; so how the hell can the government solve anything else in the Middle East.

The coverup grinds on

The Ben Rhodes Benghazi e-mail is an embarrassment to those engaged in the coverup, but nothing much will come of it here at home, while Muslims in the Middle East will be emboldened when they see stuff like this:

You have to laugh at those press room briefings. Press secretaries are hired because they know how to make lies sound plausible. The Benghazi lies are ridiculous but oh so plausible.

Press secretaries are shit-stoppers; i.e. the press secretary is lying not the president. The joke is &#8220;Does this go all the way to the White House as it did in Watergate.&#8221; Nobody ever mentions that it already goes to the White House when press secretaries repeat the lies presidents tell.


Everybody already knows Suzy Five Shows lied; Hillary Clinton lied, everybody in the Administration lied. The lies continue to this day. So why the hell is the press asking questions Congress should be asking? Apparently journalists never heard this one:

Incidentally, the liars always point out that in the first few days after the attack in Benghazi the press was reporting that the attack was the result of an insulting homemade video. Here&#8217;s my RHETORICAL question. Where did the press get that information if not from the White House?

Muslim fundamentalism may have roots in the Middle East, but the violence seen in Benghazi has spread worldwide. Assuming there is an ounce of truth in the offensive video story I can only agree with Hillary Clinton:

[ame=]Clinton Benghazi Testimony - What does it matter? - YouTube[/ame]​

If the goal is to prevent it from ever happening again the entire non-Muslim world should bury Islam with insulting videos, movies, books, cartoons, articles and novels &#8212;&#8212; not cave-in to their political orientation. Allowing Muslim fanatics to pick off stragglers legitimizes religious murder.

Parenthetically, if Muslims worldwide are so damned offended by freedom of speech it should be protected by practicing it &#8212;&#8212; the very thing Muslims object to. My emphasis in the following excerpt:

Testimony by retired a Air Force General, Robert Lovell, is far more significant than the Ben Rhodes e-mail. When asked about why the military did not respond while Americans were under attack General Lovell seemed to be walking a tightrope over dangerous waters. This video is a small part of Lovell&#8217;s testimony:

[ame=]Lovell's testimony contradicts Obama administration - YouTube[/ame]​

General Lovell&#8217;s comments near the end of the video say the military did not respond. I think he was carefully avoiding the only question of importance: Was the military told to stand down?

To be clear on this, General Lovell was in Europe at the time; so he would have no firsthand knowledge of what was said in the White House about a rescue mission. The &#8220;stand down order&#8221; is the only issue that matters. It is the only part of the Benghazi coverup the president cannot lie his way out of.

Notice that Rep. Issa is not giving up on finding out although I have not heard that any witnesses were ever nailed down about a possible stand down order.

Also notice that Congress concluded the military was never ordered to stand down. That, in itself, reeks of a coverup on par with the Administration&#8217;s video story because nobody knew how long those men under attack could hold out. Indeed, it is more of a coverup because Congress had ample time to analyze the flaw in the reason given for not sending help. Put it this way. Suppose the men under attack held out for 24 hours, or longer. What would the excuse be for not sending help?

Asked whether the military was allowed to adequately respond, Lovell said it was not. "The military could have made a response of some sort," he said.

McKeon's statement disputed Lovell's assertions based on his committee's interviews with more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command and its review of thousands of pages of transcripts, emails and other documents.

"We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources the Defense Department had available to respond," McKeon said. "Lovell did not further the investigation or reveal anything new, he was another painful reminder of the agony our military felt that night: wanting to respond but unable to do so."

The unusual rebuke also pitted McKeon, who has said he was satisfied that the military did all it could, against Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a House committee chairman who has doggedly pursued the question of whether the military was told to "stand down" on the night of the attacks.

Congress has concluded that the military was never told to "stand down" and that assets such as fighter jets in Italy or other help weren't ready to respond in time for the two attacks that occurred eight hours apart.

General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke
May 1st 2014 2:19PM Article - General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke

Finally, The Left will never shed a tear for any American killed defending this country. Their hatred of the military goes back to the Vietnam War when they defended Communist expansion by claiming it was an unjust war. Socialists/Communists at the time were the organizers, while anti-war moralists are more anti-self-defense than they are anti-war. They always talk at the wrong people. They are so diseased with turn-the-other-cheekitis they would preach peace to the Christians instead of the lions.

Dennis Prager covers everything pretty well:

[ame=]Dennis Prager brilliantly articulates what is wrong with America today. - YouTube[/ame]​

p.s. Mr. Prager was talking about the 2010 midterms. That battle is ongoing. This year it is the Senate. It was too late to stop the ACA in November 2010. The Middle East would still be an ongoing train wreck because the president has near-absolute control. But think how much better off the country would be domestically had the Democrats lost the Senate as well as the House in the 2010 midterm.

Really I am part of the Left and served (Volunteered) 68 to 72 an in Nam two tours 69 an 71 so your premise is bullshit

I served and was on the gun line, we also supported the river patrol boats an ourselves patrolled the Saigon river.The picture is my first ship.

So your ignorant bull shit doesn't fly

USS Mullinnix DD-944 - VA Information for Muxmen

Guno, why don't we wait to see what happens when Kerry is giving his testimony to the Congressional Committee and a decision has been made. No sense in jumping the gun. I have my pile of chips on Rep. Trey Gowdy but I won't make any predictions. I'll just say I have never lost at blackjack and this is a game of 21.
The Middle East is approaching a nuclear a war between Iran and Israel. My hope is that America standing by Israel will avoid that war. There is one caveat. America should defend Israel because Israel is our ally not because it is the only democracy in the Middle East. No American should lift a finger to defend democracy in the Middle East or anywhere else.

Aside from the Israel-Iran conflict the Middle East appears to be falling into the hands of Muslim fundamentalists. The transformation began with the democracy-driven Arab Spring. The attack in Benghazi hit closer to home. I think Americans are more concerned over Benghazi than the big picture in the Middle East. In one sense Americans must feel the government cannot punish anyone for killing Americans even when they give interviews; so how the hell can the government solve anything else in the Middle East.

The coverup grinds on

The Ben Rhodes Benghazi e-mail is an embarrassment to those engaged in the coverup, but nothing much will come of it here at home, while Muslims in the Middle East will be emboldened when they see stuff like this:

You have to laugh at those press room briefings. Press secretaries are hired because they know how to make lies sound plausible. The Benghazi lies are ridiculous but oh so plausible.

Press secretaries are shit-stoppers; i.e. the press secretary is lying not the president. The joke is “Does this go all the way to the White House as it did in Watergate.” Nobody ever mentions that it already goes to the White House when press secretaries repeat the lies presidents tell.


Everybody already knows Suzy Five Shows lied; Hillary Clinton lied, everybody in the Administration lied. The lies continue to this day. So why the hell is the press asking questions Congress should be asking? Apparently journalists never heard this one:

Incidentally, the liars always point out that in the first few days after the attack in Benghazi the press was reporting that the attack was the result of an insulting homemade video. Here’s my RHETORICAL question. Where did the press get that information if not from the White House?

Muslim fundamentalism may have roots in the Middle East, but the violence seen in Benghazi has spread worldwide. Assuming there is an ounce of truth in the offensive video story I can only agree with Hillary Clinton:

[ame=]Clinton Benghazi Testimony - What does it matter? - YouTube[/ame]​

If the goal is to prevent it from ever happening again the entire non-Muslim world should bury Islam with insulting videos, movies, books, cartoons, articles and novels —— not cave-in to their political orientation. Allowing Muslim fanatics to pick off stragglers legitimizes religious murder.

Parenthetically, if Muslims worldwide are so damned offended by freedom of speech it should be protected by practicing it —— the very thing Muslims object to. My emphasis in the following excerpt:

Testimony by retired a Air Force General, Robert Lovell, is far more significant than the Ben Rhodes e-mail. When asked about why the military did not respond while Americans were under attack General Lovell seemed to be walking a tightrope over dangerous waters. This video is a small part of Lovell’s testimony:

[ame=]Lovell's testimony contradicts Obama administration - YouTube[/ame]​

General Lovell’s comments near the end of the video say the military did not respond. I think he was carefully avoiding the only question of importance: Was the military told to stand down?

To be clear on this, General Lovell was in Europe at the time; so he would have no firsthand knowledge of what was said in the White House about a rescue mission. The “stand down order” is the only issue that matters. It is the only part of the Benghazi coverup the president cannot lie his way out of.

Notice that Rep. Issa is not giving up on finding out although I have not heard that any witnesses were ever nailed down about a possible stand down order.

Also notice that Congress concluded the military was never ordered to stand down. That, in itself, reeks of a coverup on par with the Administration’s video story because nobody knew how long those men under attack could hold out. Indeed, it is more of a coverup because Congress had ample time to analyze the flaw in the reason given for not sending help. Put it this way. Suppose the men under attack held out for 24 hours, or longer. What would the excuse be for not sending help?

Asked whether the military was allowed to adequately respond, Lovell said it was not. "The military could have made a response of some sort," he said.

McKeon's statement disputed Lovell's assertions based on his committee's interviews with more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command and its review of thousands of pages of transcripts, emails and other documents.

"We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources the Defense Department had available to respond," McKeon said. "Lovell did not further the investigation or reveal anything new, he was another painful reminder of the agony our military felt that night: wanting to respond but unable to do so."

The unusual rebuke also pitted McKeon, who has said he was satisfied that the military did all it could, against Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., a House committee chairman who has doggedly pursued the question of whether the military was told to "stand down" on the night of the attacks.

Congress has concluded that the military was never told to "stand down" and that assets such as fighter jets in Italy or other help weren't ready to respond in time for the two attacks that occurred eight hours apart.

General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke
May 1st 2014 2:19PM Article - General's opinion on Benghazi draws a rebuke

Finally, The Left will never shed a tear for any American killed defending this country. Their hatred of the military goes back to the Vietnam War when they defended Communist expansion by claiming it was an unjust war. Socialists/Communists at the time were the organizers, while anti-war moralists are more anti-self-defense than they are anti-war. They always talk at the wrong people. They are so diseased with turn-the-other-cheekitis they would preach peace to the Christians instead of the lions.

Dennis Prager covers everything pretty well:

[ame=]Dennis Prager brilliantly articulates what is wrong with America today. - YouTube[/ame]​

p.s. Mr. Prager was talking about the 2010 midterms. That battle is ongoing. This year it is the Senate. It was too late to stop the ACA in November 2010. The Middle East would still be an ongoing train wreck because the president has near-absolute control. But think how much better off the country would be domestically had the Democrats lost the Senate as well as the House in the 2010 midterm.

Really I am part of the Left and served (Volunteered) 68 to 72 an in Nam two tours 69 an 71 so your premise is bullshit

I served and was on the gun line, we also supported the river patrol boats an ourselves patrolled the Saigon river.The picture is my first ship.

So your ignorant bull shit doesn't fly

USS Mullinnix DD-944 - VA Information for Muxmen


I seriously doubt you served. And you are more than just "part of the left." You are a commie piece of shit.

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