Powerglide: TrumpUSA Media [Archangel Comics]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA Christmastime consumerism parable dedicated to our commerce-celebrating country and was inspired by the films Toys and Bulworth.

Cheers (signing off),


Hasbro and LEGO were working together to market two new fictional Transformers A.I. robot toys/models. The first was the heroic Autobot named Powerglide who transformed into a jet-plane. Powerglide robots would come in standard and LEGO form for the new market, and U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted, "A.I. imagination in modern consumer markets is always interesting." Powerglide model-toys would highlight Christmastime consumerism in 2018. This was TrumpUSA capitalism at its finest.


Cyclonus was the other Transformers robot model/toy being marketed by Hasbro/LEGO that Christmas. Cyclonus was a wolfish evil Decepticon robot who transformed into a jet-fighter. Cyclonus was a symbol of terrorism and anarchy, while Powerglide was a symbol of democracy and teamwork. Cyclonus toys were much more popular, since kids found the robot to be much more mischievous, exciting, and thrilling. However, Powerglide models/toys sold well too that Christmas. Cyclonus/Powerglide marketing was a nice boon for TrumpUSA Christmastime-consumerism(!).


President Trump received two complimentary model-sets of Powerglide and Cyclonus, as standard robots and LEGO built robots. Trump tweeted, "I'm pleased Hasbro/LEGO has taken such a sincere interest in this government's involvement in pedestrian consumerism and Christmastime imagination. I feel like I'm a character in that toy-hunt Christmas comedy film Jingle All the Way (Arnold Schwarzenegger)!" Meanwhile, Trump's secret unit of terrorism-fighters known as 'G.I. Joes' were ordered to investigate if anti-capitalism terrorists (e.g., ISIS, Cobra) were 'spying' on this new sociocultural Christmastime TrumpUSA marketing platform involving Powerglide/Cyclonus.


President Trump was busy tweeting about the marketing-drama created for consumerism after the upstart Philadelphia Eagles [NFL] defeated the Goliath-like New England Patriots, winner of a whopping 5 Super Bowl titles in the new millennium under titan-QB Tom Brady, in Super Bowl 52. Suddenly, consumers were buying more Philadelphia cheese-steaks than New England clam chowder(!). Trump tweeted, "I wonder what NFL fans appreciate more now --- Patriots cheerleaders marketing New England clam chowder or Eagles cheerleaders marketing Philadelphia cheese-steaks!" Meanwhile, Powerglide/Cyclonus model-sets sold by Hasbro/LEGO continued to sell like 'hot-cakes.' This was a nifty moment for TrumpUSA consumerism (and media!).


The two Hollywood (USA) super-celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise wanted 'in' on the marketing action and decided to invest their new comics enterprise, Archangel Comics (co-owned by comics writer/artist William Gibson), which would present a new series of comic book stories about Powerglide and Cyclonus. This would complement the recent flurry of big-budget high-profile Hollywood (USA) live-action/CGI-graphics Transformers films starring Shia LaBeouf and Mark Wahlberg. Hanks/Cruise wanted this Powerglide/Cyclonus entertainment 'feather' to accent the Hasbro/LEGO consumerism-offerings for TrumpUSA Christmas 2018. How would Hanks/Cruise weight their relevant consumerism-relevant films Toy Story and Jerry Maguire?


Powerglide became more popular over time than Cyclonus, since more and more consumer-specialists and even Consumer Reports magazine suggested that American toymakers/entertainers should invest more seriously in the enthusiastic marketing of ethics-based toys/robots/models and refrain from glorifying terrorism-themed characters/toys and 'villains.' How would TrumpUSA media accent this debate about the quality of toys being sold/marketed for Christmas? Hanks/Cruise continued producing their Archangel Comics stories about Powerglide/Cyclonus, and suddenly, film-maker Michael Bay was interested in adapting these comics-stories into a live-action film (starring Leo DiCaprio!).


An Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'vigilante' named Ajay Satan suggested that new age intrigue regarding pornography/censorship in this modern age of media compelled consumers and merchants alike to consider the social wisdom of celebrating ethics-themed toys and refraining from 'sin-themed' entertainment. Cyclonus was, after all, a sinister robot and paralleled some of the more 'racier' entertainment in American media such as graphic MTV rock music-videos (widely-accessible to youngsters on YouTube and on cable-TV). Ajay wanted Powerglide to be the 'mascot' for Christmastime consumerism-spirit and not Cyclonus. Ajay went so far as to dress up like a 'radical democracy crusader' and cited ancient-world evil avatars such as Medusa to talk about the modern social value of 'vanity-discourse.' Was Ajay right? Could consumerism breed all kinds of 'commercial vice' under TrumpUSA? President Trump tweeted, "Ajay's blogs have become quite popular, but he's quite harmless; he's just a new-age low-brow Thomas Nast, but his peers/followers like to refer to him as 'Neo' (from The Matrix!)."


Regardless of all this online/pedestrian chatter, Hanks/Cruise continued to produce the comics-stories about Powerglide/Cyclonus and now Michael Bay was producing a high-profile Hollywood (USA) film about the two robots starring Leo DiCaprio (and !). TrumpUSA consumerism/media would be remembered as a 'tower' of commercial accomplishments. Would anti-capitalism terrorists (e.g., ISIS, Cobra) view such commercial festivity as signs of 'frivolous vice' and if so, would the anti-terrorist crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' be able to use TrumpUSA media to celebrate America's brand of 'toy-factory patriotism'? There were surfacing rumors that Hanks and Cruise were secret members of G.I. Joe. This was fine TrumpUSA confetti.




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