Powell and Rice also had classified emails on private servers

While they probably didn't lie and deceive about it, investigate them after corrupt cankles gets indicted.
While they probably didn't lie and deceive about it, investigate them after corrupt cankles gets indicted.
Hillary getting indicted? Horrors, NO, that can;t be! She's a Clinton!
I used to think it was just political theater but then the FBI said when they recommend indictment and if it doesn't happen, they are going public. I LOVED it!

Looks like it just may be a CYA shell game.

The Democrats' New Game: State Goes Back and Retroactively Classifies Emails Sent to Powell's and Rice's Personal Accounts, So They Can Say "Everybody Does It"

n a statement, Powell said the two emails he received were not judged to contain confidential information at the time they were sent to him by American ambassadors.

"I wish they would release them," Powell told NBC News, "so that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, 'What's the issue?'"

Looks like it just may be a CYA shell game.

The Democrats' New Game: State Goes Back and Retroactively Classifies Emails Sent to Powell's and Rice's Personal Accounts, So They Can Say "Everybody Does It"

n a statement, Powell said the two emails he received were not judged to contain confidential information at the time they were sent to him by American ambassadors.

"I wish they would release them," Powell told NBC News, "so that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, 'What's the issue?'"

posted an article the other day, seems Powell had 2 of those classified emails, and Rice had 10.

How many did Hillary have again?
Did either one of them lie about it?
Did either one of them obstruct justice by trying to delete 10s of thousands of emails?

No, they didn't. She's a criminal.

Really? Sounds like a. FOX script.

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