Pot use and schizophrenia may have genetic link


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Doesn't surprise me, I've long thought that users who smoke on a regular basis, are likely to be :cuckoo:

Cannabis Habit and Schizophrenia May Have Genetic Link

People with schizophrenia and some who use cannabis may have certain genes in common, according to new research.

The findings may partly explain the following, long-established link between cannabis use and psychotic disorders: The rate of people who smoke pot is higher among those who are diagnosed with schizophrenia than it is in the general population. In addition, studies have shown that using cannabis can lead to psychotic episodes or worsen a person's existing symptoms, which suggests that the substance could trigger the psychotic disorder.

But the new results suggest that part of the association between the two might actually be due to both of them being linked with the same genes, said Robert Power, a researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London.

"To some extent, those genes that we have identified as being 'schizophrenia-inducing' are also genes that can contribute to cannabis use," Power said. [5 Psychiatric Disorders Share Common Genes]

Power and his colleagues looked at the pot-smoking habits of 2,082 healthy people as well as their genetic profiles, focusing on the genes that have been identified as related to schizophrenia.

The results showed that people who had genes linked with schizophrenia were also more likely to use cannabis, and use it more frequently, compared with people who didn't have the schizophrenia-risk genes, according to the study, published today (June 24) in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.

Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusional beliefs and jumbled thoughts. The disorder is highly heritable — although it affects about 1 percent of the population, the risk jumps to about 10 percent for children with schizophrenic parents, and to 50 percent for twins with one twin having the disorder.

In the new study, the researcher also looked at about 1,000 twins, and found a stepwise relationship between genetic risk for schizophrenia and the likelihood of using cannabis. Those twin pairs who both reported the use of cannabis had the greatest burden of schizophrenia-risk genes; twin pairs with only one user had an intermediate level of schizophrenia risk and the lowest burden was found in pairs where neither twin reported using marijuana.

The results suggest that the potential role of cannabis in causing schizophrenia, which has influenced discussion over the legislation of the drug, may be slightly overestimated, the researchers said.

However, the findings are probably only part of a more complicated picture, Power said.

"I wouldn't say that there's no risk of cannabis causing schizophrenia, but that it's probably more complex a relationship that we are currently thinking," Power told Live Science.

It is possible that in fact both scenarios are true: that cannabis may cause schizophrenia, but also that people with schizophrenia are more likely to use cannabis for various reasons. For example, it may be because they are more likely to have a personality geared toward experimenting with drugs, Power said.

It's also possible that patients with mental illnesses may try cannabis to self-medicate. Studies have found that the drug can help alleviate some symptoms of schizophrenia, although those symptoms only become worse later.

Cannabis Habit and Schizophrenia May Have Genetic Link
From the reports that I have read they say that pot use can bring out schizophrenia, but does not cause it. Guess more research is needed.
There's a direct link between pot smoking and being a fucking idiot.

So, you smoke pot?

he moved from the 1st world to the 3rd....what does that say?...

3rd world, did I?
How come I can buy a Jaguar sports car, or a BMW without having to travel more than a few miles to the showroom?
Why are there massive shopping malls, rival to anything you have in the states?

Perhaps you're just a silly bastard without a clue.

By the way, does your first world internet get up to 33mbps?
Perhaps you'd better move to the third world.

Actually, no, just ....fuck you, idiot.:D
So, you smoke pot?

he moved from the 1st world to the 3rd....what does that say?...

3rd world, did I?
How come I can buy a Jaguar sports car, or a BMW without having to travel more than a few miles to the showroom?
Why are there massive shopping malls, rival to anything you have in the states?

Perhaps you're just a silly bastard without a clue.

By the way, does your first world internet get up to 33mbps?
Perhaps you'd better move to the third world.

Actually, no, just ....fuck you, idiot.:D

i worked in the PO with 3 people from your shithole......and they said they are here because Indonesia is a shit hole.....3 against what you said....and to add to that the Filipinos who have also been there backed up what they said and they also said their former Country aint much better..... so that would be about 6 to what you are saying.....oh and on the "Human Development Index" supplied by the UN the categories are....Very high human development....High human development....Medium human development....Low human development....the US is no. 3 on the Very High chart.....your place with Malls and 33 mbps Internet is no.27 on the Medium chart.....and whether you like it or not Indonesia is considered 3rd World.....if you get upset if someone says that....move back to the 1st World....
A correlation does not imply causation...:cuckoo:

Beat me to it. What a stupid assertion.


Appparently, neither of you can read. You just blindly said, "correlation doesn't equal causation", that phrase is the refuge of idiots who don' t like the results of a study and don't bother reading into it.

The findings may partly explain the following, long-established link between cannabis use and psychotic disorders: The rate of people who smoke pot is higher among those who are diagnosed with schizophrenia than it is in the general population. In addition, studies have shown that using cannabis can lead to psychotic episodes or worsen a person's existing symptoms, which suggests that the substance could trigger the psychotic disorder.

"I wouldn't say that there's no risk of cannabis causing schizophrenia, but that it's probably more complex a relationship that we are currently thinking," Power told Live Science.

It is possible that in fact both scenarios are true: that cannabis may cause schizophrenia, but also that people with schizophrenia are more likely to use cannabis for various reasons. For example, it may be because they are more likely to have a personality geared toward experimenting with drugs, Power said.

It's also possible that patients with mental illnesses may try cannabis to self-medicate. Studies have found that the drug can help alleviate some symptoms of schizophrenia, although those symptoms only become worse later.

What are they saying is that those with psychotic disorders are more likely to use cannabis than those without, and that there are studies that suggest the substance induces psychotic episodes(particularly among those with existing symptoms).
Last edited:
So, you smoke pot?

he moved from the 1st world to the 3rd....what does that say?...

3rd world, did I?
How come I can buy a Jaguar sports car, or a BMW without having to travel more than a few miles to the showroom?
Why are there massive shopping malls, rival to anything you have in the states?

Perhaps you're just a silly bastard without a clue.

By the way, does your first world internet get up to 33mbps?
Perhaps you'd better move to the third world.

Actually, no, just ....fuck you, idiot.:D
My fiber optics internet connection is much faster than that. Let me guess, you have that too? :lol:
So, you smoke pot?

he moved from the 1st world to the 3rd....what does that say?...

3rd world, did I?
How come I can buy a Jaguar sports car, or a BMW without having to travel more than a few miles to the showroom?
Why are there massive shopping malls, rival to anything you have in the states?

Perhaps you're just a silly bastard without a clue.

By the way, does your first world internet get up to 33mbps?
Perhaps you'd better move to the third world.

Actually, no, just ....fuck you, idiot.:D

On the internet, anyone can.
he moved from the 1st world to the 3rd....what does that say?...

3rd world, did I?
How come I can buy a Jaguar sports car, or a BMW without having to travel more than a few miles to the showroom?
Why are there massive shopping malls, rival to anything you have in the states?

Perhaps you're just a silly bastard without a clue.

By the way, does your first world internet get up to 33mbps?
Perhaps you'd better move to the third world.

Actually, no, just ....fuck you, idiot.:D
My fiber optics internet connection is much faster than that. Let me guess, you have that too? :lol:

what gets me he thinks because he can get a BMW without driving a whole lot and because he has a big mall and fast internet....he is 1st world.....here in OC i can get any make of car i want all within a 10 mile radius...and we have lots of malls and on top of that...fast internet offered by a handful of companies....
Marijuana in the past was seen as a possible treatment for schizophrenia, a physical disease. Pot is somewhat less dangerous than alcohol, but only medicinal for certain conditions.
what gets me he thinks because he can get a BMW without driving a whole lot and because he has a big mall and fast internet....he is 1st world.....here in OC i can get any make of car i want all within a 10 mile radius...and we have lots of malls and on top of that...fast internet offered by a handful of companies....

I think you're on pot. You'd have to be in order to get that stupid.
Marijuana in the past was seen as a possible treatment for schizophrenia, a physical disease. Pot is somewhat less dangerous than alcohol, but only medicinal for certain conditions.

I have no objection to medical use, as long as prescribed by a doctor.
This medical argument is commonly used by pot smoking morons to justify their stupidity.

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