Pot is becoming illegal in California again


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!

Far out dude!
Seems sort of stupid. That shit is a weed.

Vancouver sells seeds. Why don't they just get a. .. . . like, Johnny pot seed, and stop with all the hydro activity. Spread that seed all over the wilds and it will all be free. . .

In order to compete with the black market, the prices must be competitive. Same prices they have on the street plus around 40 percent total tax is going to hurt.
Seems sort of stupid. That shit is a weed.

Vancouver sells seeds. Why don't they just get a. .. . . like, Johnny pot seed, and stop with all the hydro activity. Spread that seed all over the wilds and it will all be free. . .


seeds are $10/each
It never stopped being a black market item in California in my area. There are black market shops all over the place. You can see them because they have the same signage - a green cross and 'You are Here' printed somewhere on the sign. I only know of two legal shops in my area.

It's up to each city to regulate, and they are not doing that. I'm not sure why.
Seems sort of stupid. That shit is a weed.

Vancouver sells seeds. Why don't they just get a. .. . . like, Johnny pot seed, and stop with all the hydro activity. Spread that seed all over the wilds and it will all be free. . .

Indoor weed in a controlled environment comes out better.

Real legalization would lift all restrictions on cultivation, as any pot aficionado could easily grow enough for their ongoing personal stash in a space of about 4' X 4'.

It's easy....Take it from me.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.
I recently read an article that pot patients are going back to their dealers because the weed is just as good and a hell of a lot cheaper.
Seems sort of stupid. That shit is a weed.

Vancouver sells seeds. Why don't they just get a. .. . . like, Johnny pot seed, and stop with all the hydro activity. Spread that seed all over the wilds and it will all be free. . .


seeds are $10/each

Each? Like, per individual seed?

Holy shit. . . I used to have so many back in school, I ate them. :71:

I wonder if the ones that are in parrot food are sterile? :eusa_think:
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.

Thanks for the January 2, 2018 article that was published on day 2 of recreational legalization, you fucking retard.
In order to compete with the black market, the prices must be competitive. Same prices they have on the street plus around 40 percent total tax is going to hurt.
This was part of the econ lesson I was trying to impart on people.....They somehow thought that weed would become less expensive under legalization, to the point that any taxes would be a wash.....My little riffs about market efficiency flew right over their sativa-addled brains.
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.

Thanks for the January 2, 2018 article that was published on day 2 of recreational legalization, you fucking retard.
The date is irrelevant....Legal weed is still more expensive than the sacks that you can get from the average black marketeer.
Man, I remember when a dime bag used to cost a dime.
In order to compete with the black market, the prices must be competitive. Same prices they have on the street plus around 40 percent total tax is going to hurt.
This was part of the econ lesson I was trying to impart on people.....They somehow thought that weed would become less expensive under legalization, to the point that any taxes would be a wash.....My little riffs about market efficiency flew right over their sativa-addled brains.
i am paying no more than i was with the street dealer with taxes here in vegas....the difference is the pot is way cleaner and better...

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