Pot calling the kettle black.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
"The pot calling the kettle black" refers to criticism that could equally apply to the critic and not a racist slur. Gingrich attacking Romney on lies is a liar himself.

Ethics Case Against Gingrich
January 03, 1997
I believe that Newt Gingrich is a liar! This House speaker should step down. We constantly stress honesty in life; unfortunately this man believed his own agenda was more important than the image of the office. How can we expect our children, whom Newt purports to care about, to be honest with their government or even themselves when a government leader is a liar and most likely a tax cheat.

To make matters worse, major Republican allies are whitewashing the entire episode. Are these leaders implying that lying while in a leadership position is OK? Are these leaders showing by example how to avoid meeting the obligations of a position, and spin a tale so that the truth is not a necessary element?

Ethics Case Against Gingrich - Los Angeles Times
Republicans who want to win the WH with the right candidate vote Romney.

Boot the Newt!
Ron Paul's supporters, should he not win the nomination, will just go back to their customary ways and vote Democratic. They're an unusual political animal, almost as if someone had created some mythical beast through DNA manipulation that turned out to be half lion and half sheep. Maybe its the legalization of pot that turns them on.
You are safe with Romney then.
He is, absolutely, my choice for POTUS. But, if by some clusterfuck, your idiot party chooses Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul... I'll grit my teeth and vote for them. Anyone but Obama.
We can grit our teeth and vote for one of them, but I feel that not one of them can match up. But that will be for We the People to decide.
Ron Paul's supporters, should he not win the nomination, will just go back to their customary ways and vote Democratic. They're an unusual political animal, almost as if someone had created some mythical beast through DNA manipulation that turned out to be half lion and half sheep. Maybe its the legalization of pot that turns them on.

You know little, and your words prove it...
M/F is boosting Romney 'cause he's far to the left of Obama. That way our resident communist wins either way.

You have no idea of what a socialist or a marxist or a constitutionalist or a martian is, HB. You are such a loss of protoplasm. :lol:
M/F is boosting Romney 'cause he's far to the left of Obama. That way our resident communist wins either way.

You have no idea of what a socialist or a marxist or a constitutionalist or a martian is, HB. You are such a loss of protoplasm. :lol:

So, bereft of ideas the wee laddie returns to "his" roots!

I KNEW you could do it!
In other words you have nothing, HB. All who read the board are aware of that. :lol:

Remember to vote Romney.

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