Post your Favorite USMB 2012 Election Predictions!


What a flipping relief it will be to have a human in charge.


What a flipping relief it will be to have a human in charge.


Yeah, I remember that one. I thought, "she's talking about having a human being in charge and then posts a picture of a robot!" WTF?

I was not on here long enough because I didn't know about this place. I was on what turned out to be a rightwing rag forum. They would never do the right thing and make righties have to own up to their BS. One that constantly would post Obama loses in a landslide is now asking everyone to fly their flags upside down. He also claims to be a doctor to only rich patients and started another thread telling all republicans to stop all donations to the poor. These are the type of people in the tea party.
I say this because of what the opposition is putting out there.

I will say it clearly, Obama will win in 2012.
Anyone on the right have the balls to say he wont? If you do say this, who will beat him?

Stay on point, just this once please. Will he win and if not, who will beat him? Try to answer these questions....again....will he win and if not, who will beat him?


I will put this here and unfortunately, I will have to cut and paste it over and over...


Romney wins the Republican nomination and defeats Obama in November, but I'm going to be very bold and actually predict the states they each win.

(Note the blue states are the Republican states and the red states are Democratic. That's actually the way it used to be and then the parties changed them for some reason about 15 years ago or so. This Web site never updated it after the colors were swapped)


Evidently "math" isn't a strong suit for our board libtard obama ass kissers. I can understand that. You have to be an IDIOT to have voted for the kenyan in the first place, but you're an even BIGGER IDIOT if you still plan on voting for him again.

Sorry if the poll upsets you Barry Soetoro butt lickers, but by the math in the sampling, yes, try not to cry now, your little messiah boi king is going to lose big.


Credit Article 15 with this find.

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