Post-Wisconsin Bernie Primary Win, Hillary Declares, 'Enough!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton has had enough of Bernie Sanders

"In an exclusive interview for POLITICO's 'Off Message' podcast, the former secretary of state compares Donald Trump to foreign demagogues and says she's not even sure her primary opponent is a Democrat."


1. The candidate whose aides describe her as 'often confused' is extremely 'slow' but she eventually catches on.... She has finally figured out that the SELF-PROFESSED SOCIALIST may not be a 'Democrat', making her quite possibly the last person in America, quite possibly on the face of the planet, who doesn't know Sanders is a Socialist.

2. Bernie begins to catch up to Hillary during her run for the President and Bernie's identity (being a 'Democrat') is suddenly questions. I can not help but notice the similarities between now and 2008: Hillary's opponent begins closing in and suddenly their identity is questions, except in Obama's case it was whether he was an American or not, not whether he was a Socialist or not (which had already been semi-proven).

*NOTE: Notice I did NOT claim Hillary made that accusation in 2008, just that such a 'challenge' was made sorta 'on her behalf'.


Did she think Sanders is a real Democrat?

“Well, I can’t answer that,” she said with a smile. Then she proceeded to answer the question. “He’s a relatively new Democrat, and, in fact, I’m not even sure he is one. He’s running as one. So I don’t know quite how to characterize him.”

She was ticked off — already factoring in an inevitable loss in Wisconsin Tuesday —and was in a rare mood of public introspection, so a sit-down that was supposed to last a half-hour but ran nearly 20 minutes over time so she could more fully explain herself to a public that often views her with suspicion.


Sander's Biggest 'Sin' According to Hillary:
1. Letting People Know About Her History and Record (or LACK of One - Feinstein couldn't find any)

2. His Attacking Slick Willy & Obama INSTEAD OF ATTACKING BUSH (Who hasn't been President for almost a decade)

There is a persistent, organized effort to misrepresent my record, and I don’t appreciate that, and I feel sorry for a lot of the young people who are fed this list of misrepresentations,” Clinton said, a few minutes after talking herself hoarse at a rally here. “I know that Senator Sanders spends a lot of time attacking my husband, attacking President Obama. I rarely hear him say anything negative about George W. Bush, who I think wrecked our economy.”

The only ones who have made a persistent, organized effort to misrepresent Hillary's record have been Hillary and her 'team'. IF Trump wins the nomination they are going to have their hands FULL when he starts dragging all the 'scandals, skeletons, and dead bodies' out of her 'closet'.


As I said earlier....

As with all of Clinton’s fights, this one has echoes of an earlier battle – not from the still fresh memories of the 2008 campaign, but from the formative experience of her 2000 Senate run...


As 2016 heated up, Clinton’s staff had urged her to admit something that was readily apparent to reporters who covered her: For all her resilience and brains, she’s been an inconsistent and sometimes unlikeable campaigner incapable of inspiring a crowd the way Sanders, Barack Obama or Bill Clinton can.


Hillary is suddenly having FLASHBACKS and NIGHTMARES of 2008, when the Community Organizer & 1/2-a-term Senator came out of nowhere and passed her, leaving her furiously in the dust. Another Bernie victory, another rise in Hillary's Blood Pressure, another bead of sweat on her brow, another sleepless night....Hillary is not only getting mad - she's getting SCARED.

She isn't going to win the nomination without the superdelegates. And if she has to win that way it's going to create a schism among Democrats. Meanwhile Republicans will unite behind Cruz at the convention. It will be a good year for Republicans
I couldn't finish reading that puff piece.

Hitlary is a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath and anyone who publishes anything about her that ignores that fact is a globalist apparatchik.

She isn't going to win the nomination without the superdelegates. And if she has to win that way it's going to create a schism among Democrats. Meanwhile Republicans will unite behind Cruz at the convention. It will be a good year for Republicans

It looks like it may play out that way.

Ted Cruz is the only one worth voting for. No one else is going to work to roll back regressive liberal policy and repair the damage done by the democrooks with help from the RINOs.

Another bad year for America and the world.
Thanks to the two party dictatorship.
She isn't going to win the nomination without the superdelegates. And if she has to win that way it's going to create a schism among Democrats. Meanwhile Republicans will unite behind Cruz at the convention. It will be a good year for Republicans
Here's something interesting:

BERNIE SANDERS: We have won six out of the last seven caucuses. Most of them by landslide victories. And I think that, uh, superdelegates should listen to the will of their people. If you get 60, 70, 80 percent of the vote in a state, you know what, I think superdelegates should vote for us.


CHUCK TODD: Okay. So we decided to crunch the numbers on that basis to see how much it would benefit Senator Sanders, if all of the superdelegates in states he's won so far chose him. So take a look. Right now, looking at states where people have voted so far, the current superdelegate count in those states is Clinton, with 253 versus Sanders with just 25 superdelegates, with some superdelegates still undecided.

If those superdelegates vote the way their states have voted so far, then they would divide this way: Clinton would actually increase her lead a little bit, increase her total to 260, Bernie Sanders would get to 124, because some of those undecideds that were in there would be allocated to help Hillary Clinton. But those numbers just show you, Hillary Clinton still would lead with superdelegates too. He doesn't have a path, does he?
Super Delegates? There should be NONE. The PEOPLE, not the Party, 'should' decide.

The GOP - Priebus- just explained for everyone recently, though how it REALLY works: 'The PARTY decides. If you don't like the PARTY, sit down.' As he explained, the PARTY - decides, not the people who associate with the Party. The people have simply decided to join the he party. Joining doesn't mean you get to RUN the Party. The people are just 'tag-alongs' who are 'along for the ride'. The light bulb just came on for a lot of people as a result of him saying that.

It's no different with the Democrats. Don't like how the DNC controls the party through Super Delegates? Too bad. How BAD is the Super Delegate Process? As reported the other day, an EX-disbarred lawyer / ex-multiple political position holder who was arrested, convicted, and is waiting to hear his sentence that could be as much as 130 years in jail is a Super Delegate...and he still - even if in jail at the time - gets to cast that Super Delegate vote...for Hillary Clinton, whom he says he will support no matter what. ('Jail birds' of a feather stick together, I guess...)

The Democrats say there is no way to strip the vote from him...even if they wanted to. And I thought it was the law in this country that FELONS were not allowed to vote in US elections...but as we see, the Democrats have their own exceptions.
Super Delegates? There should be NONE. The PEOPLE, not the Party, 'should' decide.

The GOP - Priebus- just explained for everyone recently, though how it REALLY works: 'The PARTY decides. If you don't like the PARTY, sit down.' As he explained, the PARTY - decides, not the people who associate with the Party. The people have simply decided to join the he party. Joining doesn't mean you get to RUN the Party. The people are just 'tag-alongs' who are 'along for the ride'. The light bulb just came on for a lot of people as a result of him saying that.

It's no different with the Democrats. Don't like how the DNC controls the party through Super Delegates? Too bad. How BAD is the Super Delegate Process? As reported the other day, an EX-disbarred lawyer / ex-multiple political position holder who was arrested, convicted, and is waiting to hear his sentence that could be as much as 130 years in jail is a Super Delegate...and he still - even if in jail at the time - gets to cast that Super Delegate vote...for Hillary Clinton, whom he says he will support no matter what. ('Jail birds' of a feather stick together, I guess...)

The Democrats say there is no way to strip the vote from him...even if they wanted to. And I thought it was the law in this country that FELONS were not allowed to vote in US elections...but as we see, the Democrats have their own exceptions.
Why would they? The GOP doesn't work for the people..
Why would they? The GOP doesn't work for the people..
As if the Democrats do?

When John Boehner was made the Speaker of the House he began to tear up and went on and on about how it was one of the best moments of his life. He failed to mention how 'good' it was for the country or even Republican voters. People should have recognized right then a mistake had been made because the selfish plick could care less about the people.

Now look at Hillary: "It's MY turn."

'Nuff said.
Why would they? The GOP doesn't work for the people..
As if the Democrats do?

When John Boehner was made the Speaker of the House he began to tear up and went on and on about how it was one of the best moments of his life. He failed to mention how 'good' it was for the country or even Republican voters. People should have recognized right then a mistake had been made because the selfish plick could care less about the people.

Now look at Hillary: "It's MY turn."

'Nuff said.
Of course not

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