

Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Nope, we're not there yet:

Black Judge Rejects Plea Deal for ‘White Boy’ | The Blaze

PITTSBURGH (The Blaze/AP) — A black judge from western Pennsylvania rejected a plea agreement for a man accused of fighting with police during a traffic stop saying it was “a ridiculous plea that only goes to white boys.”

Allegheny County Judge Joseph Williams, who is black, claimed on Tuesday that a black defendant in the same situation would not have been treated as leniently.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says Williams made the comments after a prosecutor proposed three months of probation for a white man with no criminal record who agreed to plead guilty to disorderly conduct.

Williams recused himself after making the comments and a white judge accepted the plea agreement for 24-year-old Jeffery McGowan, who had faced charges including aggravated assault.

Williams’ secretary on Wednesday told The Associated Press the judge does not give interviews.

However in court, he did offer some “observations”:”(Assistant District Attorney Brian) Catanzarite for some reason comes up with I think ridiculous pleas whenever it’s a young white guy,” Williams said. “I’m just telling you what my observation is. If this had been a black kid who did the same thing, we wouldn‘t be talking about three months’ probation,” the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports...

If you bother to read the rest, wasn't the first time he's made racial remarks from the bench. Is recusal sufficient when bias seems to be a pattern?
I guess the "white boy" is a member of the wrong tribe, in the new post racial America.
With our affirmative action AG setting the tone we can expect more of this.
The idea that removing one mans rights will secure another mans rights is an idea that doesn't sit well with me. I just don't believe it works, it's an attempt at group rights if I've ever seen one.
Group rights, hahahaha............
Guess the judge isn't the only one finding it a less than the hoped for post-racial time:

Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations - Rasmussen Reports

Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Perceptions about the state of black-white relations in America have fallen dramatically since the summer of 2009. But voters are still more optimistic about that relationship than they are about relations between whites and Hispanics and between blacks and Hispanics.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 36% of voters now say relations between blacks and whites are getting better. That’s down from 62% in July of last year at the height of the controversy involving a black Harvard professor and a white policeman. That number had fallen only slightly to 55% in April of this year.

Twenty-seven percent (27%) now say black-white relations are getting worse, up 10 points from July 2009, while 33% think they’re staying about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.) ...
Nope, we're not there yet:

Black Judge Rejects Plea Deal for ‘White Boy’ | The Blaze

PITTSBURGH (The Blaze/AP) — A black judge from western Pennsylvania rejected a plea agreement for a man accused of fighting with police during a traffic stop saying it was “a ridiculous plea that only goes to white boys.”

Allegheny County Judge Joseph Williams, who is black, claimed on Tuesday that a black defendant in the same situation would not have been treated as leniently.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says Williams made the comments after a prosecutor proposed three months of probation for a white man with no criminal record who agreed to plead guilty to disorderly conduct.

Williams recused himself after making the comments and a white judge accepted the plea agreement for 24-year-old Jeffery McGowan, who had faced charges including aggravated assault.

Williams’ secretary on Wednesday told The Associated Press the judge does not give interviews.

However in court, he did offer some “observations”:”(Assistant District Attorney Brian) Catanzarite for some reason comes up with I think ridiculous pleas whenever it’s a young white guy,” Williams said. “I’m just telling you what my observation is. If this had been a black kid who did the same thing, we wouldn‘t be talking about three months’ probation,” the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports...

If you bother to read the rest, wasn't the first time he's made racial remarks from the bench. Is recusal sufficient when bias seems to be a pattern?

The racist needs to be removed from the bench.
I like it that black people are so openly racist. Now we know where we stand. It's cool. donchyathink? :lol:

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