Pork the other 4 letter word.


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
saying pork will trigger the terrorist watch list on you. I know it's contextual but fuck this is insane. PORK PORK PORK PORK PORK PORK

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=079s57dNR4E]DHS - Releases Words That Can Get You Arrested - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a-DsIo81e8&feature=player_detailpage]AT LAST THE 1948 SHOW - Brooke-Taylor, Chapman, Cleese, Feldman - Top Of The Form - YouTube[/ame]
[Here's more pork for ya, Reb: Obama and the Democrats wanted a two billion dollar stimulus, all pork, a little for this goombah, a little for me, a little for this paisan, a little for me, but held up short for fear of freaking out the markets on the theory that all they had to do was get the money out there, sort of the drunken sailor principle of economic stimulus, the only catch is that "When sailors run out of money, they stop spending." Maybe its the drunken Communist theory. Hey its Choomtime on Air Force One.
Here's what the Obama "Pork" stimulus has wrought, $750,000 in travel expenses for 95 virtual employees at GSA. Ordinarily it would be funny...:]

"Ninety-five high-ranking employees at the General Services Administration who are assigned to work from home racked up $750,000 in travel expenses over nine months, documents show, prompting concerns from agency officials but no action to curtail the expenses.

The travel records, provided by the agency to congressional committees, provide fresh evidence of a spending culture at GSA’s Public Buildings Service that led to an embarrassing scandal this spring over a conference off the Las Vegas strip.

That’s an average of almost $8,000 in travel expenses per “virtual” employee in the span of just nine months. How many of these people were maintaining a “home office” on Hawaiian beaches?"

Michelle Malkin » More stewardship of public funds: GSA spent $750,000 on travel expenses for work-from-home employees
[Here's more pork for ya, Reb: Obama and the Democrats wanted a two billion dollar stimulus, all pork, a little for this goombah, a little for me, a little for this paisan, a little for me, but held up short for fear of freaking out the markets on the theory that all they had to do was get the money out there, sort of the drunken sailor principle of economic stimulus, the only catch is that "When sailors run out of money, they stop spending." Maybe its the drunken Communist theory. Hey its Choomtime on Air Force One.
Here's what the Obama "Pork" stimulus has wrought, $750,000 in travel expenses for 95 virtual employees at GSA. Ordinarily it would be funny...:]

"Ninety-five high-ranking employees at the General Services Administration who are assigned to work from home racked up $750,000 in travel expenses over nine months, documents show, prompting concerns from agency officials but no action to curtail the expenses.

The travel records, provided by the agency to congressional committees, provide fresh evidence of a spending culture at GSA’s Public Buildings Service that led to an embarrassing scandal this spring over a conference off the Las Vegas strip.

That’s an average of almost $8,000 in travel expenses per “virtual” employee in the span of just nine months. How many of these people were maintaining a “home office” on Hawaiian beaches?"

Michelle Malkin » More stewardship of public funds: GSA spent $750,000 on travel expenses for work-from-home employees

According to this news release you can no longer criticize the government or the DHS
The words are included in the department's 2011 'Analyst's Desktop Binder' used by workers at their National Operations Center which instructs workers to identify 'media reports that reflect adversely on DHS and response activities'.

Department of Homeland SecurityNational Operations CenterMedia Monitoring CapabilityDesktop Reference Binder

Analyst Desktop Binder_REDACTED
saying pork will trigger the terrorist watch list on you. I know it's contextual but fuck this is insane. PORK PORK PORK PORK PORK PORK....


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35CLNIAAEik]RUSH LIMBAUGH THE PHONY SOLDER - YouTube[/ame]​
If Obama gets reelected, he will pork the economy, wage jihad on our rights, and civil liberty will go up in a mushroom cloud.

I bet I'm on the list!

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