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Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Bodies lying in streets over-run by fur-clad rebels: Shell-shocked Ukrainian soldiers describe their terrifying retreat from apocalyptic rail town while being shot at point blank range (as posturing Putin swigs champagne in Moscow)
  • Russian separatists accused of firing on Kiev forces 49 times in 24 hours
  • Prime Minister David Cameron vows 'more consequences, more sanctions'
  • U.S. senators have branded fragile peace deal a 'delusional piece of paper'
  • Call for U.S. administration to arm Ukraine troops to stop Putin's advance
  • Ukraine soldier: 'They hit us at point-blank range. There were heavy losses'
  • Another said: 'There's nothing left of Debaltseve. It's like Stalingrad'
  • Warn government-controlled city of Mariupol will be next target for rebels
  • Intelligence chief accuses Vladislav Surkov of killing 77 protesters in Kiev
  • Claims Surkov was in the Ukrainian capital directing shootings by snipers
  • Comes as Ukraine commemorates the one-year anniversary of deaths
  • Russian court jails Putin critic in time to stop him taking part in protest

Read more: Shell-shocked Ukrainian soldiers describe their terrifying retreat from Debaltseve Daily Mail Online
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Russia in is ruin, his people are starving and his jack-booted thugs are marching over innocent people.

There's your "real man" in action and I'll bet you're all glassy eyed with awe.
What are we going to arm them with? It took us more than a decade to rid Ukraine of 1900 nuclear missiles, nearly all of them aimed at us. So are we going to give them back now? C-Span had an interesting discussion piece in the wee hours last night that included Ukraine's ambassador to the US, Olexander Motsykas, as well Geoffrey R. Pyatt, United States Ambassador to Ukraine, and a panel of experts on Ukraine, as well as an audience of maybe 75 foreign service/analyst types I assume. At the end of the panel discussion a show of hands was requested of the audience as to who supported the idea of the US arming Ukraine. Nearly every hand shot up. Great. Chicken Hawks.

So what are we going to arm Ukraine with that'll make any difference? In the entire 90-minute discussion, no specifics as to the types of arms America should supply Ukraine ever came up, not once. So let's hear from our panel of experts here at USMB. If Duddly's bloviated histrionics can be given any credibility, the fascists are taking quite an ass kicking. That's good. That's what should happen to people attempting genocide against ethnic minorities. The borders of Ukraine need to be redefined. I see no other answer for peace in Ukraine.
Were those shell-shocked Ukie soldiers members of the Azov battalion; you know, the famous ones with the S.S. insignia?
(They got their asses kicked!)
What are we going to arm them with? It took us more than a decade to rid Ukraine of 1900 nuclear missiles, nearly all of them aimed at us. So are we going to give them back now? C-Span had an interesting discussion piece in the wee hours last night that included Ukraine's ambassador to the US, Olexander Motsykas, as well Geoffrey R. Pyatt, United States Ambassador to Ukraine, and a panel of experts on Ukraine, as well as an audience of maybe 75 foreign service/analyst types I assume. At the end of the panel discussion a show of hands was requested of the audience as to who supported the idea of the US arming Ukraine. Nearly every hand shot up. Great. Chicken Hawks.

So what are we going to arm Ukraine with that'll make any difference? In the entire 90-minute discussion, no specifics as to the types of arms America should supply Ukraine ever came up, not once. So let's hear from our panel of experts here at USMB. If Duddly's bloviated histrionics can be given any credibility, the fascists are taking quite an ass kicking. That's good. That's what should happen to people attempting genocide against ethnic minorities. The borders of Ukraine need to be redefined. I see no other answer for peace in Ukraine.
You have a link or the title of the program? I could not find it with a search.

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