Poor people should have no kids!

What you propose; if you are being serious, is nothing short of economic eugenics.
What do you think abortion on demand is?
Why after nearly 50 years or $306 billion a year and NOW we have a higher % of blacks born out of wedlock and higher % of blacks having abortions?
Since we started the War on Poverty in 1965, the federal government alone has spent more than $13 trillion fighting poverty.
Including state and local government brings total anti-poverty spending over $15 trillion.
www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2010/09/16/rising-poverty-and-the-social-safety-net/little-bang-for-the-anti-poverty-program-buck]Little Bang for the Anti-Poverty Program Buck - NYTimes.com

2) Blacks are killing off their future generations by this method ...ALL WITH THE BLESSING OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD!!!
In 2010, the black population in the U.S. stood just shy of at 39 million.
The CDC reports that during the 1970's, roughly 24% of all U.S. abortions were performed on black women.
The Case Against Abortion Abortion and Race

So if the average number of abortions per year are about 1 million.
In 2011, 1.06 million abortions were performed, down 13% from 1.21 million in 2008.
From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred.[2]
Induced Abortion in the United States

And 24% are done by blacks that means each year blacks are killing nearly 250,000 future members of their ethnic background!
With the blessing Planned Parenthood and liberals/progressives the honest truth is 1 of every 5 abortions is a black future citizen!
So now you care about blacks? Those people you detest? Most illogical, but if it scores you political points, what the hell?
BC should be available at every possible outlet, courtesy of the taxpayers who do not want to feed unwanted feral children.

Abortion on demand should be available at every public clinic, at every doctor's office that gets federal funds, and even at veterinary clinics, since it is a simple procedure.

BC and abortion won't work. I know of poor white and black women who had kids BECAUSE they wanted someone to love them. And someone to love. They won't abort. Or use BC.

Hell some, lots of the women have kids to try and keep the babies daddy around.

Nah. Some help for two kids and that's it. Period, End of story. Have 12 kids but whatever happens to them is on you.

The other choice is forced sterilization. And that idea won't go far.
I'd say two only in the case of twins.

One welfare birth, then sterilization would be fine with me.
Then what do you say when the young people decide you need to die for young people to be able to live comfortably and as an old person you are wasting resources...??
I just love seeing the totalitarian coming out of the wood work in the threads....is this what conservatism gets you? Jesus does not agree with any of you and your hate for minorities and babies...
And to the RWnuts on this forum love to label eugenics as some sort of liberal thing.

What do you call this?

Like Adolf Hitler, Margaret Sanger considered herself to be part of a genetically superior elite who had to protect themselves against "hereditary taints."
She set out to start a "New Race" - "A Race of Thoroughbreds."
In 1921, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which was renamed "Planned Parenthood" in 1942.
In 1952 she helped found the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), serving as its first president until 1959.
Even today, Planned Parenthood proudly proclaims Margaret Sanger as its "visionary" founder.
The Nuremberg Files Abortion Birth Control Margaret Sanger Founder Planned Parenthood Lancaster PA Pa Abortion Clinic Birth Control Holocaust Murder Nazi German Dictator Adolf Hitler German Eugenics Murder Nazi Germany

"At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril.
The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League(ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.
After the horrors of the Holocaust were widely publicized in the late 1940s, eugenics in America (and any progressive support of the idea) quickly faded into the past. Nonetheless, it's an important piece of American history that should not be forgotten.
Eugenics and Progressives Intellectual Takeout ITO
And to the RWnuts on this forum love to label eugenics as some sort of liberal thing.

It has nothing to do with eugenics.

Poverty is not hereditary.

If you can support the kids you have go ahead and have as many as you want.

But like I said it's too much to ask people to be responsible.
BC should be available at every possible outlet, courtesy of the taxpayers who do not want to feed unwanted feral children.

Abortion on demand should be available at every public clinic, at every doctor's office that gets federal funds, and even at veterinary clinics, since it is a simple procedure.

BC and abortion won't work. I know of poor white and black women who had kids BECAUSE they wanted someone to love them. And someone to love. They won't abort. Or use BC.

Hell some, lots of the women have kids to try and keep the babies daddy around.

Nah. Some help for two kids and that's it. Period, End of story. Have 12 kids but whatever happens to them is on you.

The other choice is forced sterilization. And that idea won't go far.
I'd say two only in the case of twins.

One welfare birth, then sterilization would be fine with me.
Fortunately this sort of ignorance, hate, and stupidity exhibited by you and many others on the right is prohibited by the Constitution.
BC should be available at every possible outlet, courtesy of the taxpayers who do not want to feed unwanted feral children.

Abortion on demand should be available at every public clinic, at every doctor's office that gets federal funds, and even at veterinary clinics, since it is a simple procedure.

BC and abortion won't work. I know of poor white and black women who had kids BECAUSE they wanted someone to love them. And someone to love. They won't abort. Or use BC.

Hell some, lots of the women have kids to try and keep the babies daddy around.

Nah. Some help for two kids and that's it. Period, End of story. Have 12 kids but whatever happens to them is on you.

The other choice is forced sterilization. And that idea won't go far.
I'd say two only in the case of twins.

One welfare birth, then sterilization would be fine with me.
Fortunately this sort of ignorance, hate, and stupidity exhibited by you and many others on the right is prohibited by the Constitution.
He's just your typical Nazi, no shock there.
BC should be available at every possible outlet, courtesy of the taxpayers who do not want to feed unwanted feral children.

Abortion on demand should be available at every public clinic, at every doctor's office that gets federal funds, and even at veterinary clinics, since it is a simple procedure.

BC and abortion won't work. I know of poor white and black women who had kids BECAUSE they wanted someone to love them. And someone to love. They won't abort. Or use BC.

Hell some, lots of the women have kids to try and keep the babies daddy around.

Nah. Some help for two kids and that's it. Period, End of story. Have 12 kids but whatever happens to them is on you.

The other choice is forced sterilization. And that idea won't go far.
I'd say two only in the case of twins.

One welfare birth, then sterilization would be fine with me.
Fortunately this sort of ignorance, hate, and stupidity exhibited by you and many others on the right is prohibited by the Constitution.

your a joke. Your C.I.C. abuses and disregards the Constitution often.
If you can't afford your kids, they get taken away. It happens all the time.

If you rely too much on the government, the government will eventually have a say.

On the other hand, how many poor people live in this country?

My guess is tens of millions. Are rich people going to watch all those kids? Is this going to prevent poor people from having kids or encourage them to fornicate without raincoats as if the world was going to end?

Some of you guys aren't very big on plaining this crap out.
BC should be available at every possible outlet, courtesy of the taxpayers who do not want to feed unwanted feral children.

Abortion on demand should be available at every public clinic, at every doctor's office that gets federal funds, and even at veterinary clinics, since it is a simple procedure.

BC and abortion won't work. I know of poor white and black women who had kids BECAUSE they wanted someone to love them. And someone to love. They won't abort. Or use BC.

Hell some, lots of the women have kids to try and keep the babies daddy around.

Nah. Some help for two kids and that's it. Period, End of story. Have 12 kids but whatever happens to them is on you.

The other choice is forced sterilization. And that idea won't go far.
I'd say two only in the case of twins.

One welfare birth, then sterilization would be fine with me.
Fortunately this sort of ignorance, hate, and stupidity exhibited by you and many others on the right is prohibited by the Constitution.
He's just your typical Nazi, no shock there.

You're not very educated about the Nazi's. If you were, you would not throw that distinction around so quickly.

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