Pontificating President says no deal; GOP must "budge."


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken":

President Barack Obama declared on Monday there would be no deal on raising the government's debt limit if Republicans won't compromise, and he said he would not sign a short-term extension — raising the stakes on volatile negotiations with the clock ticking toward an Aug. 2 deadline.

"I don't see a path to a deal if they don't budge. Period," the president said in a challenge to his political opponents, accusing Republicans of having a "my way or the highway" posture.

Asked whether or not he would veto legislation temporarily increasing the debt ceiling, the president said: "I will not sign a 30-day, or 60-day, or 90-day extension."

* * * *
Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News


I say let's play chicken with Dumbo.
He criticized politicians who say the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raised. "It's irresponsible. They know better," Obama said.

Wrong. What's irresponsible is trying to hold your breath till your face turns blue in order to get the surprisingly responsible people to cave in to your idiocy, Mr. President.
He also claimed the public didn't and shouldn't care about this issue....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9xOF2NWmKo&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪Obama says public shouldn't care about spending‬‏[/ame]
He also claimed the public didn't and shouldn't care about this issue....

YouTube - ‪Obama says public shouldn't care about spending‬‏

Isn't that amazing?

What a tool.

It's almost unimaginable that we collectively permitted that imbecile to be our elected leader.


It's almost unimaginable that we collectively permitted that imbecile to be our elected leader.
Its a sad testimony to our nations electorate.
He also claimed the public didn't and shouldn't care about this issue....

YouTube - ‪Obama says public shouldn't care about spending‬‏

Isn't that amazing?

What a tool.

It's almost unimaginable that we collectively permitted that imbecile to be our elected leader.


It's almost unimaginable that we collectively permitted that imbecile to be our elected leader.
Its a sad testimony to our nations electorate.

It is.

I saw a quote a while back that suggested that:

IF you voted for President Obama the first time in order to prove that we aren't racists, then you should vote for his opponent the next time around in order to prove that we aren't complete idiots.
I think its more posturing, they are all jockeying for position, I will say I find it politically ill-advised to paint himself into a corner.

if the reps say ok to 'revenue' plus agreement, as they craft a short term fix, he'll still say no?
I think its more posturing, they are all jockeying for position, I will say I find it politically ill-advised to paint himself into a corner.

if the reps say ok to 'revenue' plus agreement, as they craft a short term fix, he'll still say no?

If the Republicans agree, now, to ANY tax increase, the President will take credit for "forcing" their hands.

The conservatives and responsible Republicans and any sane Democrat Congressman SHOULD now REFUSE to do anything but vote on MASSIVE spending cuts. They should call the President on his game of "chicken" by firmly declaring, "No to any new taxes of any kind in any form. And no to a debt ceiling increase."

Make that officious idiot be the one to blink.
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken":

President Barack Obama declared on Monday there would be no deal on raising the government's debt limit if Republicans won't compromise, and he said he would not sign a short-term extension — raising the stakes on volatile negotiations with the clock ticking toward an Aug. 2 deadline.

"I don't see a path to a deal if they don't budge. Period," the president said in a challenge to his political opponents, accusing Republicans of having a "my way or the highway" posture.

Asked whether or not he would veto legislation temporarily increasing the debt ceiling, the president said: "I will not sign a 30-day, or 60-day, or 90-day extension."

* * * *
Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News


I say let's play chicken with Dumbo.
He criticized politicians who say the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raised. "It's irresponsible. They know better," Obama said.

Wrong. What's irresponsible is trying to hold your breath till your face turns blue in order to get the surprisingly responsible people to cave in to your idiocy, Mr. President.

"The dope we put into the Oval Office"

You voted for Obama? I find that fascinating.
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken":

President Barack Obama declared on Monday there would be no deal on raising the government's debt limit if Republicans won't compromise, and he said he would not sign a short-term extension — raising the stakes on volatile negotiations with the clock ticking toward an Aug. 2 deadline.

"I don't see a path to a deal if they don't budge. Period," the president said in a challenge to his political opponents, accusing Republicans of having a "my way or the highway" posture.

Asked whether or not he would veto legislation temporarily increasing the debt ceiling, the president said: "I will not sign a 30-day, or 60-day, or 90-day extension."

* * * *
Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News


I say let's play chicken with Dumbo.
He criticized politicians who say the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raised. "It's irresponsible. They know better," Obama said.

Wrong. What's irresponsible is trying to hold your breath till your face turns blue in order to get the surprisingly responsible people to cave in to your idiocy, Mr. President.

"The dope we put into the Oval Office"

You voted for Obama? I find that fascinating.

No, "we" as in "we the People."

Of course I didn't vote for the guy. He was easily identifiable as a virtual Marxist long before dejection day.
It's about time Obama grew a pair. The last thing the GOP needs right now is to carry the "no compromise" label into the 2012 campaign season, especially if the US ends up defaulting on it's debt, causing a worse economy than we already have.
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken":

President Barack Obama declared on Monday there would be no deal on raising the government's debt limit if Republicans won't compromise, and he said he would not sign a short-term extension — raising the stakes on volatile negotiations with the clock ticking toward an Aug. 2 deadline.

"I don't see a path to a deal if they don't budge. Period," the president said in a challenge to his political opponents, accusing Republicans of having a "my way or the highway" posture.

Asked whether or not he would veto legislation temporarily increasing the debt ceiling, the president said: "I will not sign a 30-day, or 60-day, or 90-day extension."

* * * *
Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News


I say let's play chicken with Dumbo.
He criticized politicians who say the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raised. "It's irresponsible. They know better," Obama said.

Wrong. What's irresponsible is trying to hold your breath till your face turns blue in order to get the surprisingly responsible people to cave in to your idiocy, Mr. President.

"So in the end, it was bit of a Ronald Reagan moment for John Boehner on Saturday. Just as the U.S. president walked away from a bad arms control agreement with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at Reykjavik, Iceland in 1986, the House speaker passed on President Barack Obama’s mega-debt reduction deal in Washington.

In both case, the asking price was just too high. For Reagan, it was lethal limitations on his Strategic Defense Initiative. For Boehner, it was a trillion-dollar tax distraction from America’s true fiscal threat: spending run amok: “Despite good-faith efforts to find common ground, the White House will not pursue a bigger debt reduction agreement without tax hikes.”

A GOP congressional source was a bit less diplomatic, telling me Saturday afternoon via email:

Their fierce insistence on higher taxes is beyond bizarre. After months of demanding ‘clean’ increase to avert economic calamity (default), WH threatens economic calamity (default) unless they get economic calamity (trillions in tax hikes). No wonder these guys are governing over an economic calamity (9.2% & growth malaise), w/ an economic calamity on the horizon (debt explosion as mapped out in president’s budget). The bipartisan consensus on tax reform (broader base & lower rates) was championed by President’s fiscal commission, and yet now is being rebuked by the President. Lowering top rates that would help make America more competitive was too large a leap for a true class warrior."
James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com

(emphasis mine)
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken"

I might be willing to agree with you if the GOP had compromised on anything, ever, at any point. They haven't. In fact, they picked up their toys and stormed out when someone said something about their toy jets.

Obama is being tough because tough is what we need right now.
I think its more posturing, they are all jockeying for position, I will say I find it politically ill-advised to paint himself into a corner.

if the reps say ok to 'revenue' plus agreement, as they craft a short term fix, he'll still say no?

If the Republicans agree, now, to ANY tax increase, the President will take credit for "forcing" their hands.

The conservatives and responsible Republicans and any sane Democrat Congressman SHOULD now REFUSE to do anything but vote on MASSIVE spending cuts. They should call the President on his game of "chicken" by firmly declaring, "No to any new taxes of any kind in any form. And no to a debt ceiling increase."

Make that officious idiot be the one to blink.

What tax increase?

Bush tax cuts were never meant to permanent.
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken"

I might be willing to agree with you if the GOP had compromised on anything, ever, at any point. They haven't. In fact, they picked up their toys and stormed out when someone said something about their toy jets.

Obama is being tough because tough is what we need right now.

yes becasue we can tax all of the 'toy' jets at 90% and it would amount to how much? everytime he uses that phrase he sounds like a jackass.
It's about time Obama grew a pair. The last thing the GOP needs right now is to carry the "no compromise" label into the 2012 campaign season, especially if the US ends up defaulting on it's debt, causing a worse economy than we already have.

Actually, the last thing the GOP needs before the 2012 campaign is a "We will capitulate" label. They were elected to reduce the deficit and reduce taxes. The President is the one refusing to compromise.
It's about time Obama grew a pair. The last thing the GOP needs right now is to carry the "no compromise" label into the 2012 campaign season, especially if the US ends up defaulting on it's debt, causing a worse economy than we already have.

Actually, the last thing the GOP needs before the 2012 campaign is a "We will capitulate" label. They were elected to reduce the deficit and reduce taxes. The President is the one refusing to compromise.

I believe you are thinking short term, or small picture. I agree that the "conservatives" and GOP base put them into office to reduce taxes. However, the "conservatives" and GOP base is not enough to get any of them elected in a general election. But, keep with the strategery. It will get you a GOP nominee, if nothing else.
So the American people should just sit back and relax in the back seat as Thelma (Obama) and Louise (The Republicans) drive us off the cliff.

The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken"

I might be willing to agree with you if the GOP had compromised on anything, ever, at any point. They haven't. In fact, they picked up their toys and stormed out when someone said something about their toy jets.

Obama is being tough because tough is what we need right now.

yes becasue we can tax all of the 'toy' jets at 90% and it would amount to how much? everytime he uses that phrase he sounds like a jackass.

Why do you guys always respond like that? It's so cowardly and dishonest. If we mention a possible source of tax revenue, you always take it to an extreme of "Well, even if we tax that source 90% or 100% ... " Are you seriously that anti-anything-Democrats-say that you refuse to acknowledge that they are talking about MULTIPLE sources so that the increases in any one source would be minimal?

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