Poll: Utah Candidate Mia Love Leading Congressional Race by Double Digits


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Poll: Utah Candidate Mia Love Leading Congressional Race by Double Digits

Republican Mia Love, who is running to defeat Democrat incumbent Jim Matheson in Utah’s 4th congressional district, is leading the race 51% to 36%, according to internal polling released by Love’s campaign on Tuesday.*

Love’s polling firm, Public Opinion Strategies, said, "this heavily Republican district is coming home,” and the race has taken a 28-point swing. In July, the polling outfit said its poll showed Matheson with a 13-point lead over Love.*

Matheson has resorted to questioning how Love’s parents, who emigrated to American from Haiti, received their citizenship papers to defeat the black female Republican rising star.*

"Sadly, Jim Matheson has turned to false attacks on my community and my family. Now is the time for Jim Matheson to stop his negative campaign," Love said in a statement.*
A Matheson spokesperson told the Salt Lake Tribune that the poll was “a totally biased internal poll” and releasing the poll was “an attempt to get control of her flailing campaign.”

Matheson, who voted against Obamacare, still has strong support in this district. But Love may benefit in November because a record number of Mormons are expected to turnout in Utah to vote for Mitt Romney for president. And these voters could give Love the boost she to beat Matheson and send her to Washington.*

The poll found that Mitt Romney led Barack Obama in the district by nearly 50 points (73-25).*:clap2::clap2::clap2:
I'm too often amazed that immigrants turn coat and now are against immigration. Politics you say. The opportunities given her are somehow off limits for other immigrants? Anchor babies should at the very least recognize the hypocritical moral position they place themselves in? I got mine, shit on you, should be the mantra of republicans like Mia.

Did Rising Republican Star Mia Love Lie About Her Background? | Clutch Magazine
Mia Love is a political lightweight. If you just listen to her RNC speech and forget that she's black, you'll find that she's over-hyped by far.

That said, kicking out a Dem is usually a good thing.
I'm too often amazed that immigrants turn coat and now are against immigration. Politics you say. The opportunities given her are somehow off limits for other immigrants? Anchor babies should at the very least recognize the hypocritical moral position they place themselves in? I got mine, shit on you, should be the mantra of republicans like Mia.

Did Rising Republican Star Mia Love Lie About Her Background? | Clutch Magazine

I'm never amazed that you subvert the views of immigrants and pretend to speak for them to advance your bs agenda.
Matheson is a dem who the folks in his former and new district cannot trust.

Love, agree with her or not, will do exactly what she says she will do.

Having said that, she is Sharron Angle come to Utah.
I'm too often amazed that immigrants turn coat and now are against immigration. Politics you say. The opportunities given her are somehow off limits for other immigrants? Anchor babies should at the very least recognize the hypocritical moral position they place themselves in? I got mine, shit on you, should be the mantra of republicans like Mia.

Did Rising Republican Star Mia Love Lie About Her Background? | Clutch Magazine

She's against illegal immigration. The clue is in the word 'illegal', not immigration. Moron.
Also, I don't see why this one excites you guys so much. Before redistricting, Matheson's district was one McCain carried by almost 20 points (Bush carried by 35+ both times) and Matheson was narrowly reelected in 2010. Then redistricting happens, and the lines are cut to further dilute the Democrat vote that exists in Utah between his district and a new one.
Mia Love is a political lightweight. If you just listen to her RNC speech and forget that she's black, you'll find that she's over-hyped by far.

That said, kicking out a Dem is usually a good thing.

Hardly a 'light-weight', she's new into the political arena. I think that's a good thing, she's bright and articulate, regardless of her race, color or creed.
Also, I don't see why this one excites you guys so much. Before redistricting, Matheson's district was one McCain carried by almost 20 points (Bush carried by 35+ both times) and Matheson was narrowly reelected in 2010. Then redistricting happens, and the lines are cut to further dilute the Democrat vote that exists in Utah between his district and a new one.

So sad, just keep crying, you poor little thing.
Mia Love is a political lightweight. If you just listen to her RNC speech and forget that she's black, you'll find that she's over-hyped by far.

That said, kicking out a Dem is usually a good thing.

Hardly a 'light-weight', she's new into the political arena. I think that's a good thing, she's bright and articulate, regardless of her race, color or creed.

Again, go back and just listen to her RNC speech (forget that she's black) and you'll realize that she's nothing special; especially relative to any other conservative politician. In fact, she's less than average.
"White Sarah Palin was a disaster ... so let's try black Sarah Palin! That will work for sure!"

I can see why conservatives want a black Sarah Palin. Should a dirty liberal point out their candidate is kind of a dimbulb, the conservatives will be able to play the race card as well as the gender card, and there's nothing any conservative loves more than playing the race card. You know all those conservatives are just aching to fling a shrill "You racist sexist liberals all hate her because she's a black woman!".
Liberals will pull race cards when they can get away with it.

Mia might be lightweight, but she carries enough heft in the 4th district to beat Matheson.

He deserves it.

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