Poll: Trayvon Martin case divides US by race, age, wealth and politics


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
“Half the nation, generally younger and more minority, believes a grave injustice has been done. The other half, generally older and whiter, believes that a mob led by professional agitators is trying to railroad Zimmerman for their own political purposes,” writes broadcaster Geraldo Rivera on the Fox News Latino website. “The case has fractured the country along the undeniable racial fault line that is always there, but is most apparent in charged cases like this and Rodney King, Amadou Diallo, Ramarley Graham, Sean Bell and a hundred others.”

Poll: Trayvon Martin case divides US - US news - Christian Science Monitor - msnbc.com
I think maybe it is more to do with those who have leaned to question what we are told. The young tend to accept their source (whichever it may be) to be honest. The older one gets, the more one realizes that they all lie so they tend to question more.

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