Poll: More Americans Say The Democrats Are Out Of Touch With Their Concerns Than GOP Or Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Majority of Americans realize the Democrats are more out of touch

67% Of Americans Say The Democrats Are Out Of Touch With Their Concerns

"Sixty-seven percent of Americans say the Democratic Party is out of touch with their concerns — that’s more than those who think the Republican Party or President Trump are out of touch with most Americans’ concerns

ABC News notes that in March 2014, 48 percent said the Democrats were out of touch with most Americans’ concerns. Three years later, 67 percent of Americans feel that way about the Democratic Party — a 19 percent increase."

Poll: More Americans Say The Democrats Are Out Of Touch With Their Concerns Than GOP Or Trump
The rube party's at 62%. And that will only increase as Trump continues to humiliate the nation.
Once the elections start up people will start paying attention to the anti-white shit Democrats are brazenly saying, and that 67% will climb while the Republican disapproval will drop.
The rube party's at 62%. And that will only increase as Trump continues to humiliate the nation.
Ya can't read, can ya?

67% of Americans believe the Democrats have lost touch with 'reality'...19%more NOW than just 3 years ago.

After the Democrats were exposed as having rigged their primaries, engaged in voter fraud, cheated in debates, engaged in violence, arson, destruction of property, looting, terrorism, trying to shut down freedom of speech, calling for Impeachment, calling for military coups, calling for the President's assassination, perpetrating FELONY ESPIONAGE, declaring they will do nothing but act as Obstructionists for 4 years for the good of the party....

Democrats will only lose more than the already lost 1,000+ political seats, will lose more 'historical, record-setting' elections, and that percentage of Democrats / Americans who think the Democrats have lost their minds / touch will only grow....
The rube party's at 62%. And that will only increase as Trump continues to humiliate the nation.
Ya can't read, can ya?

67% of Americans believe the Democrats have lost touch with 'reality'...19%more NOW than just 3 years ago.

After the Democrats were exposed as having rigged their primaries, engaged in voter fraud, cheated in debates, engaged in violence, arson, destruction of property, looting, terrorism, trying to shut down freedom of speech, calling for Impeachment, calling for military coups, calling for the President's assassination, perpetrating FELONY ESPIONAGE, declaring they will do nothing but act as Obstructionists for 4 years for the good of the party....

Democrats will only lose more than the already lost 1,000+ political seats, will lose more 'historical, record-setting' elections, and that percentage of Democrats / Americans who think the Democrats have lost their minds / touch will only grow....
No actually I can read. That's how I'm able to respond to your post and how I saw that 62% of Americans think the GOP, as you put it, "have lost touch with 'reality'"
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The rube party's at 62%. And that will only increase as Trump continues to humiliate the nation.
Ya can't read, can ya?

67% of Americans believe the Democrats have lost touch with 'reality'...19%more NOW than just 3 years ago.

After the Democrats were exposed as having rigged their primaries, engaged in voter fraud, cheated in debates, engaged in violence, arson, destruction of property, looting, terrorism, trying to shut down freedom of speech, calling for Impeachment, calling for military coups, calling for the President's assassination, perpetrating FELONY ESPIONAGE, declaring they will do nothing but act as Obstructionists for 4 years for the good of the party....

Democrats will only lose more than the already lost 1,000+ political seats, will lose more 'historical, record-setting' elections, and that percentage of Democrats / Americans who think the Democrats have lost their minds / touch will only grow....
No actually I can read. That's how I'm able to respond to your post and how I saw that 62% of Americans the GOP, as you put it, "have lost touch with 'reality'"
Copy....LESS than those who think the Democrats have 'lost it'.

According to the polls, 98% of Trump voters would vote for Trump again TODAY while only 85% of Hillary voters say they would vote for Hillary again. 2% of Hillary voters say they would vote for TRUMP.
The rube party's at 62%. And that will only increase as Trump continues to humiliate the nation.
Ya can't read, can ya?

67% of Americans believe the Democrats have lost touch with 'reality'...19%more NOW than just 3 years ago.

After the Democrats were exposed as having rigged their primaries, engaged in voter fraud, cheated in debates, engaged in violence, arson, destruction of property, looting, terrorism, trying to shut down freedom of speech, calling for Impeachment, calling for military coups, calling for the President's assassination, perpetrating FELONY ESPIONAGE, declaring they will do nothing but act as Obstructionists for 4 years for the good of the party....

Democrats will only lose more than the already lost 1,000+ political seats, will lose more 'historical, record-setting' elections, and that percentage of Democrats / Americans who think the Democrats have lost their minds / touch will only grow....
No actually I can read. That's how I'm able to respond to your post and how I saw that 62% of Americans the GOP, as you put it, "have lost touch with 'reality'"
Copy....LESS than those who think the Democrats have 'lost it'.

According to the polls, 98% of Trump voters would vote for Trump again TODAY while only 85% of Hillary voters say they would vote for Hillary again. 2% of Hillary voters say they would vote for TRUMP.
That means 98% of Trump voters are as dumb as I thought they were.
That means 98% of Trump voters are as dumb as I thought they were.
No, that means the delusional snowflakes who have been spreading the lie that Trump voters are having 'buyer's remorse' are bat-shit crazy and have no clue what they are talking about...as usual. :p
That means 98% of Trump voters are as dumb as I thought they were.
No, that means the delusional snowflakes who have been spreading the lie that Trump voters are having 'buyer's remorse' are bat-shit crazy and have no clue what they are talking about...as usual. :p
If you don't have buyer's remorse, then you're dumb as fuck. Which was a pre-requisite for voting for Trump anyways. So, confirmed.
If you don't have buyer's remorse, then you're dumb as fuck. Which was a pre-requisite for voting for Trump anyways. So, confirmed.
I agree...Only 15% of all Hillary voters are declaring they have 'Buyer's Remorse'...that means 85% of Hillary voters are 'dumb as fuck'.
If you don't have buyer's remorse, then you're dumb as fuck. Which was a pre-requisite for voting for Trump anyways. So, confirmed.
I agree...Only 15% of all Hillary voters are declaring they have 'Buyer's Remorse'...that means 85% of Hillary voters are 'dumb as fuck'.
That's 13% less than Dump rubes
That's 13% less than Dump rubes
Sorry, 98% of Trump supporters say they would still vote for Trump today, as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would still vote for Hillary.

Once again, you are pulling stuff out your ass and pushing them as fact.

Check out the thread.....
2% of Hillary voters say they would vote for TRUMP.

This moron has "selective posting syndrome"......LOL

Regarding the above

That's not because former Clinton supporters would now back Trump; only 2 percent of them say they'd do so, similar to the 1 percent of Trump voters who say they'd switch to Clinton. Instead, they're more apt to say they'd vote for a third-party candidate or wouldn’t vote.

What an :ahole-1: LOL
That's 13% less than Dump rubes
Sorry, 98% of Trump supporters say they would still vote for Trump today, as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would still vote for Hillary.
Yes we've confirmed that 98% percent of Dump rubes are dumb as fuck. Though I suspect there was an error, and if they conducted the poll correctly it would go up to 100%.
The Majority of Americans realize the Democrats are more out of touch

67% Of Americans Say The Democrats Are Out Of Touch With Their Concerns

"Sixty-seven percent of Americans say the Democratic Party is out of touch with their concerns — that’s more than those who think the Republican Party or President Trump are out of touch with most Americans’ concerns

ABC News notes that in March 2014, 48 percent said the Democrats were out of touch with most Americans’ concerns. Three years later, 67 percent of Americans feel that way about the Democratic Party — a 19 percent increase."

Poll: More Americans Say The Democrats Are Out Of Touch With Their Concerns Than GOP Or Trump
Huh? Do you promote polls only if you like their results? You were saying you don't trust polls...
I have to admit at this point that I do not put much stock in polls...
... now that you believe in polls again, here's another ABC/WaPo poll you might find interesting...

Trump job approval rating: 42%
2% of Hillary voters say they would vote for TRUMP.

This moron has "selective posting syndrome"......LOL

Regarding the above

That's not because former Clinton supporters would now back Trump; only 2 percent of them say they'd do so, similar to the 1 percent of Trump voters who say they'd switch to Clinton. Instead, they're more apt to say they'd vote for a third-party candidate or wouldn’t vote.

What an :ahole-1: LOL
So Trump would outright win the popular vote if the election were held today...

Even California can't save your party anymore....
That's 13% less than Dump rubes
Sorry, 98% of Trump supporters say they would still vote for Trump today, as opposed to only 85% of Hillary voters who would still vote for Hillary.
Yes we've confirmed that 98% percent of Dump rubes are dumb as fuck. Though I suspect there was an error, and if they conducted the poll correctly it would go up to 100%.
No we are confirmed that snowflakes like yourself continue to lie about how trump voters have Buyer's Remorse...yet the facts show you're LIARS...delusional liars...who can't come to grips with reality.

Faced with the facts, all you have left is to call people names.

So sad.....
No we are confirmed that snowflakes like yourself continue to lie about how trump voters have Buyer's Remorse

Those Trump voters will have to be royally screwed by Trump....which will soon be the case with HC, and tax reform and no jobs for the coal miners and no wall, etc.......THEN, like most morons, they'll realize the failure of the orange clown........OR (most likely) revert to "Its all Clinton's fault"......LOL

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