POLL: Conservatives/Republicans: Should the Tea Party secede?

Should the Tea Party secede from the GOP?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
A division between the two factions of the party seems me to be the obvious answer to the current civil war-like problems in the GOP. A split would allow for the following:

(a) The Tea Party is convinced that it represents the majority of Americans, and ridding itself of the "establishment Republicans" would allow it to pursue its agenda with far more focus and clarity to achieve (what it appears to feel would be) significantly more political victories

(b) The GOP might be able to make up for those losses by attracting more moderate voters who feel that the Democrat party has moved too far to the Left, plus it would rid itself of the element of the party that it feels is, uh, a little embarrassing and a political albatross

Seems like the obvious answer. If not, why not?

Teabaggers should refuse all food until one of theirs gains the White House.....
A) The tea party has never done anything with a clear purpose except attack things, for some this is sufficient but for most it is bad for business.

B) The GOP lost interest in moderates so long ago and showed them the door so harshly that they will never be back.

The obvious answer is that they made some very serious errors letting the social conservatives/libertarians drive the bus for a while just to win a couple of midterms and now they are having trouble putting the fringe back where they belong, in short there is no salvaging this mess.
Worked up here. We separated from the Progressive Conservatives (known as RINOs in the US) and now are the majority party in Canada.

The Conservative Party of Canada.
Worked up here. We separated from the Progressive Conservatives (known as RINOs in the US) and now are the majority party in Canada.

The Conservative Party of Canada.

See? It's the perfect solution. I think they need to secede today, if not sooner.
The problem that even moderately right Republicans have with their representatives is that many their Congress critters and Senators lie their asses off on the campaign trail and then completely throw their election promises out the window once they get inside the beltway. Or they get squashed by the hierarchy.

This is also a problem within the Democrat Party as well. R voters are not alone in being pissed off at their reps.

Once inside the beltway the power shifts from the elected representative to the Kings and Queens of each respective party who have shown time and time again that they don't give a rats ass what the individual representative thinks let alone wants for their electorate.

Backroom inside the Beltway monarchs. Both parties have them.
No secession. They should work to pry the RINOs in their party out of the positions of power. Secession would merely strengthen that faction, resulting in two political parties representing Democrat interests.
The Tea Party and the Republican base have more in common than not. They have different opinions on how to fix this country and what needs fixing first. But by and large they are both seeking the same ends. Low taxes, strong national security, limited (smaller) government, individual responsibility etc....
No secession. They should work to pry the RINOs in their party out of the positions of power. Secession would merely strengthen that faction, resulting in two political parties representing Democrat interests.

Working within the structure won't work unless there is a massive die off of the elders who not only hold the power but the purse strings of the party.

It's not just an R party issue. Look what happened to all the blue dogs that got elected in 2006 and 2008.

They are mostly all gone. Because once they showed up inside the beltway Pelosi and Reid forced them to march lock step with their agendas.

There's a reason D's lost to R's in 2010, 2012 and especially 2014.

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