Politifact website examines Trump’s claim that "Hundreds of Thousands" of illegals are in jail

The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

1. You are an idiot who doesn't even read his own cite:

"In 2009, state prisons reported about 90,000 incarcerated individuals of illegal or unknown immigration status, and local jails reported about 204,000."

2. You don't dispute the accuracy of Trump's statement, only his "data."

3. About 16% of the federal prison population are illegals.

4. You are an idiot.
Libs will try to hide the truth.

Here's some info for California alone.

You pay nearly $1B a year to house illegal immigrant prisoners

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — A staggering number of illegal immigrants are housed in California's prisons and jails, and it's taxpayers who foot the huge bill.

Eyewitness News investigated the numbers and asked lawmakers in Sacramento and Washington what can be done.

Eyewitness News obtained data from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from the end of December 2010. According to those tables, there were 16,902 inmates on hold for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. There were also 3,962 prisoners listed as potential ICE holds.

Together, that makes 20,864 inmates, which is about 13 percent of California's total inmate population of 162,821 on that date.

"These are foreign-born inmates," CDCR spokeswoman Terry Thornton told Eyewitness News. "Or unlawfully present."

The data shows where all the inmates come from, and it's across the globe.

For example, 10 inmates in California prisons then were from Afghanistan, eight of those here illegally. One inmate is listed from Congo. Nine from Egypt are reported in the U.S. Illegally. There's one inmate from Finland, listed as on ICE hold.

Thornton said CDCR estimates the average cost to house any inmate is $44,563 a year. If that amount is multiplied by the 20,864 illegal immigrants it's a total cost of $929,762,432.

"It's almost a billion dollars when you do the math," said Bakersfield Assemblywoman Shannon Grove. The Republican lawmaker, representing the 32nd District, said that cost is a big worry.

"It's too much money," echoed state Sen. Michael Rubio, D-Bakersfield. He's been working on legislation to deal with prison medical costs.

And Sen. Jean Fuller, R-Bakersfield, said it's a concern she's had for a long time.

"It's very difficult for people to conceive the size of the problem," Fuller said.

Of the immigrants in state prison, the most come from Mexico, according to the CDCR data. As of December 2010, they show a total of 15,985 inmates from our neighbor to the south. Of those, 1,928 are listed as being here legally, having no ICE hold.

Another 14,057 California prisoners are illegal immigrants from Mexico that are on an ICE hold or potential hold.

Next comes El Salvador, with a total of 1,231 inmates in state prisons. The list shows 113 are in the United States legally, and 1,118 are not.

Kern County Jails

Eyewitness News also checked the data for Kern County jails. Their data is collected a bit differently, and more of their inmates will be housed for less that a full year.

Sgt. Ian Silva told Eyewitness News the latest figures available are for the year 2009. Silva said based on information from the U.S. Department of Justice, it's believed there were 964 illegal immigrant inmates in Kern's jails that year.

Silva said they were in custody an average of 51.7 days.

The county uses an estimated average cost per inmate of $134.12 a day. Putting that math together, it's estimated housing illegal immigrants in Kern's jails cost $6.6 million in 2009.

State Lawmaker Reaction?

With the tab for illegal immigrants in state prisons at nearly $930 million, are there any answers?

"Quite frankly, if someone is here illegally and they break the law, they should be sent to whatever country they are legally from," Rubio said.

Fuller sees things the same way, and sees an obstacle.

"If the federal government would make a special deal with many other countries that there would be an automatic export of prisoners under certain circumstances, I think that would help tremendously," Fuller said.

CDCR's Thornton said by law, inmates must serve their entire sentence. But, what if they could serve out the rest of that sentence in their home country? Thornton said under California law, the governor or his designee is authorized to give approval for foreign prisoner transfers.

She said the U.S. Department of Justice administers the International Prisoner Transfer Program.

"The rules are a combination of treaties, conventions, federal and states' laws," Thornton explained.

"In calendar year 2010, the Board of Parole Hearings received 339 foreign prisoner transfer requests, and 718 requests were denied," Thornton clarified in an email. "The reason the number denied is higher than the number received, is some of those 718 were submissions from previous years. Five were transferred to their home countries. Keep in mind that most disapproved cases are due to treaty criteria."

How Serious Are the Crimes?

Bakersfield lawmaker Rubio likes the idea of transferring foreign prisoners to their home countries to serve out a sentence, but only for lesser crimes.

"We have a revolving door with respect to sending violent criminals to their countries, and then they just end up coming back to the U.S. and specifically California," Rubio worries.

Eyewitness News checked the CDCR data on murder. The stats for the period ending December 2010 show 7,150 prisoners held for first-degree murder. Of those, 5,987 are listed as legal and the other 1,163 inmates are either on ICE hold or potential hold.

Those prisoners were convicted of committing murder while apparently being in the U.S. illegally.

"We have to urge the Federal government to do a better job of protecting our borders," Rubio said. "The data I've seen is that if we just send them across the border, they'll come back."

Federal Response?

You pay nearly 1B a year to house illegal immigrant prisoners Investigations Bakersfield Now - News Weather and Sports
The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

So you're recommending that we ignore Trump's warning and continue with our policy of open borders?

Boy, I can't wait til some illegal hopped up on drugs kicks in your door, rapes and robs someone you care about, or drunkenly crashes into your car.
If 16% of the federal pop is illegal, then Trump got this right.

The question of how many committed a crime besides not having documents is unrelated to Trump statement. Nor does Trump has to cite his information in order for the info to be true.

I don't believe it. I just defended Trump!!:confused:
The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

1. You are an idiot who doesn't even read his own cite:

"In 2009, state prisons reported about 90,000 incarcerated individuals of illegal or unknown immigration status, and local jails reported about 204,000."

2. You don't dispute the accuracy of Trump's statement, only his "data."

3. About 16% of the federal prison population are illegals.

4. You are an idiot.

Are you seriously saying 294,000 is not hundreds of thousands? Maybe you should go back to your ESL math class.

Get real.... Got a credible source????

There are almost 50 thousand in federal prisons alone!!!

How Does Illegal Immigration Affect the US Prison System - Illegal Immigration Solutions - ProCon.org

This site also gives a good picture of the statistics...

Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies
Kudos for finding the CIS document. But, it neither supports nor explicitly contradicts the Donald's grandstanding.
The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

1. You are an idiot who doesn't even read his own cite:

"In 2009, state prisons reported about 90,000 incarcerated individuals of illegal or unknown immigration status, and local jails reported about 204,000."

2. You don't dispute the accuracy of Trump's statement, only his "data."

3. About 16% of the federal prison population are illegals.

4. You are an idiot.
" the GAO data does not represent the number of unique individuals because a person could be incarcerated multiple times"
Take that, moron. Plus even if it were 100, 000, (which it's not), "hundreds" of Thousands means 200,000 or more.
The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

1. You are an idiot who doesn't even read his own cite:

"In 2009, state prisons reported about 90,000 incarcerated individuals of illegal or unknown immigration status, and local jails reported about 204,000."

2. You don't dispute the accuracy of Trump's statement, only his "data."

3. About 16% of the federal prison population are illegals.

4. You are an idiot.

Are you seriously saying 294,000 is not hundreds of thousands? Maybe you should go back to your ESL math class.
Where did you get 294,000? Are you smoking something good?
The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

1. You are an idiot who doesn't even read his own cite:

"In 2009, state prisons reported about 90,000 incarcerated individuals of illegal or unknown immigration status, and local jails reported about 204,000."

2. You don't dispute the accuracy of Trump's statement, only his "data."

3. About 16% of the federal prison population are illegals.

4. You are an idiot.
The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

1. You are an idiot who doesn't even read his own cite:

"In 2009, state prisons reported about 90,000 incarcerated individuals of illegal or unknown immigration status, and local jails reported about 204,000."

2. You don't dispute the accuracy of Trump's statement, only his "data."

3. About 16% of the federal prison population are illegals.

4. You are an idiot.

Are you seriously saying 294,000 is not hundreds of thousands? Maybe you should go back to your ESL math class.
Where did you get 294,000? Are you smoking something good?

From the numbers you posted idiot, BTW you never said what La Raza pays you to post here.

Get real.... Got a credible source????

There are almost 50 thousand in federal prisons alone!!!

How Does Illegal Immigration Affect the US Prison System - Illegal Immigration Solutions - ProCon.org

This site also gives a good picture of the statistics...

Immigration and Crime Assessing a Conflicted Issue Center for Immigration Studies

So you contest these figures, from politifact's article?

"The most recent comprehensive number we could find comes from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. In total, there were around 90,000 noncitizens incarcerated in federal and state prison systems at year end in 2013.

But this doesn’t tell us much; the noncitizen group includes both legal and illegal immigrants, and the report does not separate the two. But in any case, we know that there are definitely not "hundreds of thousands" of illegal immigrants in state and federal penitentiaries."

Do you have better numbers?
It's really impossible to tell. On one hand we have some 3-5 more illegal aliens today than in 1990 when crime rates were higher than today. But, I don't think one can discount that Mexican gangs are illegally entering the US and upping the gang related violence.
It's" really impossible to tell. On one hand we have some 3-5 more illegal aliens today than in 1990 when crime rates were higher than today. But, I don't think one can discount that Mexican gangs are illegally entering the US and upping the gang related violence.
Here is one that's gonna hurt the conservatives in these forum deeply, from the same article :

"every expert we polled said there is a consensus among scholars that undocumented immigrants are not more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens. "
You have a lot of explaining to do, guys.
The statement was rated "mostly false", as Trump presented "No data" to back up the statistic.
In other words, Trump made that up.
Trump immigration claim has no data to back it up PolitiFact
In this thread I ask you to discuss the possible reasons why Trump makes stuff up.

If this is the level of intelligence we can expect from mexicans? WE DONT WANT YOU!!!!!
In fact how about you pack your bags and get the fuck out.
Here's some numbers for you taco.....
There are around two and a quarter million people incarcerated in the U.S.
Over 16.5 percent of them are illegals....do the math.
If you'd like I can do it for you since you dont appear to be to bright.
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