Politics is the new religion.

Both religion and politics ask the same questions, which is how should we live our lives?

They really don't. Or at least they shouldn't. Conflating the two is a problem.
How do they not?

For example, the Ten Commandments are a long list of things that purport to be morally good for society. Interestingly, when originally produced there were no penalties for breaking them

And today, our laws from the secular state are nothing more than moral edicts as to what is "good" for society, with a whole slew of penalties for breaking them.

One simply is a warning, while the other is your judge and executioner.

There were major penalties for things like murder and adultery.
Originally no, but later on yes.

The Ten Commandments were given right after they had fled Egypt. There was not government to lower the hammer.
1st post
Both religion and politics ask the same questions, which is how should we live our lives?

They really don't. Or at least they shouldn't. Conflating the two is a problem.
How do they not?

For example, the Ten Commandments are a long list of things that purport to be morally good for society. Interestingly, when originally produced there were no penalties for breaking them

And today, our laws from the secular state are nothing more than moral edicts as to what is "good" for society, with a whole slew of penalties for breaking them.

One simply is a warning, while the other is your judge and executioner.

There were major penalties for things like murder and adultery.
Originally no, but later on yes.

The Ten Commandments were given right after they had fled Egypt. There was not government to lower the hammer.

Originally yes. Cain was expelled from Eden.
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. ...

Not new, just false.
People are certainly more rabid in their politics now.
Said everyone in every generation.
I don't know I don't remember the general public being as contentious about politics 30 years ago.

Maybe you weren't paying as much attention 30 years ago.
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. The no longer look to the Bible and what it teaches to take a position, they simply look at how something will forward their politics. That might even change in short periods of time.

I am NOT claiming this applies to one side. It applies to many on both sides. There are no principles. No crossing over when the other side supports something you would have once supported. Then again, both sides IMO support things alike that Jesus would have never supported. War, greed, etc.

Politics is the new religion.
I agree...shit, Lefties even look like how they vote these days. Haha
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. ...

Not new, just false.
People are certainly more rabid in their politics now.
Said everyone in every generation.
I don't know I don't remember the general public being as contentious about politics 30 years ago.

Maybe you weren't paying as much attention 30 years ago.

Yeah maybe. We also didn't have the 24 7 news cycles and the social media
5th post
For example, the Ten Commandments are a long list of things that purport to be morally good for society. Interestingly, when originally produced there were no penalties for breaking them

Yes - I agree that religion offers an answer to the question of how we should live our lives.

And today, our laws from the secular state are nothing more than moral edicts as to what is "good" for society, with a whole slew of penalties for breaking them.

And I think that's an dangerous view of government. Government is there to protect our freedom to live the way way want - and resolve things when freedoms conflict. It's not there to tell us how to live. Presuming that it IS there to tell us how to live is lurking at the core of SO many of our political problems.
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Both religion and politics ask the same questions, which is how should we live our lives?

They really don't. Or at least they shouldn't. Conflating the two is a problem.
How do they not?

For example, the Ten Commandments are a long list of things that purport to be morally good for society. Interestingly, when originally produced there were no penalties for breaking them

Yes - I agree that region offers an answer to the question of how we should live our lives.

And today, our laws from the secular state are nothing more than moral edicts as to what is "good" for society, with a whole slew of penalties for breaking them.

And I think that's an dangerous view of government. Government is there to protect our freedom to live the way way want - and resolve thing when freedoms conflict. It's not there to tell us how to live. Presuming that it IS there to tell us how to live is lurking at the core of SO many of our political problems.

The 10 commandments weren't the first codes of conduct.

The code of Hammurabi had everything the 10 commandments did all but for the god stuff plus many laws that we still have today , minus the draconian punishments of course.
Both religion and politics ask the same questions, which is how should we live our lives?

They really don't. Or at least they shouldn't. Conflating the two is a problem.
How do they not?

For example, the Ten Commandments are a long list of things that purport to be morally good for society. Interestingly, when originally produced there were no penalties for breaking them

Yes - I agree that region offers an answer to the question of how we should live our lives.

And today, our laws from the secular state are nothing more than moral edicts as to what is "good" for society, with a whole slew of penalties for breaking them.

And I think that's an dangerous view of government. Government is there to protect our freedom to live the way way want - and resolve thing when freedoms conflict. It's not there to tell us how to live. Presuming that it IS there to tell us how to live is lurking at the core of SO many of our political problems.

Interesting observations. During the old testament, man was under the law, the ten commandments and over 600 other laws. They had to kill goats and bulls to atone for their sins when they broke these laws. God knew that was never going to work. The new testament is the age of grace where the law has been fulfilled and there is no need to kill bulls and goats to atone for you sins.
Both religion and politics ask the same questions, which is how should we live our lives?

They really don't. Or at least they shouldn't. Conflating the two is a problem.
How do they not?

For example, the Ten Commandments are a long list of things that purport to be morally good for society. Interestingly, when originally produced there were no penalties for breaking them

Yes - I agree that region offers an answer to the question of how we should live our lives.

And today, our laws from the secular state are nothing more than moral edicts as to what is "good" for society, with a whole slew of penalties for breaking them.

And I think that's an dangerous view of government. Government is there to protect our freedom to live the way way want - and resolve thing when freedoms conflict. It's not there to tell us how to live. Presuming that it IS there to tell us how to live is lurking at the core of SO many of our political problems.

The thing is; when we decided to FORCE good productive people to pay for the poor life decisions made by lowlife degenerates circa 1935 Father Government gave me an equity share in filthy pieces of shit....Now, I want Americans to meet a standard for obvious reasons...only Father Government can impose laws/legislation to FORCE people to meet a standard.
Trash the welfare mandate and let ALL live FREE!
From the link:

No wonder the newly ascendant American ideologies, having to fill the vacuum where religion once was, are so divisive. They are meant to be divisive. On the left, the “woke” take religious notions such as original sin, atonement, ritual, and excommunication and repurpose them for secular ends. Adherents of wokeism see themselves as challenging the long-dominant narrative that emphasized the exceptionalism of the nation’s founding. Whereas religion sees the promised land as being above, in God’s kingdom, the utopian left sees it as being ahead, in the realization of a just society here on Earth. After Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in September, droves of mourners gathered outside the Supreme Court—some kneeling, some holding candles—as though they were at the Western Wall.

On the right, adherents of a Trump-centric ethno-nationalism still drape themselves in some of the trappings of organized religion, but the result is a movement that often looks like a tent revival stripped of Christian witness. Donald Trump’s boisterous rallies were more focused on blood and soil than on the son of God. Trump himself played both savior and martyr, and it is easy to marvel at the hold that a man so imperfect can have on his soldiers. Many on the right find solace in conspiracy cults, such as QAnon, that tell a religious story of earthly corruption redeemed by a godlike force.

Good summation across the board.
10th post
From the link:

No wonder the newly ascendant American ideologies, having to fill the vacuum where religion once was, are so divisive. They are meant to be divisive. On the left, the “woke” take religious notions such as original sin, atonement, ritual, and excommunication and repurpose them for secular ends. Adherents of wokeism see themselves as challenging the long-dominant narrative that emphasized the exceptionalism of the nation’s founding. Whereas religion sees the promised land as being above, in God’s kingdom, the utopian left sees it as being ahead, in the realization of a just society here on Earth. After Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in September, droves of mourners gathered outside the Supreme Court—some kneeling, some holding candles—as though they were at the Western Wall.

On the right, adherents of a Trump-centric ethno-nationalism still drape themselves in some of the trappings of organized religion, but the result is a movement that often looks like a tent revival stripped of Christian witness. Donald Trump’s boisterous rallies were more focused on blood and soil than on the son of God. Trump himself played both savior and martyr, and it is easy to marvel at the hold that a man so imperfect can have on his soldiers. Many on the right find solace in conspiracy cults, such as QAnon, that tell a religious story of earthly corruption redeemed by a godlike force.

Good summation across the board.

Yes, I posted the article because I felt it a fair, across the board condemnation.
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. The no longer look to the Bible and what it teaches to take a position, they simply look at how something will forward their politics. That might even change in short periods of time.

I am NOT claiming this applies to one side. It applies to many on both sides. There are no principles. No crossing over when the other side supports something you would have once supported. Then again, both sides IMO support things alike that Jesus would have never supported. War, greed, etc.

There's only one side that invokes Jesus and the Bible to justify confiscatory tax and the socialistic redistributionist welfare state.....And that would be yours, pal.

To the secularist left, The State is their God.
Both religion and politics ask the same questions, which is how should we live our lives?

They really don't. Or at least they shouldn't. Conflating the two is a problem.
How do they not?

For example, the Ten Commandments are a long list of things that purport to be morally good for society. Interestingly, when originally produced there were no penalties for breaking them

And today, our laws from the secular state are nothing more than moral edicts as to what is "good" for society, with a whole slew of penalties for breaking them.

One simply is a warning, while the other is your judge and executioner.

There were major penalties for things like murder and adultery.
Originally no, but later on yes.

The Ten Commandments were given right after they had fled Egypt. There was not government to lower the hammer.

Originally yes. Cain was expelled from Eden.

Cain was allowed to live and have a full life and have children

Pretty good deal for a murderer if you ask me.
Well here is an interesting story about someone not having it.

One of the most prominent Southern Baptists in the country is leaving the denomination. Beth Moore, an author and speaker who teaches on biblical topics to arenas filled with evangelicals, cited the “staggering” disorientation of seeing denominational leaders support Donald J. Trump, among other issues.

Beth Moore, a Prominent Evangelical, Splits With Southern Baptists

For most of her career as a Bible teacher, Ms. Moore avoided the culture and political battles that consumed the attention of many prominent evangelical men. She wrote hugely popular study guides focused on particular books of the Bible, intended for use in church women’s groups. As a speaker, she is an “exegetical powerhouse,” Ms. Bowler said, mining biblical texts for lessons in purpose and encouragement. The biblical story of Mary, for example, becomes in Ms. Moore’s telling a contemporary reminder that “God reserves the right to favor the unfavored.”

But Ms. Moore has described the election of 2016, when the vast majority of white evangelicals voted for Mr. Trump, as a turning point for her. She began speaking out after the “Access Hollywood” tape, released just weeks before the election, captured Mr. Trump bragging about forcing himself on women.
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. The no longer look to the Bible and what it teaches to take a position, they simply look at how something will forward their politics. That might even change in short periods of time.

I am NOT claiming this applies to one side. It applies to many on both sides. There are no principles. No crossing over when the other side supports something you would have once supported. Then again, both sides IMO support things alike that Jesus would have never supported. War, greed, etc.

Sad but true
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. The no longer look to the Bible and what it teaches to take a position, they simply look at how something will forward their politics. That might even change in short periods of time.

I am NOT claiming this applies to one side. It applies to many on both sides. There are no principles. No crossing over when the other side supports something you would have once supported. Then again, both sides IMO support things alike that Jesus would have never supported. War, greed, etc.

The Bible warns against worshipping Gold, Silver, Wood and Stone.
Many Jews worship Gold and Silver.
I will not comment on those who worship Wood but actually worship Gold and Silver
I will not comment on those who worship Stone but actually worship Gold and Silver
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. The no longer look to the Bible and what it teaches to take a position, they simply look at how something will forward their politics. That might even change in short periods of time.

I am NOT claiming this applies to one side. It applies to many on both sides. There are no principles. No crossing over when the other side supports something you would have once supported. Then again, both sides IMO support things alike that Jesus would have never supported. War, greed, etc.

Leftism is the religion of the secularized world. It dominates the globe. There is no comparison.

Scattered in between are those who are religious and a few who are secular but are repulsed by Leftism in varying degrees. And there are those who cling to political personalities and other political parties more than they do their faith.

For example, Joe Biden is Catholic but ignores the faith he claims to cling to when it comes to things like abortion. Then you have Warnock who I think claims to be Baptists saying that abortion is "reproductive justice".

So long as Jesus bows to Marx, then the Christian faith will be allowed to continue, otherwise, it must be destroyed.

And those on the right had no problem with Trump's serial adultery, name calling, lying and taking the Lord's name in vain.

That's a good argument that politics is not a religion to the right. That they don't go to politicians for their morality
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. The no longer look to the Bible and what it teaches to take a position, they simply look at how something will forward their politics. That might even change in short periods of time.

I am NOT claiming this applies to one side. It applies to many on both sides. There are no principles. No crossing over when the other side supports something you would have once supported. Then again, both sides IMO support things alike that Jesus would have never supported. War, greed, etc.

The Bible warns against worshipping Gold, Silver, Wood and Stone.
Many Jews worship Gold and Silver.
I will not comment on those who worship Wood but actually worship Gold and Silver
I will not comment on those who worship Stone but actually worship Gold and Silver

Greed has been very detrimental to the country.
To start a thread you are supposed to start with a statement or argument for presenting it. I will first note that I have been arguing for a long time that politics have become the religion of many. The no longer look to the Bible and what it teaches to take a position, they simply look at how something will forward their politics. That might even change in short periods of time.

I am NOT claiming this applies to one side. It applies to many on both sides. There are no principles. No crossing over when the other side supports something you would have once supported. Then again, both sides IMO support things alike that Jesus would have never supported. War, greed, etc.

Leftism is the religion of the secularized world. It dominates the globe. There is no comparison.

Scattered in between are those who are religious and a few who are secular but are repulsed by Leftism in varying degrees. And there are those who cling to political personalities and other political parties more than they do their faith.

For example, Joe Biden is Catholic but ignores the faith he claims to cling to when it comes to things like abortion. Then you have Warnock who I think claims to be Baptists saying that abortion is "reproductive justice".

So long as Jesus bows to Marx, then the Christian faith will be allowed to continue, otherwise, it must be destroyed.

And those on the right had no problem with Trump's serial adultery, name calling, lying and taking the Lord's name in vain.

That's a good argument that politics is not a religion to the right. That they don't go to politicians for their morality


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