Politics from the Pulpit

ABC News: Seeking Change in Law, Pastors to Endorse Candidates

On Sunday, 9/28, 35 churches in 22 states will endorse McCain from the pulpit in defiance of fedeeral law prohibiting non-profit, tax exempt organizations from publicly endorsing a political candidate. Their endorsement is based on McCain's proclaimed religious platform on issues such as his pro-life, anti-abortion stance among others.

So, watcha think! Will and should the IRS step in and enforce the law? Do you see this as an open violation of the First Amendment.

My view: The law is the law.

The IRS will not step in. Both major parties are violating the law and both will make sure the practice continues. They have the support of about 95% of all Americans, so they wield a tremendous amount of power.
ABC News: Seeking Change in Law, Pastors to Endorse Candidates

On Sunday, 9/28, 35 churches in 22 states will endorse McCain from the pulpit in defiance of fedeeral law prohibiting non-profit, tax exempt organizations from publicly endorsing a political candidate. Their endorsement is based on McCain's proclaimed religious platform on issues such as his pro-life, anti-abortion stance among others.

So, watcha think! Will and should the IRS step in and enforce the law? Do you see this as an open violation of the First Amendment.

My view: The law is the law.

I think it evens out Obama's clear superiority in electronic organization.

I don't like seeing church and politics mixed.
ABC News: Seeking Change in Law, Pastors to Endorse Candidates

On Sunday, 9/28, 35 churches in 22 states will endorse McCain from the pulpit in defiance of fedeeral law prohibiting non-profit, tax exempt organizations from publicly endorsing a political candidate. Their endorsement is based on McCain's proclaimed religious platform on issues such as his pro-life, anti-abortion stance among others.

So, watcha think! Will and should the IRS step in and enforce the law? Do you see this as an open violation of the First Amendment.

My view: The law is the law.

Also occurs to me that as I understand it, atheists feel no need to tell other atheists what to think.
Also occurs to me that as I understand it, atheists feel no need to tell other atheists what to think.

no but they sure rattle on at Christians and try to tell them why they are so wrong. Dumbass hypocrites!:badgrin:
Also occurs to me that as I understand it, atheists feel no need to tell other atheists what to think.

Of course they do. A liberal atheist will most certainly tell a conservative atheist what to think. Penn Fraser Jillette is an atheist and tells both conservatives and liberals what to think.
The only thing houses of worship may not do is endorse or oppose candidates for public office or use their resources in partisan campaigns. This restriction, which is found in federal tax law, is not limited to churches and other religious ministries. In fact, it is applied to every non-profit organization in the country that holds a tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The law is the law. ............... It's not that difficult to understand. Yes, those who practice religion certainly have a right to support their candidate...... but a religious leader, sheltered under the tax-exempt umbrella, may not violate the law providing that shelteer by public endorsement or opposition of a candidate.

Bullshit....Democrats have been going to black churches every election cycle for past 20 years, giving speeches and getting their hugs and kisses from the black ministers....The authorities did nothing....
Now watch how they handle Conservatives ....
Of course they do. A liberal atheist will most certainly tell a conservative atheist what to think. Penn Fraser Jillette is an atheist and tells both conservatives and liberals what to think.

I stand corrected.
*ponders* Wonder how many of the wingnuts do realize that half the pagan leaders support McCain for a stance of his that was well buried by their own ... or ignored.
Of course they do. A liberal atheist will most certainly tell a conservative atheist what to think. Penn Fraser Jillette is an atheist and tells both conservatives and liberals what to think.

Teller does to, you do realize why he doesn't speak out loud, right?
Also occurs to me that as I understand it, atheists feel no need to tell other atheists what to think.

Telling people to not tell other people what to think is in and of itself telling people what to think.

It's a self-contradicting statement.
Telling people to not tell other people what to think is in and of itself telling people what to think.

It's a self-contradicting statement.

I was pointing out a distinction between the two groups. Pastors preach, through their organized religion. It's part of the system. Part of being 'organized.'

Atheists aren't particularly organized. They don't have a flock to direct. Many just live their lives thinking their own thoughts, and not bothering others, which appeals to my libertarian tendencies. It's a general distinction I see between types of organized religion and atheism as a hole.

But I am not an atheist. And it doesn't apply to all religions either.
I was pointing out a distinction between the two groups. Pastors preach, through their organized religion. It's part of the system. Part of being 'organized.'

Atheists aren't particularly organized. They don't have a flock to direct. Many just live their lives thinking their own thoughts, and not bothering others, which appeals to my libertarian tendencies. It's a general distinction I see between types of organized religion and atheism as a hole...

The French Revolution and the various and sundry Marxist fronts leap to mind as contradictions to that thesis...and I say that as a nihilistic evolutionist.
The French Revolution and the various and sundry Marxist fronts leap to mind as contradictions to that thesis...and I say that as a nihilistic evolutionist.

While you make a valid point, marxism is not based on a religious ideal, it has been corrupted by religious ideals each time they attempted it though.
While you make a valid point, marxism is not based on a religious ideal, it has been corrupted by religious ideals each time they attempted it though.

Actually the orignal point of my comment was to respond to the notion atheists don't organize themselves for the express purpose of prosyletizing.
Actually the orignal point of my comment was to respond to the notion atheists don't organize themselves for the express purpose of prosyletizing.

a quick google search proves you wrong....

Well, I was hoping to be able to start some sort of atheism movement here on campus. I would like to hand out pamphlets or something to spread the word about atheism


Students plan atheist club to challenge, educate

Students plan atheist club to challenge, educate - News
The law needs to be changed. Religious people are citizens and should have the right to know what their religious leaders think on all issues.

NOT from the pulpit, period.

Have a private, off premises lunch, dinner, meeting.......
I suppose I have been lucky in the atheists I have met and known, they don't bother anyone and they certainly have never started the french revolution or marxist regimes.

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