Politics completely aside, Is Joe Biden mentally unfit to be President.

Politics completely aside why are we not looking at Trump’s mental illness and symptoms of early on-set Alzheimer’s? Have you read Trump’s recent tweets? It shows someone totally disconnected for reality. Conspiracy theories galore. Trump is always the victim.. Trump slurs is words and can’t seem to string a coherent sentence.

Politics aside, is Trump mentally unfit for office.

Yes, undeniably.

IMO, and I could be wrong, I think you are bringing a little political animosity into the discussion, and here is why I say that: President Trump is who he has always been - this is nothing new for him. He aggressively goes after people, gives just as much if nor far more than he gets - call it 'over the top'.

There is a difference between being an 'asshole' and mixing up words, getting confused, and getting your own name wrong
I see a big difference between Trump of the 1990s and the one today. The younger Trump was somewhat coherent and reasoned. The one today has shown total cognitive decline.
He has the vocabulary of a third grader
Biden is obviously on his way to stage 3 alzheimers.
He needs help and comfort from his wife that has bigger balls than he does. Not the presidency.
Politics completely aside why are we not looking at Trump’s mental illness and symptoms of early on-set Alzheimer’s? Have you read Trump’s recent tweets? It shows someone totally disconnected for reality. Conspiracy theories galore. Trump is always the victim. Trump slurs is words and can’t seem to string a coherent sentence together .

Politics aside, is Trump mentally unfit for office?

Yes, undeniably.

Trump is not an Alzheimer concern. The concern with Trump is what comes out his mouth.
If Conservatives think that superficial strategy to beat Biden will work, they are in for a disappointment. Republicans need to be aware of Glass Houses . Whatever they accuse Biden of, Trump is much worse.
If Conservatives think that superficial strategy to beat Biden will work Superficial. LOL!

Again, this is not a POLITICAL discussion and not a thread about President Trump. It is an open, honest thread about Biden potentially having a bigger problem than being a 'gaffe machine'...

Are you seriously able to have THAT 'adult' conversation?

Are you seriously able to have THAT 'adult' conversation?

Pointing out Biden's dementia is NOT a superficial strategy.

Again, we can play glass houses all day long.

For every incident you post of Biden stuttering, I can point to a bizarre Trump statement.

Covfefe baby!
Biden opens up about stuttering and offers advice to young people who stutter - CNNPolitics

Former Vice President Joe Biden opened up about his lifelong struggle with stuttering on Wednesday, offering a rare lengthy and personal reflection on how it has affected him, even to this day.

Biden said at a CNN town hall Wednesday he "still occasionally, when I find myself really tired," catches himself stuttering.
"It has nothing to do with your intelligence quotient. It has nothing to do with your intellectual makeup," Biden said. He said he thinks "part of it's confidence" and that he has to "think in terms of not rushing."
If Conservatives think that superficial strategy to beat Biden will work, they are in for a disappointment. Republicans need to be aware of Glass Houses . Whatever they accuse Biden of, Trump is much worse.
If Conservatives think that superficial strategy to beat Biden will work Superficial. LOL!

Again, this is not a POLITICAL discussion and not a thread about President Trump. It is an open, honest thread about Biden potentially having a bigger problem than being a 'gaffe machine'...

Are you seriously able to have THAT 'adult' conversation?

Are you seriously able to have THAT 'adult' conversation?

Pointing out Biden's dementia is NOT a superficial strategy.

Again, we can play glass houses all day long.

For every incident you post of Biden stuttering, I can point to a bizarre Trump statement.

Covfefe baby!
Trump is just dumb. Biden is on his way to severe illness.
So far, Biden's 'mental gaffes' have been the source of light-hearted humor, but it is time to take a serious look at Joe Biden's mental status. When you take a serious look at the potential for what we are seeing as being the early stages of dementia, the thought of any such person being elected President is extremely concerning.

The media is making fun of the fact that Biden said this weekend that 'we can't win & the only thing to do is re-elect Trump'. To be honest, I am not as worried about a momentary instance of honesty as I am about the fact that Biden confused / mixed up / got HIS OWN NAME wrong.

Again, none of my comments or concerns have anything to do with Party or Politics.

If we are going to be honest about this topic then it would be appropriate to also bring up several other examples / individuals:

Everyone has noticed how during speeches or press conferences she 'zones out', mixes up her words, then can suddenly regain clarity. These instances can be explained as exhaustion, pressure, etc... just as easily as dementia...but her doing so, while holding such a powerful position in government is concerning. She recently declared the President to be 'the most dangerous American in the history of the nation'. If one is truly objective for a moment they have to admit this statement was way 'over-the-top', but it, too, can be explained away as excessive partisan hatred. Saying such politically charged words, again, is not as un-nerving as the sudden 'zoning out', 'lost' blank / confused stares, and 'confused' speech.

Again, I am not talking about politics or partisan hatred. I am talking about photos / videos of her team having to catch her, help her into a car. At her age, exhaustion on the campaign trail could be the 'simple' reason for such instances. I am just saying seeing these things are worrisome when you are talking about future Presidents.

...which leads us back to Joe Biden. We're no longer - or a least I am not - talking about the 'Gaffe Machine', Joe Biden. I am talking about a Presidential candidate showing what could be the early stages of dementia.

From THAT aspect - not personal/ political - how concerned are you about Biden's potential physical / mental health (or any candidate with such a potential problem)?

What's Wrong With Old Joe?... Biden Jumbles His Own Name, "I'm an Obiden-Bama Democrat" (VIDEO)

"We Can Not Win This Election - We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump" - Bumbling Joe Biden Accidentally Speaks Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)

DNC Caters to Old Joe - Changes Rules So Biden Can Sit Down During Arizona Debate


Donald Trump can't put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter. He blithers and babbles and sounds like an idiot. Nor can he stay on topic. He fixates on things, and is blatantly a narccicist. Fred Trump died of Alzheimers and it is inherited.

Donald Trump can't put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter. He blithers and babbles and sounds like an idiot. Nor can he stay on topic. He fixates on things, and is blatantly a narccicist. Fred Trump died of Alzheimers and it is inherited.


Ok, so that's another snowflake who can't separate themselves from the hatred of Trump to stick to the topic, which is Biden's actual mental status, the possibility that there is more of a problem than his being a 'gaffe machine'.
If Conservatives think that superficial strategy to beat Biden will work, they are in for a disappointment. Republicans need to be aware of Glass Houses . Whatever they accuse Biden of, Trump is much worse.
If Conservatives think that superficial strategy to beat Biden will work Superficial. LOL!

Again, this is not a POLITICAL discussion and not a thread about President Trump. It is an open, honest thread about Biden potentially having a bigger problem than being a 'gaffe machine'...

Are you seriously able to have THAT 'adult' conversation?

Are you seriously able to have THAT 'adult' conversation?

Pointing out Biden's dementia is NOT a superficial strategy.
Pointing out Trump's cognitive decline and mental illness is not a superficial strategy because it is true.
So far, Biden's 'mental gaffes' have been the source of light-hearted humor, but it is time to take a serious look at Joe Biden's mental status. When you take a serious look at the potential for what we are seeing as being the early stages of dementia, the thought of any such person being elected President is extremely concerning.

The media is making fun of the fact that Biden said this weekend that 'we can't win & the only thing to do is re-elect Trump'. To be honest, I am not as worried about a momentary instance of honesty as I am about the fact that Biden confused / mixed up / got HIS OWN NAME wrong.

Again, none of my comments or concerns have anything to do with Party or Politics.

If we are going to be honest about this topic then it would be appropriate to also bring up several other examples / individuals:

Everyone has noticed how during speeches or press conferences she 'zones out', mixes up her words, then can suddenly regain clarity. These instances can be explained as exhaustion, pressure, etc... just as easily as dementia...but her doing so, while holding such a powerful position in government is concerning. She recently declared the President to be 'the most dangerous American in the history of the nation'. If one is truly objective for a moment they have to admit this statement was way 'over-the-top', but it, too, can be explained away as excessive partisan hatred. Saying such politically charged words, again, is not as un-nerving as the sudden 'zoning out', 'lost' blank / confused stares, and 'confused' speech.

Again, I am not talking about politics or partisan hatred. I am talking about photos / videos of her team having to catch her, help her into a car. At her age, exhaustion on the campaign trail could be the 'simple' reason for such instances. I am just saying seeing these things are worrisome when you are talking about future Presidents.

...which leads us back to Joe Biden. We're no longer - or a least I am not - talking about the 'Gaffe Machine', Joe Biden. I am talking about a Presidential candidate showing what could be the early stages of dementia.

From THAT aspect - not personal/ political - how concerned are you about Biden's potential physical / mental health (or any candidate with such a potential problem)?

What's Wrong With Old Joe?... Biden Jumbles His Own Name, "I'm an Obiden-Bama Democrat" (VIDEO)

"We Can Not Win This Election - We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump" - Bumbling Joe Biden Accidentally Speaks Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)

DNC Caters to Old Joe - Changes Rules So Biden Can Sit Down During Arizona Debate

No. Joe has always been a gaffe machine.
If Conservatives think that superficial strategy to beat Biden will work, they are in for a disappointment.

Republicans need to be aware of Glass Houses .

Whatever they accuse Biden of, Trump is much worse.

Stop being deceitful here. Altho that is exactly what the Dems taught you to be.

Show us where Trump recently stood up, and sad he is running for the U.S. Senate. Show where Trump recently mistook his wife for his sister. Show us where Trump recalled some woman as being the only female Senator in USA history ---at the same time he's standing next to other female U.S. Senators. Because Biden did do those things. lol.

Stop making phantom claims, and provide proof for a change.
So far, Biden's 'mental gaffes' have been the source of light-hearted humor, but it is time to take a serious look at Joe Biden's mental status.
Look, Biden HAS no mental status. His years of gaffes are a symptom to a predisposition toward bad memory and the inability to think 5 seconds ahead, but it has clearly evolved into the early stages of senility and probably Alzheimer's. But why should that concern the DNC or Democrats? After all, they have already stated that ANYONE BUT TRUMP. They are not electing Joe but hoping to de-elect Donald. They will worry about and deal with the consequences later.

We are talking about a party that:
  1. Elected a guy with no background or qualifications who called himself a Kenyan (making him unqualified to hold office) who openly promised to fundamentally change America just because of the color of his skin.
  2. Tried to elect a woman who at worst was a career criminal living at the edge of the law who had left Americans to die to hide her own illegal activities so bad that she kept her official life on a server SHE controlled, and aborted all the records into oblivion at the first sign of discovery despite that being a felony and at best was a compulsive liar, cheat and fraud who literally needed help standing, walking and climbing steps.
So what's a little bad memory and dementia now?

[Nancy] recently declared the President to be 'the most dangerous American in the history of the nation'.
Doc Holliday, Samual Bass, Clyde Barrow, Harry Longabaugh, Robert Parker, Jesse James and William Bonney might take issue with that.
So far, Biden's 'mental gaffes' have been the source of light-hearted humor, but it is time to take a serious look at Joe Biden's mental status. When you take a serious look at the potential for what we are seeing as being the early stages of dementia, the thought of any such person being elected President is extremely concerning.

The media is making fun of the fact that Biden said this weekend that 'we can't win & the only thing to do is re-elect Trump'. To be honest, I am not as worried about a momentary instance of honesty as I am about the fact that Biden confused / mixed up / got HIS OWN NAME wrong.

Again, none of my comments or concerns have anything to do with Party or Politics.

If we are going to be honest about this topic then it would be appropriate to also bring up several other examples / individuals:

Everyone has noticed how during speeches or press conferences she 'zones out', mixes up her words, then can suddenly regain clarity. These instances can be explained as exhaustion, pressure, etc... just as easily as dementia...but her doing so, while holding such a powerful position in government is concerning. She recently declared the President to be 'the most dangerous American in the history of the nation'. If one is truly objective for a moment they have to admit this statement was way 'over-the-top', but it, too, can be explained away as excessive partisan hatred. Saying such politically charged words, again, is not as un-nerving as the sudden 'zoning out', 'lost' blank / confused stares, and 'confused' speech.

Again, I am not talking about politics or partisan hatred. I am talking about photos / videos of her team having to catch her, help her into a car. At her age, exhaustion on the campaign trail could be the 'simple' reason for such instances. I am just saying seeing these things are worrisome when you are talking about future Presidents.

...which leads us back to Joe Biden. We're no longer - or a least I am not - talking about the 'Gaffe Machine', Joe Biden. I am talking about a Presidential candidate showing what could be the early stages of dementia.

From THAT aspect - not personal/ political - how concerned are you about Biden's potential physical / mental health (or any candidate with such a potential problem)?

What's Wrong With Old Joe?... Biden Jumbles His Own Name, "I'm an Obiden-Bama Democrat" (VIDEO)

"We Can Not Win This Election - We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump" - Bumbling Joe Biden Accidentally Speaks Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)

DNC Caters to Old Joe - Changes Rules So Biden Can Sit Down During Arizona Debate

No. Joe has always been a gaffe machine.

True. But never ever, before, has those usual gaffes featured dementia elements which we all now witness.
Pointing out Trump's cognitive decline and mental illness is not a superficial strategy.
Obviously Biden is fit for office. Other than that if you are going to write that Biden is unfit because of gaffes, well then let's take a look at the other guy. Trump's problems extent far beyond gaffes.
Donald Trump can't put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter. He blithers and babbles and sounds like an idiot. Nor can he stay on topic. He fixates on things, and is blatantly a narccicist. Fred Trump died of Alzheimers and it is inherited.


Ok, so that's another snowflake who can't separate themselves from the hatred of Trump to stick to the topic, which is Biden's actual mental status, the possibility that there is more of a problem than his being a 'gaffe machine'.

You want to accuse Biden of dementia, Trumps confounding proclamations are much more damning

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