Politics and Contradictions!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
For some time now, all I’ve been hearing about Bachmann, or Palin is how STUPID they are. And, of course, we were duly informed as to how SMART candidate Obama was.

Well, if SMART can put the nation in the situation we find ourselves, perhaps we should investigate the acceptance of contradictions! Our liberal friends have no trouble, it seems, believing syncretic ideas.

Liberals exhibit an indisposition to analogies, and fail to recognize contradictions. This, another example, as Coulter points out in her new book, of mob thinking. Le Bon explains that mobs are perfectly capable of holding completely contradictory ideas at the same time, because “a crowd will come under the influence of one of the various ideas stored up in its understanding, …and is capable of committing the most dissimilar acts. Its complete lack of critical spirit does not allow of its perceiving these as contradictions.” Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” p. 30-31.

1. Imagine a political party holding in high esteem a senator who killed a girl at Chappaquiddick, and then spending the rest of his career telling other people how to live their lives.

2. We have the Democratic Party with a string of presidential candidates who oppose school choice and vouchers while sending their own children to lily-white private schools.

3. Only the Democrat Party could hysterically denounce a Supreme Court nominee for allegedly making unwanted sexual advances in the workplace and then applaud a president who was receiving oral sex from a White House intern. Who else but Dems could oppose Clarence Thomas, and block Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg (for marijuana use), and then run Bill Clinton for president.

4. How about Democrat senator Hillary’s denouncing George Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s sentence, after her husband sold a pardon to Marc Rich.

5. Only liberals could tolerate a windbag like Al Gore lecturing us about our carbon footprint while he flies his private jet from energy-guzzling mansion to energy-guzzling mansion.

6. After Jared Loughner’s Tucson shooting spree, to whom did NBC (Meet the Press) [http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...table_on_politics_after_tucson_shooting.html], NPR []Sharpton: Keep Debate Passionate, Not Poisonous : NPR, CNN and MSNBC turn to interview about how rhetoric can lead to violence?

Al Sharpton. The Washington Post even ran an Op-Ed on the shootings by Sharpton.[ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/11/AR2011011104334.html] His rhetoric actually inspired mobs to murder.

7. As late as 2008 Chris Dodd was calling Fannie “fundamentally strong,” and “in good shape,” while Barney Frank was labeling Fannie as “just fine.” See Peter Schweitzer, “Architects of Ruin: How Big Government Liberals Wrecked the Global Economy- And How They Will Do It Again If No One Stops Them,” p.111-118.

So, of course, when the market imploded, who would MSNBC bring on to pronounce that the Republicans did it….? Yep, Barney and Chris. On with Chris Matthews, Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow.

8. How about the Liberal hysteria about the CIA treatment of terrorist detainees at Gitmo, compared with the response to Damian Williams smashing a cinder block on Reginald Denny’s head during the LA Riots, causing permanent brain damage, an following it up with a victory dance around Denny’s body…The L.A. Riots: 15 Years After Rodney King - TIME

But Liberal Democrat Maxine Waters defended Williams, saying “the anger in my district is a righteous anger” and “I’m just as angry as they are!” Chilling Video: Openly Rooting for Revolution, The Left Calls For American Civil Unrest & Riots (Frances Fox Piven, Lib Talkers, Journalists, Van Jones, Rev Wright, English Protest Leader, etc) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze One of the “torture” methods was to place a caterpillar in the cell! http://www.unc.edu/~nahuja/Ahuja - ST Abu Zubaydah.pdf

9. Further Liberal contradictions:
a. Champions women’s and gay right’s but ignores same in Muslim cultures.

b. Champions women’s right’s but ignores same in Bill Clinton.

c. Claim it was a vicious slander to be called a communist in the 50’s- but didn’t see anything wrong with being a communist in the 50’s.

d. Advocates scientific research and debate, but then declares discussions about evolution and global warming a closed matter.

e. Demands clean alternative energy but opposes nuclear power.

f. Supports energy from offshore wind farms unless offshore wind farms obscure the view of Cape Cod.

g. Despises racial profiling and stereotyping unless a black conservative comes along, and then is labeled ‘unqualified,’ ‘stupid,’ a ‘house nigga,’ ‘an Uncle Tom,’ ‘Republican lawn jockey,’ or ‘window dressing.’

So...maybe one should question who really is SMART and who is really STUPID!
Im not too worried PC.....the country will get to know Bachmann in the coming months. The far left gangrape strategy? I hope they continue the obsession FTL. Only the hopelessly duped will fall for it and they're already voting Dem anyway. Indpendents will see through the partisan SOP search and destroy mission and remember the Palin attacks. Its all good. The more k00ky they get, the better for us. She's gonna be the vice presidential candidate. Write it down.......although, politically, Id be choosing Rubio = locks up the hispanic vote for the GOP.

The far left are indeed experts at talking out both sides of their face.
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For some time now, all I’ve been hearing about Bachmann, or Palin is how STUPID they are. And, of course, we were duly informed as to how SMART candidate Obama was.

Well, if SMART can put the nation in the situation we find ourselves, perhaps we should investigate the acceptance of contradictions! Our liberal friends have no trouble, it seems, believing syncretic ideas.

June 30, 2011

"Senate Democrats are trying to hit Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) where it hurts — at the racetrack.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) plans to go to the Senate floor Thursday and call for eliminating the $126 million in tax breaks for the horse-racing industry that McConnell secured in the 2008 farm bill. Democrats are dubbing it the “Bluegrass Boondoggle” and are spotlighting it as part of their broader offensive to pressure Republicans to agree to eliminate corporate tax breaks in any bipartisan debt deal."

For some time now, all I’ve been hearing about Bachmann, or Palin is how STUPID they are. And, of course, we were duly informed as to how SMART candidate Obama was.

Well, if SMART can put the nation in the situation we find ourselves, perhaps we should investigate the acceptance of contradictions!
June 29, 2011

"Republicans are perpetrating a fraud. They say they're concerned about reducing government deficits. But you don't need to look at how they treat all of the country's biggest corporations (which is extremely well) or even how they kowtow to its richest 400 families, who now have 6900 times as much income as the average household, to know that's a lie.

You only need to look at the way they treat a handful of billionaires. They're holding the entire country's budget hostage because they don't want to raise taxes on the wealthy, and they don't want to eliminate a tax loophole that could be bringing in more than $4 billion each year ... from only 25 people.

The top 25 hedge fund managers in the United States collectively earned $22 billion last year, and yet they have their own cushy set of tax rules. If they operated under the same rules that apply to other people - police officers, for example, or teachers - the country could reduce its national debt by as much as $44 billion in the next ten years."

For some time now, all I’ve been hearing about Bachmann, or Palin is how STUPID they are. And, of course, we were duly informed as to how SMART candidate Obama was.

Well, if SMART can put the nation in the situation we find ourselves, perhaps we should investigate the acceptance of contradictions!
June 29, 2011

"Republicans are perpetrating a fraud. They say they're concerned about reducing government deficits. But you don't need to look at how they treat all of the country's biggest corporations (which is extremely well) or even how they kowtow to its richest 400 families, who now have 6900 times as much income as the average household, to know that's a lie.

You only need to look at the way they treat a handful of billionaires. They're holding the entire country's budget hostage because they don't want to raise taxes on the wealthy, and they don't want to eliminate a tax loophole that could be bringing in more than $4 billion each year ... from only 25 people.

The top 25 hedge fund managers in the United States collectively earned $22 billion last year, and yet they have their own cushy set of tax rules. If they operated under the same rules that apply to other people - police officers, for example, or teachers - the country could reduce its national debt by as much as $44 billion in the next ten years."


1. Thanks so much for highlighting another of the insane contradictions to which the Left subsribes...

...they want a burgeoning economy, but engender class warware designed to put the successful in a less than enviable light.

That's the liberals for ya'.

Attack the folks who pay the lion's share of taxes, create the jobs and invest in new businesses....

Makes total sense, eh?

2. "The vast majority of today's millionaires did not inherit their money -- they're self-made."

3. According to a study by Prince & Associates, less than 10% of today’s multi-millionaires cited “inheritance” as their source of wealth.
The Decline of Inherited Money - The Wealth Report - WSJ

4. Most of America's millionaires are first-generation rich. How is it possible for people from modest backgrounds to become millionaires in one generation? Why is it that so many people with similar socioeconomic backgrounds never accumulate even modest amounts of wealth?
washingtonpost.com: The Millionaire Next Door

5. So, the rich are common folks who worked hard, and took chances with their time and money. They may have failed two or three times before their small business took off.
In a capitalist society there is only one stimulus: profit.

We should celebrate success!

Instead, the left, as exemplified by some on this board, went directly into a salaried job, with benefits, and then objected when the successful, who risked more, and worked harder and longer, have some modicum of success.
They say ‘rich’ as though it was a dirty word. Yet they wish that they were!
Tax the rich! Soak the rich! Burn ‘em at the stake!

Do you like how government uses the tax code to encourage behavior beneficial to society? How’s this for an idea that would give impetus to hard work: reverse the tax code, so the richer one is, the less tax they would pay.

Do you want to see how schizophrenic a liberal is?
Answer this: Do you want your children to be rich????

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