Politicians 'Insulted' by Foreign Aid to China


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Politicians 'Insulted' by Foreign Aid to China - US News and World Report

House lawmakers on Tuesday turned anti-Chinese sentiments against the federal agency responsible for allocating $4 million in U.S. funds for environmental initiatives in China, the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt.

Despite the relatively small amount of money going to China in aid this year, Republicans and Democrats bashed the programs during a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee's Asia and Pacific panel, calling them a "giant mistake of thinking" by the State Department and "an insult" to taxpayers in America.

State's foreign aid programs have been in the crosshairs recently among lawmakers and presidential hopefuls, especially given the nation's $14 trillion government debt. Republican frontrunner former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has been targeting China in particular as an example of misguided taxpayer funding.

Aid to China,what jokers we have in Wash......:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

"This galls me: We give 10 million dollars in foreign aid a year to China," Romney said during a speech earlier this month. "Its not that they're bad people, but the idea that a nation that is as large and robust and economically viable as theirs is getting money from us just makes no sense at all." [Read how foreign policy is a matter of rhetoric versus reality in presidential campaigns.]
It is an insult to America. It perfectly illustrates dysfunctional, inept leadership from government. Shockingly, the left wants more of this ineptitude....
No offense here, but isn't the debt we owe China enough foreign aid to that nation as well as the sheer amount of Military technology that nation steals from us on an annual basis enough foreign aid? It would seem to me that a nation like China that is flushed with the world cash at the moment would have little problems funding a 4 million dollar environmental issue without the help of American citizens who have and still do help them enough daily.
No offense here, but isn't the debt we owe China enough foreign aid to that nation as well as the sheer amount of Military technology that nation steals from us on an annual basis enough foreign aid? It would seem to me that a nation like China that is flushed with the world cash at the moment would have little problems funding a 4 million dollar environmental issue without the help of American citizens who have and still do help them enough daily.
You'd think...but I have heard rumours that they aren't as stong as they appear...and why so many say that they need us more than we need them.

And I think that it will be played out in military fashion as they flex thier military muscle...
Glad someone is finally trying to do something about this.
All I saw in that article was a bunch of talk. When it comes to voting on it, we all know all the good little Congressmen will fall right in line like they're supposed to and vote to send your money over there.
It is an insult to America. It perfectly illustrates dysfunctional, inept leadership from government. Shockingly, the left wants more of this ineptitude....

Really? Can you back that up?

Things aren't always what they appear.......

But an administration official told lawmakers there was no money going to the Chinese government or Chinese companies. In fact, it helped American companies trying to do business in China. And the idea for the aid? That actually came from Congress when it was under Republican control.

Aid to China -- $275 million worth over 10 years -- has been approved while control of both Congress and the White House has shifted between the parties.

She said since 2006 -- during the administration of George W. Bush, and when Congress was under Republican control -- Congress had required USAID to maintain programs on rule of law and the environment in China.

Lawmakers criticize US aid to creditor China - Boston.com
It is an insult to America. It perfectly illustrates dysfunctional, inept leadership from government. Shockingly, the left wants more of this ineptitude....

Really? Can you back that up?

Things aren't always what they appear.......

But an administration official told lawmakers there was no money going to the Chinese government or Chinese companies. In fact, it helped American companies trying to do business in China. And the idea for the aid? That actually came from Congress when it was under Republican control.

Aid to China -- $275 million worth over 10 years -- has been approved while control of both Congress and the White House has shifted between the parties.

She said since 2006 -- during the administration of George W. Bush, and when Congress was under Republican control -- Congress had required USAID to maintain programs on rule of law and the environment in China.

Lawmakers criticize US aid to creditor China - Boston.com
It's pretty simple Goose - Both parties are morons, the right wants less government and the left wants more. So the left is in favor of more ineptitude.
It is an insult to America. It perfectly illustrates dysfunctional, inept leadership from government. Shockingly, the left wants more of this ineptitude....

Really? Can you back that up?

Things aren't always what they appear.......

She said since 2006 -- during the administration of George W. Bush, and when Congress was under Republican control -- Congress had required USAID to maintain programs on rule of law and the environment in China.

Lawmakers criticize US aid to creditor China - Boston.com
It's pretty simple Goose - Both parties are morons, the right wants less government and the left wants more. So the left is in favor of more ineptitude.

Now see? This is where I have to take issue with RW'ers. I guess you have to define what you mean by "less government".

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions between a patient and doctor such as abortion.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal conversations between patients and doctors. If a patient doesn't want their doctor to ask about guns in the home they can simply not answer or change doctors. This does NOT require getting the government involved.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as euthanaisia.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as life and death decision like it did with Terri Schiavo's family.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as whether a woman (or man) chooses to sell their time and bodies for sexual services.

I don't want the government involving itself in spying on me and support repeal of the so-called Patriot Act.

And anyone who cannot support the statements above cannot possibly be for "less government".
Really? Can you back that up?

Things aren't always what they appear.......

Lawmakers criticize US aid to creditor China - Boston.com
It's pretty simple Goose - Both parties are morons, the right wants less government and the left wants more. So the left is in favor of more ineptitude.

Now see? This is where I have to take issue with RW'ers. I guess you have to define what you mean by "less government".

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions between a patient and doctor such as abortion.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal conversations between patients and doctors. If a patient doesn't want their doctor to ask about guns in the home they can simply not answer or change doctors. This does NOT require getting the government involved.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as euthanaisia.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as life and death decision like it did with Terri Schiavo's family.

I don't want the government involving itself in personal decisions such as whether a woman (or man) chooses to sell their time and bodies for sexual services.

I don't want the government involving itself in spying on me and support repeal of the so-called Patriot Act.

And anyone who cannot support the statements above cannot possibly be for "less government".
You're more of a libertarian than a democrat. I agree with everything you said. :cool:
Foreign aid (bribes) is usually a negotiated term in a trade agreement. There is a distinct possibility that paying foreign aid (bribes) to China would cost a lot less than having to renegotiate a new trade agreement without the foreign aid (bribes).

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