Politically: how do you make liars stop lying?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Truthmatters stated in another thread:

They will stop believing the lies when we make the liars stop lying.

Since she doesn't seem to be responding there I thought Id creates a new thread asking for details about the points she makes. Most directly:

How do you make liars stop lying?


Who determiens who is lying?
You don't. This is America and everyone has the right to lie. It's called Free Speech. The People can decide for themselves who they believe or don't believe. Everyone lies and that's just fact. However we don't "make liars stop lying." That's just not what a free society is all about. This is the problem with Socialism/Progressivism in the end. It's just not an ideology which promotes individual Freedom & Liberty. I really do hope more Americans come to realize this.
The facts determine what is a lie.

Such as Reagan did not raise taxes.
This is clearly a lie but many still say it and believe it.
Also remember political advertisements are specifically exempt from truth in advertising laws.
For a reason :D
I like to combat lies with the truth.

Lies are not subjective, the truth is objective.
You don't make other people do anything.

And the truth determines what is a lie. It's not subjective.
Let the People decide for themselves what is a truth or a lie. We don't "make liars stop lying." That's not what our country is about. This is where the Socialists and Neocons always go wrong. It's not about making anyone do anything. Maybe someday they'll figure that out.
The facts determine what is a lie.

Such as Reagan did not raise taxes.
This is clearly a lie but many still say it and believe it.

Agreed. Another such example is Obama didn't raise taxes on anyone making less than $250k. This is also clearly a lie but many say it and believe it too.
Dem Big Lies: FDR's greatness, LBJ's love of Negroes and Socialism as the worlds coolest economic system
There is a difference between fantasies and lies. Neither are real or true, but a fantasy is wishing it were true to the point of believing it is true.
A lie is denying its validity even when you know it is true.

Truthmatters is a fantasizer.
First let's determine what a lie is. Politicians say lots of things. Many of them are probably said with good intentions but no ability to follow through on them.
Others say things that are not strictly speaking true but as they are presented they aren't false either. That the health care reform bill is revenue neutral is strictly speaking true if you accept all the assumptions the Dems put on it. If you dont, which is reasonable because the assumptions were bad, it was a lie.

Shine the light of truth on them and watch the roaches scatter. Punish the outright liars at the ballot box and in the media.
You don't. This is America and everyone has the right to lie. It's called Free Speech. The People can decide for themselves who they believe or don't believe. Everyone lies and that's just fact. However we don't "make liars stop lying." That's just not what a free society is all about. This is the problem with Socialism/Progressivism in the end. It's just not an ideology which promotes individual Freedom & Liberty. I really do hope more Americans come to realize this.

true sort of*,

but the first amendment does NOT give anyone what so ever, the right to slander or libel or defame anyone.

the first amendment protects truth....

the rest, you say, at your own risk of being sued, even on the internet forums now...even being anonymous, does not shield you from libel....is what i have just read on this....
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Liberalism is a hoax. Accordingly, its methodology is nothing but a big lie. It is ALL predicated on good intentions and has NOTHING to do with results.

Lock the thread s0ns.............
You make the liars stop lying by making lying expensive.

When someone states a provable lie you make it clear they lied by exposing the lie to the light of day and truth.

You never ever just let it slide.

When a liar has to wear their lie for the rest of their life then everyone will be better off.
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Truthmatters stated in another thread:

They will stop believing the lies when we make the liars stop lying.

Since she doesn't seem to be responding there I thought Id creates a new thread asking for details about the points she makes. Most directly:

How do you make liars stop lying?


Who determiens who is lying?

I've been asking that same question for the last six months and in all that time, you haven't changed a bit.

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