Political Realignments & Conservative Democrats


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
Just for info I always called them "Realignment Elections". I did not know that the actual terminology used is "Political Realignment" until I brought this link up. I was somewhat familiar with this process as early as 1960, not from school as I was only in 3rd/4th grade @ the time, but from the daily news that broadcast on the radio stations about the turmoil brewing over the civil rights demonstrations. By 1964 I was fairly aware that we had a problem with racial issues & it was obvious a Political Realignment was in the process. Near the end of 1968 I was not only acutely aware of Political change but was fleeing Oregon under the absolute possible worst of conditions, had lost what little I had accumulated within those 2-1/2 years & also had the draft coming up in a little over a year so 68'(worst year of my life) & all of 69' I divorced myself from everything but 2 part time jobs & what time I could afford to put into school(mostly for the lunch).

So even though I understood some of the basics of the Political Realignment process @ a fairly young age I did not fully understand it(no time) until I read the first link below. I know from communicating with our USMB crew that we got a lot of well informed members on our USMB so I am just posting this post for the few that might not know the in's & outs about it. I found the other 2 links to be of interest also.

Actually the only modern Democrats that could be labeled as conservatives are classified as such because the proglodytes have shifted the Overton Window so far towards collectivist totalitarianism that anyone that disagrees with Karl Marx is labeled a conservative "right wing extremist"
Pro-life, , pro-balanced budget, pro-civil rights, strong defense, pro-anti-poverty programs, conservation of our natural lands.
Programs geared toward benefiting the wage earner and self-employed. These things are what the Conservative Democrats I grew up around supported.
Actually the only modern Democrats that could be labeled as conservatives are classified as such because the proglodytes have shifted the Overton Window so far towards collectivist totalitarianism that anyone that disagrees with Karl Marx is labeled a conservative "right wing extremist"
jgs; I was thinking somewhat along that line also.

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