Political history being re wrote as we watch

No one has attacked JRK, only his mistated and often false facts.

He does fulfill the same role to Bush that a Nazi newspaper editor did for Hitler: defending the undefensible.
The last great American president was Eisenhower. There were a few bright spots after that like the passage of the Civil Rights Act, but overall, the American political system has been in a long period of decline.

We're reaching the modern equivalent of the end of the Roman Republic.

I hate you feel that way. No other president sense FDR has faced what GWB did. We judge him and his 8 years as though none of those events took place
This country is fine, its leadership is not. Prior to 2007 we were fine
when the far left took control of congress the wheels came off. we will get it back

JRK continues to deny the undeniable: the Bush administrations may have been the worst in the history of the country, and certainly the most criminal.

What does that make the present admin?
giving weapons to criminals in Mexico

Better make sure your own house is clean prior to fabricating lies about GWB
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You are Little Johnny, saying "JRK was worse".

We are talking about Bush in this OP that you have been defending so absolutely poorly.

Start something on Obama in another thread.

In this one you have failed in rewriting revisionism of Bush's administrations: he was and will be forever recognized as an awful president.
5% UE
deficits in the 100 billions with 2 war, 7 major hurricanes, 2 recessions and 9-11
won Iraq
removed Saddam

And the left wing media still are trying to claim GWB was one of the worst. What does this make BHO?


Do you really think Obama would have spent all of that money on preventing another great depression if he had not been handed the worst Recession since the Great Depression? I mean, really folks, do any of you actually think before you post? :eusa_eh:
I hate you feel that way. No other president sense FDR has faced what GWB did. We judge him and his 8 years as though none of those events took place
This country is fine, its leadership is not. Prior to 2007 we were fine
when the far left took control of congress the wheels came off. we will get it back

JRK continues to deny the undeniable: the Bush administrations may have been the worst in the history of the country, and certainly the most criminal.

What does that make the present admin?
giving weapons to criminals in Mexico

Better make sure your own house is clean prior to fabricating lies about GWB

It makes them not the Administration that invaded an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us! It also makes them the administration that put an end to our bin Laden problem.......

Just because you don't like the truth about President Bush doesn't mean that anyone has to fabricate any lies about what he did in office.
5% UE
deficits in the 100 billions with 2 war, 7 major hurricanes, 2 recessions and 9-11
won Iraq
removed Saddam

And the left wing media still are trying to claim GWB was one of the worst. What does this make BHO?


Do you really think Obama would have spent all of that money on preventing another great depression if he had not been handed the worst Recession since the Great Depression? I mean, really folks, do any of you actually think before you post? :eusa_eh:

what did he prevent?
what does the economy he was handed have to do with anything?
Tarp stopped the bleeding, that was done before he took office. we have lost about 6 million jobs sense 2008. What exactly is it BHO has done with this 4 trillion dollars we did not have to spend?
Think? I pray this country does allot of that come 2012
Neither JRK nor Shakles have even remotely presented a coherent and documented case that would persuaded the objective minded and educated person to conclude anything other than the Bushies et al conducted an illegal and unjust war in Iraq that has resulted in seriously damaging the American economy, its prestige throughout the world, thousands on thousands of dead and injured Americans, scores on scores of thousands of dead and injured Iraqis, and an Iraqi and Iranian alliance that bodes no good for US policy interests.mis

Bush's administration will go down in history as a criminal conspiracy that failed miserably on the stage of world history.

Do you have this specific United Nations article that you say President Bush has violated by going into Iraq? Where is the document of this UN violation charge brought down from the UNITED NATIONS, that addresses these violations and specifically accuses President George W. Bush of these and of war crimes? I never recalled seeing any evidence of "links" that supports your argument. I'm not talking about commentaries, blogs, someone's best response from a Q&A, views from someone representing another nation, only those documents (even those coming from Geneva that are) "supported" by statements of accusations coming from the United Nations. Let's see these facts you are presenting here.
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Immaterial to the OP, and an area in which the Bush admin wussed out. I hope the Obama admin does far better. The assassination of Iraqi scientists seems to be slowing matters down.

So Bush was wrong at going after Iraq when the "corrupt self interest" United Nations failed enforce any of their resolutions against Saddam Husseign?

Administration Makes Case Against Iraq
ABC News, Sept 12

Ahead of the president's speech, the White House released this document. It was assembled by the National Security Council, and served as the basis and background for the president's speech. The text of the document follows:

A Decade of Deception and Defiance serves as a background paper for President George Bush's Sept. 12 speech to the United Nations General Assembly. This document provides specific examples of how Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has systematically and continually violated 16 United Nations Security Council resolutions over the past decade. This document is not designed to catalog all of the violations of U.N. resolutions or other abuses of Saddam Hussein's regime over the years.

For more than a decade, Saddam Hussein has deceived and defied the will and resolutions of the United Nations Security Council by, among other things: continuing to seek and develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and prohibited long-range missiles; brutalizing the Iraqi people, including committing gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity; supporting international terrorism; refusing to release or account for prisoners of war and other missing individuals from the Gulf War era; refusing to return stolen Kuwaiti property; and working to circumvent the United Nation's economic sanctions.
Administration Makes Case Against Iraq - ABC News

See Blindboo, that's how you support your statement with an actual "news" link to back it up. Avoiding having to default to any Q&A (give your best possible 'selected' response to the above question here). Next thing you know people will be supporting their facts based on what they saw on a Huffington Post blog. Is it really that hard to find a journalistic news source?

Poor Shackie....since you can't be bothered with Fackcheck.orgs Q&A style in debunking the myths you brought up about President Clinton

No myths here just backed up "journalistic" facts over a cop-out using someone's Q&A site.

The main reasons were legal: there was no evidence that could be brought against Bin Laden in an American court. But former senior intelligence sources accuse the administration of a lack of commitment to the fight against terrorism.

From your sources:
"The FBI did not believe we had enough evidence to indict bin Laden at that time, and therefore opposed bringing him to the United States," said Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger, who was deputy national security adviser then.

Although the 1995 National Intelligence Estimate had warned of a new type of terrorism, many officials continued to think of terrorists as agents of states (Saudi Hezbollah acting for Iran against Khobar Towers) or as domestic crim- inals (Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City).

President Bill Clinton’s counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives in 1995 (no. 39) and May 1998 (no. 62) reiterated that terrorism was a national security problem, not just a law enforcement issue.

Clinton failed, in that the Clinton's counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives, the same as the Obama Administration, continue to look at terrorists as "criminals" rather than a matter of 'National Security'. Terrorists should be seen as more enemy combatants than "criminals". To use a plane as a bomb to attack a Pentagon Military Defense Building is equivalent to an act of war, not the work of mere criminals . . . BIG difference! The articles also don't give President Clinton a pass from the "responsibility" to defend the United States from further possible terrorist acts.
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Neither JRK nor Shakles have even remotely presented a coherent and documented case that would persuaded the objective minded and educated person to conclude anything other than the Bushies et al conducted an illegal and unjust war in Iraq that has resulted in seriously damaging the American economy, its prestige throughout the world, thousands on thousands of dead and injured Americans, scores on scores of thousands of dead and injured Iraqis, and an Iraqi and Iranian alliance that bodes no good for US policy interests.mis

Bush's administration will go down in history as a criminal conspiracy that failed miserably on the stage of world history.

Do you have this specific United Nations article that you say President Bush has violated by going into Iraq? Where is the document of this UN violation charge brought down from the UNITED NATIONS, that addresses these violations and specifically accuses President George W. Bush of these and of war crimes? I never recalled seeing any evidence of "links" that supports your argument. I'm not talking about commentaries, blogs, someone's best response from a Q&A, views from someone representing another nation, only those documents (even those coming from Geneva that are) "supported" by statements of accusations coming from the United Nations. Let's see these facts you are presenting here.

There is none, and in addition after what we did today in Libya was 10 times more "Illegal" than W ever has done
there argument and 8 years of lying got tossed today
Neither JRK nor Shakles have even remotely presented a coherent and documented case that would persuaded the objective minded and educated person to conclude anything other than the Bushies et al conducted an illegal and unjust war in Iraq that has resulted in seriously damaging the American economy, its prestige throughout the world, thousands on thousands of dead and injured Americans, scores on scores of thousands of dead and injured Iraqis, and an Iraqi and Iranian alliance that bodes no good for US policy interests.mis

Bush's administration will go down in history as a criminal conspiracy that failed miserably on the stage of world history.

Do you have this specific United Nations article that you say President Bush has violated by going into Iraq? Where is the document of this UN violation charge brought down from the UNITED NATIONS, that addresses these violations and specifically accuses President George W. Bush of these and of war crimes? I never recalled seeing any evidence of "links" that supports your argument. I'm not talking about commentaries, blogs, someone's best response from a Q&A, views from someone representing another nation, only those documents (even those coming from Geneva that are) "supported" by statements of accusations coming from the United Nations. Let's see these facts you are presenting here.

There is none, and in addition after what we did today in Libya was 10 times more "Illegal" than W ever has done
there argument and 8 years of lying got tossed today

10 times?!
I'd love to see your calculations on that.
Do you have this specific United Nations article that you say President Bush has violated by going into Iraq? Where is the document of this UN violation charge brought down from the UNITED NATIONS, that addresses these violations and specifically accuses President George W. Bush of these and of war crimes? I never recalled seeing any evidence of "links" that supports your argument. I'm not talking about commentaries, blogs, someone's best response from a Q&A, views from someone representing another nation, only those documents (even those coming from Geneva that are) "supported" by statements of accusations coming from the United Nations. Let's see these facts you are presenting here.

There is none, and in addition after what we did today in Libya was 10 times more "Illegal" than W ever has done
there argument and 8 years of lying got tossed today

10 times?!
I'd love to see your calculations on that.

You got a link to where BHO went to congress to attack a sovereign nation (s) we are not at war with?
Before congress?
There is none, and in addition after what we did today in Libya was 10 times more "Illegal" than W ever has done
there argument and 8 years of lying got tossed today

10 times?!
I'd love to see your calculations on that.

You got a link to where BHO went to congress to attack a sovereign nation (s) we are not at war with?
Before congress?

So, I'm guessing you don't even know how to turn your calculator on.
You should learn...if you type in 59009 then turn it upside down it looks like a rude word...great fun.
That'll get you started anyway.

Employment was sustained by the housing bubble. Research the amount of household debt in 2005. Americans were spending $1.27 for every dollar earned. People turned their homes into ATM's because they had seen a 30 year erosion of wages and purchasing power? When you look at the amount of borrowing that sustained the Bush economy, you see a crime (-similar to the crime you see under Clinton and Reagan).

Lastly, did you notice what happened at the end of Bush's presidency? Did you see how many banks and financial firms crashed. Did you see how many jobs the Bush administration was hemorrhaging? Dean Baker and other economists begged him to pressure Greenspan to burst the housing bubble and show leadership on the derivatives market, which was pumping risk through the global economy. He was warned of a potential crash and credit meltdown and he did nothing. He sat back and exploded a nuclear bomb over the American economy. He didn't just destroy Obama's presidency (i.e., Obama didn't need help on this one); he destroyed the next Republican presidency. In fact, the only thing that is going to save the next Republican president is a war. Let's hope it's a good one.

This is to say nothing of what he did to privacy with the Patriot Act, or the fact that he grew the largest, most expensive, most secrative bureaucray in American history.
A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

George Bush put Big Government Conservatism on the map - none of my conservative friends support him. He spent more than any Republican President in history. He didn't veto one piece of pork from Congress because he wanted their support for Iraq. He suspended Habeas corpus, eroded the legal separation between enemy combatant and citizen, spied on Americans, shredded the Constitution, and used the justice department to hunt Democratic governors. He grew the surveillance state to alarming proportions. (Seriously, study the ways the Patriot Act empowers Government and destroys the legal rights of average citizens. It reads like science fiction and the Tea Party has not said a peep. Then take a close look at the size and function of Homeland Security. Look at the budget, then look at the centralization of power over the States - then look at the umbrella of secrecy. It is straight out of the KGB) Bush makes Obama look like William F. Buckley. Don't take my word for it, listen to Ron Paul or CATO, where I've gotten 99% of my criticisms of Bush.

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don't give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
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Employment was sustained by the housing bubble. Research the amount of household debt in 2005. Americans were spending $1.27 for every dollar earned. People turned their homes into ATM's because they had seen a 30 year erosion of wages and purchasing power? When you look at the amount of borrowing that sustained the Bush economy, you see a crime (-similar to the crime you see under Clinton and Reagan).

Lastly, did you notice what happened at the end of Bush's presidency? Did you see how many banks and financial firms crashed. Did you see how many jobs the Bush administration was hemorrhaging? Dean Baker and other economists begged him to pressure Greenspan to burst the housing bubble and show leadership on the derivatives market, which was pumping risk through the global economy. He was warned of a potential crash and credit meltdown and he did nothing. He sat back and exploded a nuclear bomb over the American economy. He didn't just destroy Obama's presidency (i.e., Obama didn't need help on this one); he destroyed the next Republican presidency. In fact, the only thing that is going to save the next Republican president is a war. Let's hope it's a good one.

This is to say nothing of what he did to privacy with the Patriot Act, or the fact that he grew the largest, most expensive, most secrative bureaucray in American history.
A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

George Bush put Big Government Conservatism on the map - none of my conservative friends support him. He spent more than any Republican President in history. He didn't veto one piece of pork from Congress because he wanted their support for Iraq. He suspended Habeas corpus, eroded the legal separation between enemy combatant and citizen, spied on Americans, shredded the Constitution, and used the justice department to hunt Democratic governors. He grew the surveillance state to alarming proportions. (Seriously, study the ways the Patriot Act empowers Government and destroys the legal rights of average citizens. It reads like science fiction and the Tea Party has not said a peep. Then take a close look at the size and function of Homeland Security. Look at the budget, then look at the centralization of power over the States - then look at the umbrella of secrecy. It is straight out of the KGB) Bush makes Obama look like William F. Buckley. Don't take my word for it, listen to Ron Paul or CATO, where I've gotten 99% of my criticisms of Bush.

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don't give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

To start with attacking GWB character with an event in which he would have used the lords name in vain is a waste of time. It never happened and you need to stop and think about how it makes you look
Creating the conditions in which the free market expands is a bad thing?
Like allowing the extraction, refinement and sale of shale oil/oil sands products? You are clueless as to what it is the created those 6 million jobs after 9-11. Greed killed it, nothing else
10 times?!
I'd love to see your calculations on that.

You got a link to where BHO went to congress to attack a sovereign nation (s) we are not at war with?
Before congress?

So, I'm guessing you don't even know how to turn your calculator on.
You should learn...if you type in 59009 then turn it upside down it looks like a rude word...great fun.
That'll get you started anyway.

You are this way with your own family, and like me they do not have a clue why. If you dis agree with your fellow american does not mean you have to act like a child.
Grow up
Shakles cannot provide the evidence that the U.S. had the authority to act on the behalf of the UN.

That means the Bush admin acted illegally.

shakles, that is why the senior Bushies don't travel overseas. For very good reason.
Shakles cannot provide the evidence that the U.S. had the authority to act on the behalf of the UN.

That means the Bush admin acted illegally.

shakles, that is why the senior Bushies don't travel overseas. For very good reason.

Jake what does any of this mean? that the UN somehow has some authority to arrest GWB if he flies over seas?
Are you kidding me?
Dude there was over 50 nations involved in removing Saddam and killing Al Qaeda. does this mean all of these countries leaders are going to be arrested
So Bush was wrong at going after Iraq when the "corrupt self interest" United Nations failed enforce any of their resolutions against Saddam Husseign?

See Blindboo, that's how you support your statement with an actual "news" link to back it up. Avoiding having to default to any Q&A (give your best possible 'selected' response to the above question here). Next thing you know people will be supporting their facts based on what they saw on a Huffington Post blog. Is it really that hard to find a journalistic news source?

Poor Shackie....since you can't be bothered with Fackcheck.orgs Q&A style in debunking the myths you brought up about President Clinton

No myths here just backed up "journalistic" facts over a cop-out using someone's Q&A site.

From your sources:
"The FBI did not believe we had enough evidence to indict bin Laden at that time, and therefore opposed bringing him to the United States," said Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger, who was deputy national security adviser then.
U.S. Was Foiled Multiple Times in Efforts To Capture Bin Laden or Have Him Killed (washingtonpost.com)

Although the 1995 National Intelligence Estimate had warned of a new type of terrorism, many officials continued to think of terrorists as agents of states (Saudi Hezbollah acting for Iran against Khobar Towers) or as domestic crim- inals (Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City).

President Bill Clinton’s counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives in 1995 (no. 39) and May 1998 (no. 62) reiterated that terrorism was a national security problem, not just a law enforcement issue.

Clinton failed, in that the Clinton's counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives, the same as the Obama Administration, continue to look at terrorists as "criminals" rather than a matter of 'National Security'. Terrorists should be seen as more enemy combatants than "criminals". To use a plane as a bomb to attack a Pentagon Military Defense Building is equivalent to an act of war, not the work of mere criminals . . . BIG difference! The articles also don't give President Clinton a pass from the "responsibility" to defend the United States from further possible terrorist acts.

Thank you for providing the rebutal yourself.

"President Bill Clinton’s counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives in 1995 (no. 39) and May 1998 (no. 62) reiterated that terrorism was a national security problem, not just a law enforcement issue.."

How many al Queda terrorist have been killed while President Obama has been in office? If he truly see's it as a law enforcement issue shouldn't he have had those folks arrested by their home countries and the extradited here?
Poor Shackie....since you can't be bothered with Fackcheck.orgs Q&A style in debunking the myths you brought up about President Clinton

No myths here just backed up "journalistic" facts over a cop-out using someone's Q&A site.

From your sources:

Although the 1995 National Intelligence Estimate had warned of a new type of terrorism, many officials continued to think of terrorists as agents of states (Saudi Hezbollah acting for Iran against Khobar Towers) or as domestic crim- inals (Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City).

President Bill Clinton’s counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives in 1995 (no. 39) and May 1998 (no. 62) reiterated that terrorism was a national security problem, not just a law enforcement issue.

Clinton failed, in that the Clinton's counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives, the same as the Obama Administration, continue to look at terrorists as "criminals" rather than a matter of 'National Security'. Terrorists should be seen as more enemy combatants than "criminals". To use a plane as a bomb to attack a Pentagon Military Defense Building is equivalent to an act of war, not the work of mere criminals . . . BIG difference! The articles also don't give President Clinton a pass from the "responsibility" to defend the United States from further possible terrorist acts.

Thank you for providing the rebutal yourself.

"President Bill Clinton’s counterterrorism Presidential Decision Directives in 1995 (no. 39) and May 1998 (no. 62) reiterated that terrorism was a national security problem, not just a law enforcement issue.."

How many al Queda terrorist have been killed while President Obama has been in office? If he truly see's it as a law enforcement issue shouldn't he have had those folks arrested by their home countries and the extradited here?

Boo people here and home have issues with you because you make this stuff up as you go. Obama is playing Nobel peace prize winning leader and in reality is far more the killer than W ever was
Difference is Obama is going after people who cannot fight back and have no threat to this country
W worked congress and kept the american people informed for 18 months prior to invading Iraq.
With Obama, Egypt and Syria he just took what again he had no business taking, the US military and used them for reasons he has yet to tell the tax payer as to why and as to what is expected after

Egypt is not going like he thought I would guess or it would be all over the press. Now you got people running Libya that there style of justice was shown yesterday
The Obama administration attacked Libya without a constitutional declaration of war, without congressional authorization, without meaningful consultation with Congress -- and without a dollar being authorized from the House or Senate. It was a war started by a president who turned to the United Nations for its authority and ignored the authority of the US Congress.

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