Political Establishment Has No Problem With Sky Rocketing White Death Rates


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Despite this being a shocking development that is completely opposite from the demographic rates in Europe, our Political Establishment and their bought off Journalist Thralls have no intention of making this a national emergency, but it is.


The above chart shows death rate due to alcohol, drugs and suicide, ages 50-54. It is now TWICE that of the major nations of Europe and going higher.

This is obviously linked to the bad economic prospects for whites in various industries as they get laid off for kids right out of college and H1-B visa indentured servants or replaced by black market criminal labor.

Driving the uptick are increases in “deaths of despair”—from drugs, alcohol-related liver diseases and suicide, as well as a slowdown in progress against death in middle age from heart disease and cancer, the nation’s biggest killers, wrote Anne Case and Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton, her husband. The pair examined more than 15 data sets, including government health statistics, death certificates and various economic indicators.

The analysis paints a portrait of a gradual “collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s,” whose health, mental well-being, and attachment to the labor force have become successively worse for people born after 1945, they said.

The opioid epidemic has only heightened a trend that was already under way before those drugs hit the market, they said.

By contrast, Ms. Case and Mr. Deaton noted, the mortality rate has continued to decline this century for whites with a college degree, albeit more slowly than before.​

Why is this not a national scandal and a story we see every night on the major news networks?

Because the political establishment WANTS us to die off as the National Review once said?
This is obviously the result of Reagan's hatred of the working man and roll back of the economic reforms of the Great Depression.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... we's gettin' to be an endangered species...

... purt soon won't be no white folks left...

... den ever'thin' gonna go to hell inna handbasket."
Despite this being a shocking development that is completely opposite from the demographic rates in Europe, our Political Establishment and their bought off Journalist Thralls have no intention of making this a national emergency, but it is.


The above chart shows death rate due to alcohol, drugs and suicide, ages 50-54. It is now TWICE that of the major nations of Europe and going higher.

This is obviously linked to the bad economic prospects for whites in various industries as they get laid off for kids right out of college and H1-B visa indentured servants or replaced by black market criminal labor.

Driving the uptick are increases in “deaths of despair”—from drugs, alcohol-related liver diseases and suicide, as well as a slowdown in progress against death in middle age from heart disease and cancer, the nation’s biggest killers, wrote Anne Case and Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton, her husband. The pair examined more than 15 data sets, including government health statistics, death certificates and various economic indicators.

The analysis paints a portrait of a gradual “collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s,” whose health, mental well-being, and attachment to the labor force have become successively worse for people born after 1945, they said.

The opioid epidemic has only heightened a trend that was already under way before those drugs hit the market, they said.

By contrast, Ms. Case and Mr. Deaton noted, the mortality rate has continued to decline this century for whites with a college degree, albeit more slowly than before.​

Why is this not a national scandal and a story we see every night on the major news networks?

Because the political establishment WANTS us to die off as the National Review once said?

White people better start to wake up and unite together or else we will become a minority in our own white countries. White people are already a minority in the rest of the world. People like David Duke is right but white people will not listen to what he is trying to tell them. If adults don't care than maybe they should think about their children and grandchildren. They will have to face the wrath from the non-white world and that wrath will be on their white hands. Get with the program white people. It' has now come down to do or die. It's up to you, whitey.
Despite this being a shocking development that is completely opposite from the demographic rates in Europe, our Political Establishment and their bought off Journalist Thralls have no intention of making this a national emergency, but it is.


The above chart shows death rate due to alcohol, drugs and suicide, ages 50-54. It is now TWICE that of the major nations of Europe and going higher.

This is obviously linked to the bad economic prospects for whites in various industries as they get laid off for kids right out of college and H1-B visa indentured servants or replaced by black market criminal labor.

Driving the uptick are increases in “deaths of despair”—from drugs, alcohol-related liver diseases and suicide, as well as a slowdown in progress against death in middle age from heart disease and cancer, the nation’s biggest killers, wrote Anne Case and Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton, her husband. The pair examined more than 15 data sets, including government health statistics, death certificates and various economic indicators.

The analysis paints a portrait of a gradual “collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s,” whose health, mental well-being, and attachment to the labor force have become successively worse for people born after 1945, they said.

The opioid epidemic has only heightened a trend that was already under way before those drugs hit the market, they said.

By contrast, Ms. Case and Mr. Deaton noted, the mortality rate has continued to decline this century for whites with a college degree, albeit more slowly than before.​

Why is this not a national scandal and a story we see every night on the major news networks?

Because the political establishment WANTS us to die off as the National Review once said?

White people better start to wake up and unite together or else we will become a minority in our own white countries. White people are already a minority in the rest of the world. People like David Duke is right but white people will not listen to what he is trying to tell them. If adults don't care than maybe they should think about their children and grandchildren. They will have to face the wrath from the non-white world and that wrath will be on their white hands. Get with the program white people. It' has now come down to do or die. It's up to you, whitey.

White people have always been a minority in the 'rest of the world'

Despite this being a shocking development that is completely opposite from the demographic rates in Europe, our Political Establishment and their bought off Journalist Thralls have no intention of making this a national emergency, but it is.


The above chart shows death rate due to alcohol, drugs and suicide, ages 50-54. It is now TWICE that of the major nations of Europe and going higher.

This is obviously linked to the bad economic prospects for whites in various industries as they get laid off for kids right out of college and H1-B visa indentured servants or replaced by black market criminal labor.

Driving the uptick are increases in “deaths of despair”—from drugs, alcohol-related liver diseases and suicide, as well as a slowdown in progress against death in middle age from heart disease and cancer, the nation’s biggest killers, wrote Anne Case and Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton, her husband. The pair examined more than 15 data sets, including government health statistics, death certificates and various economic indicators.

The analysis paints a portrait of a gradual “collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s,” whose health, mental well-being, and attachment to the labor force have become successively worse for people born after 1945, they said.

The opioid epidemic has only heightened a trend that was already under way before those drugs hit the market, they said.

By contrast, Ms. Case and Mr. Deaton noted, the mortality rate has continued to decline this century for whites with a college degree, albeit more slowly than before.​

Why is this not a national scandal and a story we see every night on the major news networks?

Because the political establishment WANTS us to die off as the National Review once said?

White people better start to wake up and unite together or else we will become a minority in our own white countries. White people are already a minority in the rest of the world. People like David Duke is right but white people will not listen to what he is trying to tell them. If adults don't care than maybe they should think about their children and grandchildren. They will have to face the wrath from the non-white world and that wrath will be on their white hands. Get with the program white people. It' has now come down to do or die. It's up to you, whitey.

White people have always been a minority in the rest of the world. white world.

Not so. White people were on an even par with the rest of the non-white world just over a hundred years ago. But thanks to two world wars, and to programs and agendas like interracial marriage,the push for homosexuality, feminism, massive third world immigration into white countries, and multiculturalism(white genocide)white people, and white youth today being told that go have fun and not worry about getting married and having white babies has been the reason for the steady decline in the white race. White people are doomed as a race if we don't do something about it now. If you are not concerned about yourself today, then you should worry about your children and grandchildren who will be growing up in a whole new different world where whites will be treated as second class. It's wakey-wakey time.
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Despite this being a shocking development that is completely opposite from the demographic rates in Europe, our Political Establishment and their bought off Journalist Thralls have no intention of making this a national emergency, but it is.


The above chart shows death rate due to alcohol, drugs and suicide, ages 50-54. It is now TWICE that of the major nations of Europe and going higher.

This is obviously linked to the bad economic prospects for whites in various industries as they get laid off for kids right out of college and H1-B visa indentured servants or replaced by black market criminal labor.

Driving the uptick are increases in “deaths of despair”—from drugs, alcohol-related liver diseases and suicide, as well as a slowdown in progress against death in middle age from heart disease and cancer, the nation’s biggest killers, wrote Anne Case and Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton, her husband. The pair examined more than 15 data sets, including government health statistics, death certificates and various economic indicators.

The analysis paints a portrait of a gradual “collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s,” whose health, mental well-being, and attachment to the labor force have become successively worse for people born after 1945, they said.

The opioid epidemic has only heightened a trend that was already under way before those drugs hit the market, they said.

By contrast, Ms. Case and Mr. Deaton noted, the mortality rate has continued to decline this century for whites with a college degree, albeit more slowly than before.​

Why is this not a national scandal and a story we see every night on the major news networks?

Because the political establishment WANTS us to die off as the National Review once said?

White people better start to wake up and unite together or else we will become a minority in our own white countries. White people are already a minority in the rest of the world. People like David Duke is right but white people will not listen to what he is trying to tell them. If adults don't care than maybe they should think about their children and grandchildren. They will have to face the wrath from the non-white world and that wrath will be on their white hands. Get with the program white people. It' has now come down to do or die. It's up to you, whitey.

White people have always been a minority in the rest of the world. white world.

Not so. White people were on an even par with the rest of the non-white world just over a hundred years ago. But thanks to two world wars, and to programs and agendas like interracial marriage,the push for homosexuality, feminism, massive third world immigration into white countries, and multiculturalism(white genocide)white people, and white youth today being told that go have fun and not worry about getting married and having white babies has been the reason for the steady decline in the white race. White people are doomed as a race if we don't do something about it now. If you are not concerned about yourself today, then you should worry about your children and grandchildren who will be growing up in a whole new different world where whites will be treated as second class. It's wakey-wakey time.
Despite this being a shocking development that is completely opposite from the demographic rates in Europe, our Political Establishment and their bought off Journalist Thralls have no intention of making this a national emergency, but it is.


The above chart shows death rate due to alcohol, drugs and suicide, ages 50-54. It is now TWICE that of the major nations of Europe and going higher.

This is obviously linked to the bad economic prospects for whites in various industries as they get laid off for kids right out of college and H1-B visa indentured servants or replaced by black market criminal labor.

Driving the uptick are increases in “deaths of despair”—from drugs, alcohol-related liver diseases and suicide, as well as a slowdown in progress against death in middle age from heart disease and cancer, the nation’s biggest killers, wrote Anne Case and Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton, her husband. The pair examined more than 15 data sets, including government health statistics, death certificates and various economic indicators.

The analysis paints a portrait of a gradual “collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s,” whose health, mental well-being, and attachment to the labor force have become successively worse for people born after 1945, they said.

The opioid epidemic has only heightened a trend that was already under way before those drugs hit the market, they said.

By contrast, Ms. Case and Mr. Deaton noted, the mortality rate has continued to decline this century for whites with a college degree, albeit more slowly than before.​

Why is this not a national scandal and a story we see every night on the major news networks?

Because the political establishment WANTS us to die off as the National Review once said?

White people better start to wake up and unite together or else we will become a minority in our own white countries. White people are already a minority in the rest of the world. People like David Duke is right but white people will not listen to what he is trying to tell them. If adults don't care than maybe they should think about their children and grandchildren. They will have to face the wrath from the non-white world and that wrath will be on their white hands. Get with the program white people. It' has now come down to do or die. It's up to you, whitey.

White people have always been a minority in the rest of the world. white world.

Not so. White people were on an even par with the rest of the non-white world just over a hundred years ago. But thanks to two world wars, and to programs and agendas like interracial marriage,the push for homosexuality, feminism, massive third world immigration into white countries, and multiculturalism(white genocide)white people, and white youth today being told that go have fun and not worry about getting married and having white babies has been the reason for the steady decline in the white race. White people are doomed as a race if we don't do something about it now. If you are not concerned about yourself today, then you should worry about your children and grandchildren who will be growing up in a whole new different world where whites will be treated as second class. It's wakey-wakey time.

Apparently your kind of 'white people' are not only ignorant- you can't figure out how to post a response here at USMB.
In Europe they all have health care systems that have much better results than ours does. In Europe, they much better support for the working man that is automated out of a job. There are many things concerning taking care of our people that we can learn from Europe, your chart makes that clearly apparent.
Will you pussy assed white losers just man the fuck up or go die somewhere!!!
Boo fucking hoo!!!...some of you have been so used to getting an undeserved spot at the front of the class it has made you into whining bitches.
The Asians took all our tech jobs, the Mexicans are undercutting our wages, the Jooos hate us, the Blacks take all our welfare, whites who are smart enough to compete with everyone else is anti-white...just shut the fuuuggg up!!!
Tell you what start firming up and be able to compete on a field that is gradually leveling out...go back to school, get a trade, stop drinking and farting your life away...then maybe your balls will grow back.
It's still better to be white, but it also helps to go to college. The problem with being a white man without an education is that you're competing with non-whites who are willing to work for a lot less money. The white man is naturally at the top of the food chain, being more intelligent, more creative, and harder working than non-whites. But there's less and less room for whites on the lower rungs of the ladder.

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