Political correctness: Because racism is awesome.


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you're a black man who makes one mistake in life, you will be shunned, blacklisted, and demonized.

On the other hand, if you're a white man who does the exact same thing, habitually does it, all while making a spectacular clusterfuck of stupid life decisions, then everyone will give you "as much support as [you are] willing to receive."

Ray Rice landed himself in hot water for hitting his then fiancee. Yes, it was a bad thing to do. However, Rice has never been known to be habitually abusive, and up until that incident was known to be a man of good character. One mistake and he was suspended indefinitely, blacklisted from the NFL after his suspension was judicially overturned, and remains a demonized figure.

Why did Rice suffer this fate? Because it was the politically correct thing to do. Got to look like you want to protect the women. Because, ya know, women are fragile and weak, and they need special attention.

Meanwhile, Johnny Manziel has a known history of abuse against his girlfriend, and a mile long list of additional behavioral problems and poor decision making. What does the NFL say about him after his most recent domestic violence incident has led to a restraining order? They want to "help" him. Why? Well, because when a white guy does bad things it's because he's sick or some bullshit.

This is the world that liberals are dumping on us. Sexism turns to racism, and it all turns into chaos, and this is what the liberals call being politically "correct." Well FUCK THAT I say.

It's time we start calling spades spades and stop hiding behind the PC facade.
This is the world that liberals are dumping on us. Sexism turns to racism, and it all turns into chaos, and this is what the liberals call being politically "correct."

Liberals are shunning blacks? Sheesh, that's a twist I didn't see coming
Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you're a black man who makes one mistake in life, you will be shunned, blacklisted, and demonized.

On the other hand, if you're a white man who does the exact same thing, habitually does it, all while making a spectacular clusterfuck of stupid life decisions, then everyone will give you "as much support as [you are] willing to receive."

Ray Rice landed himself in hot water for hitting his then fiancee. Yes, it was a bad thing to do. However, Rice has never been known to be habitually abusive, and up until that incident was known to be a man of good character. One mistake and he was suspended indefinitely, blacklisted from the NFL after his suspension was judicially overturned, and remains a demonized figure.

Why did Rice suffer this fate? Because it was the politically correct thing to do. Got to look like you want to protect the women. Because, ya know, women are fragile and weak, and they need special attention.

Meanwhile, Johnny Manziel has a known history of abuse against his girlfriend, and a mile long list of additional behavioral problems and poor decision making. What does the NFL say about him after his most recent domestic violence incident has led to a restraining order? They want to "help" him. Why? Well, because when a white guy does bad things it's because he's sick or some bullshit.

This is the world that liberals are dumping on us. Sexism turns to racism, and it all turns into chaos, and this is what the liberals call being politically "correct." Well FUCK THAT I say.

It's time we start calling spades spades and stop hiding behind the PC facade.

Do you really think an abrasion on the arm of Manziel's girlfriend is equivalent to Ray Rice beating the everloving shit out of his fiancee?
Black guy gets the book thrown at him. White guy does more and is offered help.

That's racism.

And PCo_O

And liberals faulto_O
The last time I attempted to be politically correct I had a young female threaten to take me court over it, so I stopped that and that happen almost thirty years ago!
Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you're a black man who makes one mistake in life, you will be shunned, blacklisted, and demonized.

On the other hand, if you're a white man who does the exact same thing, habitually does it, all while making a spectacular clusterfuck of stupid life decisions, then everyone will give you "as much support as [you are] willing to receive."
You are a very delusional and bigoted person.
When a black guy or a Muslim abuse women, the left is in a real quandary. If it's a white guy, not do much. It's a lot like campus rape, or even totally bogus allegations of it getting plastered all over the media.
Ray Rice hit a woman. And I mean HIT a woman.

Fuck Ray Rice

And she was so upset about it.....
She married him.

And yeah ...fuck Ray Rice....

Let's revisit this in maybe five or six years.
If Ray stays out of trouble maybe the NFL let's him try out with a team.
Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you're a black man who makes one mistake in life, you will be shunned, blacklisted, and demonized.

On the other hand, if you're a white man who does the exact same thing, habitually does it, all while making a spectacular clusterfuck of stupid life decisions, then everyone will give you "as much support as [you are] willing to receive."

Ray Rice landed himself in hot water for hitting his then fiancee. Yes, it was a bad thing to do. However, Rice has never been known to be habitually abusive, and up until that incident was known to be a man of good character. One mistake and he was suspended indefinitely, blacklisted from the NFL after his suspension was judicially overturned, and remains a demonized figure.

Why did Rice suffer this fate? Because it was the politically correct thing to do. Got to look like you want to protect the women. Because, ya know, women are fragile and weak, and they need special attention.

Meanwhile, Johnny Manziel has a known history of abuse against his girlfriend, and a mile long list of additional behavioral problems and poor decision making. What does the NFL say about him after his most recent domestic violence incident has led to a restraining order? They want to "help" him. Why? Well, because when a white guy does bad things it's because he's sick or some bullshit.

This is the world that liberals are dumping on us. Sexism turns to racism, and it all turns into chaos, and this is what the liberals call being politically "correct." Well FUCK THAT I say.

It's time we start calling spades spades and stop hiding behind the PC facade.

how is white privilege the fault of "liberals"?

you see to be confused.
Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you're a black man who makes one mistake in life, you will be shunned, blacklisted, and demonized.

On the other hand, if you're a white man who does the exact same thing, habitually does it, all while making a spectacular clusterfuck of stupid life decisions, then everyone will give you "as much support as [you are] willing to receive."

Ray Rice landed himself in hot water for hitting his then fiancee. Yes, it was a bad thing to do. However, Rice has never been known to be habitually abusive, and up until that incident was known to be a man of good character. One mistake and he was suspended indefinitely, blacklisted from the NFL after his suspension was judicially overturned, and remains a demonized figure.

Why did Rice suffer this fate? Because it was the politically correct thing to do. Got to look like you want to protect the women. Because, ya know, women are fragile and weak, and they need special attention.

Meanwhile, Johnny Manziel has a known history of abuse against his girlfriend, and a mile long list of additional behavioral problems and poor decision making. What does the NFL say about him after his most recent domestic violence incident has led to a restraining order? They want to "help" him. Why? Well, because when a white guy does bad things it's because he's sick or some bullshit.

This is the world that liberals are dumping on us. Sexism turns to racism, and it all turns into chaos, and this is what the liberals call being politically "correct." Well FUCK THAT I say.

It's time we start calling spades spades and stop hiding behind the PC facade.
Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you're a black man who makes one mistake in life, you will be shunned, blacklisted, and demonized.

On the other hand, if you're a white man who does the exact same thing, habitually does it, all while making a spectacular clusterfuck of stupid life decisions, then everyone will give you "as much support as [you are] willing to receive."

Ray Rice landed himself in hot water for hitting his then fiancee. Yes, it was a bad thing to do. However, Rice has never been known to be habitually abusive, and up until that incident was known to be a man of good character. One mistake and he was suspended indefinitely, blacklisted from the NFL after his suspension was judicially overturned, and remains a demonized figure.

Why did Rice suffer this fate? Because it was the politically correct thing to do. Got to look like you want to protect the women. Because, ya know, women are fragile and weak, and they need special attention.

Meanwhile, Johnny Manziel has a known history of abuse against his girlfriend, and a mile long list of additional behavioral problems and poor decision making. What does the NFL say about him after his most recent domestic violence incident has led to a restraining order? They want to "help" him. Why? Well, because when a white guy does bad things it's because he's sick or some bullshit.

This is the world that liberals are dumping on us. Sexism turns to racism, and it all turns into chaos, and this is what the liberals call being politically "correct." Well FUCK THAT I say.

It's time we start calling spades spades and stop hiding behind the PC facade.

And neither should get a pass, pun intended.
Did you know that after Marion Barry was caught doing crack with a whore he got re-elected to be the Mayor of DC.

And I can't recall the NY Sen name, but b/c he got a medal in the Korean war, fraud charges were dropped and Dems clapped and cheered.

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