Political Cartoon

Will, the tapes is not what sunk Nixon. Even without that 18 minutes, the 'accident' nobody ever believed, the case against him was beyond a doubt, substantiated by testimony. Brings back a memory...I wanted him out so bad, but when my 19" TV interrupted for his speech on that day, I knew he was quitting...and I left the room. I listened from another room, but just couldn't watch his disgrace.

He probably could have had a job on Fox, like his gang that did time, but he retired. Nixon was a good example of one who did both good and bad. He did some marvelous things as President, and then blew it. Ford was correct to pardon him, even if it did get Dems shorts in a wad.

LMAO.....All that matters is the child is born....after that its whatevs :rofl:
Not funny.
The truth very often isn't...
A baby ain't a steak. It's stupid.
You are not so good with analogies I see? I'll explain: An accidental pregnancy is a baby unwanted, like an un-ordered steak, and all you care about is that the steak gets cooked (born) not thrown away (abortion) or left in the fridge until ordered (birth control). Pro-Life people care deeply about fetus, not the child it becomes. Like this:


Too bad they didn't coat hanger your sorry ass.

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