Polish Prime Minister's Jewish Holocaust 'Perpetrators' Comments Spark Outrage In Israel


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Holocaust, though there is ample evidence of Polish collaborators in Hitler's so-called "Final Solution" of the Jews....

“Of course it’s not going to be punishable, not going to be seen as criminal, to say that there were Polish perpetrators, as there were Jewish perpetrators, as there were "Russian" perpetrators, as there were Ukrainian, not only German perpetrators,” Morawiecki said, refuting that the bill ignores Polish collaborators....

"[Poland] is trying to say that there were cases in which Jews collaborated with the Nazis, but one cannot compare numerically, and the circumstances are entirely different as well," Netanyahu said. "They don't deny that there were Poles who helped the Nazis and turned in Jews etc., but say you can't extend that to the entire Polish people. I told him, you can't fix one distortion with another.""

Polish PM's remarks about Jewish Nazi collaborators cause outrage in Israel
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
-G Orwell

From the article: Netanyahu in ref to his wife's family.
"Her grandfather and two relatives were hidden by the Poles,” Netanyahu said, referring to non-Jewish resistance to Nazi antisemitic policies. “We appreciate it and give it all due respect, but here is the example: The Germans had left the town, and the Poles ran after the German forces and said, 'Here are three more Jews,' and they killed my wife's grandfather."

e.g. You must all then share in the collective guilt.

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