Police shot and killed girl. No liberal outrage. She was white.

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

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She pointed a gun replica at a cop? What an idiot.

Here is a comparison of the real gun and toy gun in the Tamir Rice case.
Tamir Rice.jpeg

Could you tell which one is real in a seconds notice?
What the law says is that you can't shoot someone just for pointing a weapon.
If police can legally shoot a civilian for pointing a weapon, than any civilian could then legal shoot police when they point a weapon.
Police can NOT have superior authority to anyone else, because it is the inherent rights of all individual that is the ONLY source of ANY authority at all in a democratic republic.
The mistake is to believe that since government has authority and hire the police, that then police are a higher authority than average people.
That is not at all true in a democratic republic.
The reality is that since the public create government, then government is below the people.
And then since government hires the police, the police then are 2 steps lower than the population as a whole.
Since police also are average citizens, they do then also have the same right of defense as anyone, but no more.
They have no more right or authority to pull the trigger than anyone does.
The risks they face is why they are paid more.
They can't then start shooting people because they no longer want to accept the risk they choose to take money for.

What police SHOULD do is not to shoot, but to take cover.
They should be acting defensively, just like everyone else.
They do not get the right to murder people so that they can just stand there in the open and pretend it was not their fault for getting into a risky situation.
What the law says is that you can't shoot someone just for pointing a weapon.
If police can legally shoot a civilian for pointing a weapon, than any civilian could then legal shoot police when they point a weapon.
Police can NOT have superior authority to anyone else, because it is the inherent rights of all individual that is the ONLY source of ANY authority at all in a democratic republic.
The mistake is to believe that since government has authority and hire the police, that then police are a higher authority than average people.
That is not at all true in a democratic republic.
The reality is that since the public create government, then government is below the people.
And then since government hires the police, the police then are 2 steps lower than the population as a whole.
Since police also are average citizens, they do then also have the same right of defense as anyone, but no more.
They have no more right or authority to pull the trigger than anyone does.
The risks they face is why they are paid more.
They can't then start shooting people because they no longer want to accept the risk they choose to take money for.

What police SHOULD do is not to shoot, but to take cover.
They should be acting defensively, just like everyone else.
They do not get the right to murder people so that they can just stand there in the open and pretend it was not their fault for getting into a risky situation.

You're joking about this right? Tell me you're not serious...
What the law says is that you can't shoot someone just for pointing a weapon.
If police can legally shoot a civilian for pointing a weapon, than any civilian could then legal shoot police when they point a weapon.
Police can NOT have superior authority to anyone else, because it is the inherent rights of all individual that is the ONLY source of ANY authority at all in a democratic republic.
The mistake is to believe that since government has authority and hire the police, that then police are a higher authority than average people.
That is not at all true in a democratic republic.
The reality is that since the public create government, then government is below the people.
And then since government hires the police, the police then are 2 steps lower than the population as a whole.
Since police also are average citizens, they do then also have the same right of defense as anyone, but no more.
They have no more right or authority to pull the trigger than anyone does.
The risks they face is why they are paid more.
They can't then start shooting people because they no longer want to accept the risk they choose to take money for.

What police SHOULD do is not to shoot, but to take cover.
They should be acting defensively, just like everyone else.
They do not get the right to murder people so that they can just stand there in the open and pretend it was not their fault for getting into a risky situation.

Let me give you some advice: Never be a lawyer.

The police (and we armed citizens) have the right to use deadly force if we believe that we (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. The attacker need not even be armed. For instance I'm 60 years old. If three muscular guys in their 20's are coming after me in a violent way, I have the authority by our government to use deadly force. If I kill one or all of the attackers, it's totally legal for me to do so.

And no, if a police officer pulls his gun out on you, you do not have the right to shoot him or her, no more than if you fight him while being placed under arrest. You do not have the legal authority to place somebody in handcuffs, put them in your car, and drive them to jail. That's called kidnapping and you could end up in prison for 20 years.

Police are not average citizens. They do have special authority to enforce the laws of their city, state or county. Citizens by law must comply with their demands because we give them such authority.
According to the family, the police have been releasing changing and conflicting stories, besides not allowing the family to see the video.

BB gun found at scene of fatal police shooting of California teen: Prosecutor

Hannah Williams was a professional lifeguard and had no history of crime, so it is hard to believe what the police claim.

Just because she had no criminal record doesn't mean she didn't do it. Investigations take months to complete. Some BB guns do look exactly like real guns, and in a moments notice, you don't have time to study the weapon. You see somebody pulling a gun on you, you have two choices: chance getting killed, or shoot your attacker in self-defense.

The pictures above that I posted under the OP are two guns: One is an air soft gun, and the other a gun that shoots bullets. Can you tell the difference between the two?
What the law says is that you can't shoot someone just for pointing a weapon.
If police can legally shoot a civilian for pointing a weapon, than any civilian could then legal shoot police when they point a weapon.
Police can NOT have superior authority to anyone else, because it is the inherent rights of all individual that is the ONLY source of ANY authority at all in a democratic republic.
The mistake is to believe that since government has authority and hire the police, that then police are a higher authority than average people.
That is not at all true in a democratic republic.
The reality is that since the public create government, then government is below the people.
And then since government hires the police, the police then are 2 steps lower than the population as a whole.
Since police also are average citizens, they do then also have the same right of defense as anyone, but no more.
They have no more right or authority to pull the trigger than anyone does.
The risks they face is why they are paid more.
They can't then start shooting people because they no longer want to accept the risk they choose to take money for.

What police SHOULD do is not to shoot, but to take cover.
They should be acting defensively, just like everyone else.
They do not get the right to murder people so that they can just stand there in the open and pretend it was not their fault for getting into a risky situation.
Where did you get your information from, Rigby? I am very curious to read your source.
The reason why I say that is a person who has an avatar of the Twilight Zone
posts something that is totally out of this world.
What the law says is that you can't shoot someone just for pointing a weapon.
If police can legally shoot a civilian for pointing a weapon, than any civilian could then legal shoot police when they point a weapon.
Police can NOT have superior authority to anyone else, because it is the inherent rights of all individual that is the ONLY source of ANY authority at all in a democratic republic.
The mistake is to believe that since government has authority and hire the police, that then police are a higher authority than average people.
That is not at all true in a democratic republic.
The reality is that since the public create government, then government is below the people.
And then since government hires the police, the police then are 2 steps lower than the population as a whole.
Since police also are average citizens, they do then also have the same right of defense as anyone, but no more.
They have no more right or authority to pull the trigger than anyone does.
The risks they face is why they are paid more.
They can't then start shooting people because they no longer want to accept the risk they choose to take money for.

What police SHOULD do is not to shoot, but to take cover.
They should be acting defensively, just like everyone else.
They do not get the right to murder people so that they can just stand there in the open and pretend it was not their fault for getting into a risky situation.
you are a genius!! and very wrong
''''if police can legally shoot a civilian for pointing a weapon, than any civilian could then legal shoot police when they point a weapon.'''' ..????!!!!!!!! ahahahhaa
how old are you???!!! 10???

Penal Code 417 is the California law that prohibits “drawing, exhibiting, or using a firearm or deadly weapon”.1 This offense is commonly referred to as "brandishing" a weapon.
This is just one of California gun laws that regulate how and when people may lawfully use their firearms. A conviction under this section subjects you to a jail or prison sentence.
Penal Code 417 PC - "Brandishing" a Weapon or Firearm
.....understand???? in most states you can't just brandish/etc weapons---the police usually are not BRANDISHING weapons
etc etc
you are way off base--not even in the ballpark
Learn to pronounce
  1. wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
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A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

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I am MORE outraged than YOU would be if this had happened to a black or a WHITE LIBERAL. You would have mocked and ridiculed the "moron" and claimed "she deserved it". But now you come here accusing us of your own rotten vile loathsome behavior.

you really do suck
.....as I've linked many times, when blacks MURDER whites BECAUSE of racism, it's hardly news---and race hardly ever mentioned when blacks attack
this is just MORE proof of what we say about the MSM and blacks
..this is why we laugh when blacks bring up ---hahahahha--racism/cops/etc
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

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No.....I have it on good authority.....joeb131....... that cops only shoot black teenagers......so this didn't actually happen.

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