Police Shooting Declared Justifiable - Protestors Act Stupid


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It's getting entirely too common. An armed, black felon, well within hearing range of police officers, and ignoring their commands. In this case, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. the suspect Thurman Blevins was firing a gun into the ground and into the air, and when confronted by police, Blevins bolted and started running away.

2 cops ordered him to stop and show his hands. Blevins ignored that and kept running away, Then Blevins made an idiotic mistake, and started turning around toward the officers, WITH THE GUN STILL IN HIS HAND. He was shot 4 times, and died from his wounds.

The whole event was caught on video by the cop's body cam, showing the shooting to be an obvious justifiable use of force. Incredibly, protestors showed up at a news conference and shouted down the County Attorney announcing the decision of no criminal charges against the officers. They also took over the room and started holding their own press conference, moronically claiming the shooting to be "murder".

I'm trying to figure out what's going on here. Do these protestors think that labeling obviously justifiable shootings, "murder", will somehow cause cops to water down their use of force or something ? Or do they just have a knee jerk reaction to any cop shooting of a black person to call that murder, whether the shooting was self-defense justifiable or not ? Or maybe they're just stupid beyond belief.

In any case, I'd say those protesters (thugs might be a better word) are lucky they weren't arrested, for their very disorderly conduct, that went way beyond the bounds of free speech.

police shooting-Minneapolis, Minnesota - Bing video
Breaking down society is easier if the authority figures are painted as bad actors.
So, what's the odds on the governor calling out National Guard when they riot?

Run at the cops with a gun in your hand? That's all kinds of derp.
These dummies always make me laugh. Every single time they protest a police shooting, the shooting turns out to be completely justified. :laugh:
Maybe Blevins was doing suicide by cop ? Deeper investigation would be required to root that out. In any case, turning toward a cop with gun in hand ? No doubt you're gonna get shot.
I haven’t complained about this one because unlike about half of the police shootings, the victim was armed. I am not happy that someone was killed, but I am not complaining about it.
I haven’t complained about this one because unlike about half of the police shootings, the victim was armed. I am not happy that someone was killed, but I am not complaining about it.
So having a gun or not having one, makes a difference to you ? If shouldn't. Once a suspect's hands disappear from the view of the police, he MUST be shot. You don't know ?
First officer, "Hi, did you guys see a drunk black guy with a gun?" No response. Second officer, "They don't seem to speak English." So sad America has been illegally invaded and has encouraged low IQ savages to procreate by democrats.

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I haven’t complained about this one because unlike about half of the police shootings, the victim was armed. I am not happy that someone was killed, but I am not complaining about it.
So having a gun or not having one, makes a difference to you ? If shouldn't. Once a suspect's hands disappear from the view of the police, he MUST be shot. You don't know ?

No I don’t know, nor believe that.

In case folks are wondering, the intoxicated savage pulled the gun at 1:30 before the cops justly put the savage to sleep.
I haven’t complained about this one because unlike about half of the police shootings, the victim was armed. I am not happy that someone was killed, but I am not complaining about it.
KScott armed---big protests
ASterling armed--big protests--cops did everything NOT to shoot--tried non-lethal means
ASmith armed--big protests--mayor's house vandalized/etc
not being armed does not mean not a threat/not a jackass
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I haven’t complained about this one because unlike about half of the police shootings, the victim was armed. I am not happy that someone was killed, but I am not complaining about it.
So having a gun or not having one, makes a difference to you ? If shouldn't. Once a suspect's hands disappear from the view of the police, he MUST be shot. You don't know ?

No I don’t know, nor believe that.

View attachment 207748
you people are so full of shit
you talk like you are watching a movie/tv
you talk as if you would do it DIFFERENTLY !!!!
you are James Bond/Bruce Lee/Chuck Norris
you would not wear a pistol on patrol/on a call for robbery/etc
..you would side step someone attacking you [ like MBrown ] and give him a James Bond karate chop
...you would take down someone much bigger than you with a Chuck Norris punch to the chest
what bullshit---
I guess you would let some jackass like MBrown beat the shit out of you before you would use your pistol............??????
..this is REAL---not the movies/tv
These dummies always make me laugh. Every single time they protest a police shooting, the shooting turns out to be completely justified. :laugh:
No and it’s sad when a cop gets away with murder but this was not murder.

But even if a cop shoots you in the back he’s sort of justified if you are running. Or kills you for resisting arrest. Aren’t all bets off if YOU are acting irrational?
First officer, "Hi, did you guys see a drunk black guy with a gun?" No response. Second officer, "They don't seem to speak English." So sad America has been illegally invaded and has encouraged low IQ savages to procreate by democrats.

And you don’t want abortion to be an option for them?
It's getting entirely too common. An armed, black felon, well within hearing range of police officers, and ignoring their commands. In this case, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. the suspect Thurman Blevins was firing a gun into the ground and into the air, and when confronted by police, Blevins bolted and started running away.

2 cops ordered him to stop and show his hands. Blevins ignored that and kept running away, Then Blevins made an idiotic mistake, and started turning around toward the officers, WITH THE GUN STILL IN HIS HAND. He was shot 4 times, and died from his wounds.

The whole event was caught on video by the cop's body cam, showing the shooting to be an obvious justifiable use of force. Incredibly, protestors showed up at a news conference and shouted down the County Attorney announcing the decision of no criminal charges against the officers. They also took over the room and started holding their own press conference, moronically claiming the shooting to be "murder".

I'm trying to figure out what's going on here. Do these protestors think that labeling obviously justifiable shootings, "murder", will somehow cause cops to water down their use of force or something ? Or do they just have a knee jerk reaction to any cop shooting of a black person to call that murder, whether the shooting was self-defense justifiable or not ? Or maybe they're just stupid beyond belief.

In any case, I'd say those protesters (thugs might be a better word) are lucky they weren't arrested, for their very disorderly conduct, that went way beyond the bounds of free speech.

police shooting-Minneapolis, Minnesota - Bing video
I don’t think usmb blacks are going to defend this guy. The protesters were the guys family. They’re just emotional.
I haven’t complained about this one because unlike about half of the police shootings, the victim was armed. I am not happy that someone was killed, but I am not complaining about it.
So having a gun or not having one, makes a difference to you ? If shouldn't. Once a suspect's hands disappear from the view of the police, he MUST be shot. You don't know ?

No I don’t know, nor believe that.

View attachment 207748
you people are so full of shit
you talk like you are watching a movie/tv
you talk as if you would do it DIFFERENTLY !!!!
you are James Bond/Bruce Lee/Chuck Norris
you would not wear a pistol on patrol/on a call for robbery/etc
..you would side step someone attacking you [ like MBrown ] and give him a James Bond karate chop
...you would take down someone much bigger than you with a Chuck Norris punch to the chest
what bullshit---
I guess you would let some jackass like MBrown beat the shit out of you before you would use your pistol............??????
..this is REAL---not the movies/tv

Really? You know what I would do in your fantasy? In Iraq we were running a checkpoint. We were searching cars. I disarmed and searched the people, and then searched the cars. They were scavengers. Bedouin’s who were trying to find materials to use or sell. They were allowed to have the military items but not weapons or components. I found several AK magazines and a few grenades. I separated the weapons from the rest.

I had rearmed. That is to say I had the M9 Beretta I used in searching bunkers. I signaled to the family that they could have the stuff in the large pile but not the stuff in the small pile. I stood by the small pile. I turned to ask a question of a friend and saw motion. One of the males was reaching for the military weapons pile. I pulled the pistol, there were grenades there. I aimed at his head. He froze. He stopped moving. I told him no in English and he backed off.

I didn’t shoot. I didn’t have to. A possible threat. But not certain. Later there was a mix up with the prisoners and I was holding forty or so at gunpoint. A M-16A2 rifle. Again a series of motions and again I held fire. It was not necessary to shoot.

I did shoot in Panama when we were engaged. I would have shot earlier if I had seen him with a weapon. I was trained to think and remain calm. Defusing booby traps while amped up on adrenaline is not a recipe for a long life. I shot in Iraq when I had a target that qualified. An enemy with a weapon.

So how is it my real life experience doesn’t match your fantasy? In both those cases I probably could have gotten away with shooting them. But it was not necessary. I know I will shoot. I’ve done it. I know I will not shoot. I have refrained.

I carry a pistol. I have a CCW. I go to bad sections of town from time to time. I don’t pull it. I am not afraid of black guys. Unlike you hero’s.

I grew up among other places in a rough neighborhood in California. We had gang bangers. I wasn’t afraid of them either. The first time I was shot at was in Cerritos California. I ducked.

It is why I have said many times. Guns don’t scare me. The fellow behind it may have my undivided attention. But the gun doesn’t scare me. I am more than 50 years old. But I had more sense thirty years ago when I thought I was ten feet tall and bulletproof than these idiots today wearing badges.

Let me ask you this. How many unarmed civilians are the equal to saving one cop? Is it ten? Can the cops kill ten unarmed people? Is it a hundred? How many must die every year because of cops who are terrified pussies at the drop of a hat? How many are too many? I bet you won’t answer.
As a conservative, I want these protests. The more the merrier....and I hope the protestors get violent. Shit like this weirds the fuck out of voters who then want no part of the DUMS bashing cops and supporting the scumbags. Most Americzns are not for the savages taking over towns and cities.

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